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Nocturnaliss [374805] [2003-03-23 05:26:45 +0000 UTC] "Follow me on other social media" (Belgium)

# Statistics

Favourites: 1073; Deviations: 209; Watchers: 106

Watching: 376; Pageviews: 30514; Comments Made: 6647; Friends: 376

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: Anyone who inspires an emotion.
Favorite movies: Way too many! Let's just say, I like psychological movies the most. And Dragonheart. A lot.
Favorite TV shows: American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, Big Bang Theory, Supernatural (guilty pleasure) - on the 'flix, You, Chilling adventures of Sabrina, 13 reasons why
Favorite bands / musical artists: Within Temptation
Favorite books: Dragonsbane quadrilogy, Long Earth sequence (except the last book)
Favorite games: Persona 5 claimed 186 hours of my life, and I have no regrets. Royal claimed just a little bit more.
Favorite gaming platform: PS4, Switch, PC
Tools of the Trade: Word 2016 for stories, Clip Studio Paint for digital art. Now and again paper and pencil, or aida and DMC threads.

# Social Links


# Comments

Comments: 430

Nocturnaliss In reply to ??? [2017-02-28 18:08:00 +0000 UTC]

I know the feeling XD no rush. Just... don't take six months to respond. <<

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Tuntalm In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-02-28 18:19:48 +0000 UTC]

I've never done such a thing. 


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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tuntalm [2017-03-01 11:16:12 +0000 UTC]

Well, no, since you didn't reply at all... << >> <<

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Lishao In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-03-19 05:00:11 +0000 UTC]




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Nocturnaliss In reply to Lishao [2017-03-19 15:22:46 +0000 UTC]

I read this comment over a few times... and it's so random and hilarious that I keep laughing. XD

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Lishao In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-03-20 02:55:25 +0000 UTC]


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Tuntalm In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-03-01 19:13:43 +0000 UTC]

Fair enough

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Fura-Falevan In reply to ??? [2017-01-31 15:27:50 +0000 UTC]

Hey je ne suis pas encore passée pour te le dire, mais merci pour le watch \o/

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Fura-Falevan [2017-01-31 15:34:49 +0000 UTC]

Haha no problem XD j'aime bien suivre les membres de DPSchool que je trouve sur DA, et en plus t'as de chouettes créas, donc je suis curieuse de voir ton évolution! ^^

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Fura-Falevan In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-01-31 15:36:53 +0000 UTC]

Eheh merki *^^*

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Tuntalm In reply to ??? [2017-01-27 11:43:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for joining RandomBrains !
I am very happy to welcome you on board, and I hope you're going to enjoy yourself with us !

# Please read the rules and the Creating Process guidelines before submitting, to make sure you don't forget anything !
# You can introduce yourself here , or visit our other projects directly via the home page of the group !

If you have any question or suggestion, send us a note !

Have a lovely day

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tuntalm [2017-01-27 11:44:26 +0000 UTC]


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Tuntalm In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-01-27 11:45:49 +0000 UTC]

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Tevo77777 In reply to ??? [2017-01-02 15:07:40 +0000 UTC]

We still good?

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2017-01-02 15:08:57 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, holidays, been sick... Yes we are. No worries. Just haven't read your message yet.

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-01-02 15:11:12 +0000 UTC]

Didn't mean to be pushy, I was just making sure.

I get paranoid sometimes.

Hope you get better. *Hugs* I'll send some prayers your way if that's okay with you. 

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2017-01-02 15:14:21 +0000 UTC]

*hugs* nah I understand, I've been silent for a while. No harm in making sure! And thank you, I do appreciate the prayers I'm quite on the betterhand now, just have basically no voice. Couple more days and I'll get back to normal life ^^

And happy 2017! Hope it'll be a good year for you

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-01-02 15:20:32 +0000 UTC]

I was walking on air 30 minutes ago after staying up all night experiencing something amazing. 

Then I saw the person got away with her crime of blocking me after never delivering the fucking commission. 

So now I'm more angry, but still in somewhat high spirits. 

What are you sick with? Sound fucking terrible. 

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2017-01-02 15:30:13 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry to hear the person got away with it :/ I don't even understand how that's possible. If they take money without delivering promised goods, is it theft or fraud?

I think I got a pharyngitis, but I'm not sure. Definitely not a cold, nor a flu. It attacked my throat, which was highly painful Saturday. Couldn't swallow without intense pain. Had sudden moments of fever too, I think. Now my voice is just gone. I think it'll take a couple more days (and full nights' sleep) for me to fully recover, but hey. I was functional enough to enjoy most of New Year's Eve, so I can't complain too much.

What's this amazing thing you experienced?

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-01-02 15:36:36 +0000 UTC]

I played through all of Shadowrun Returns and a fanmade addon.

Hours before I made up with my ummmm soul-mate? 

You sound freakishly sick and to think I was flying and/or drinking after Christmas. The airport had so many nice people, it was fucking scary.  I got to see my siblings and lately I have been just resting, watching "Person of Interest". 

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2017-01-02 15:41:56 +0000 UTC]

Ah I don't know that game. I expect you enjoyed it though

Ohh okay! Well that's surely a good thing ^^

Yeah, I don't often get this sick. Been a few years. Guess it's gotta happen sometimes. Sounds like you had a great christmas and new year though, that's good to hear!

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-01-02 15:45:58 +0000 UTC]

 Okay, I am going to turn in now. My sister has a birthday tomarrow and I need to get my sleep schedule in place for whatever shift work I am going to end up doing. 

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2017-01-03 16:03:27 +0000 UTC]

Hope all went well

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2017-01-04 04:16:27 +0000 UTC]

I had wings and generally had a very good time. 

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Sarkhazm In reply to ??? [2016-12-26 10:54:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the fav and watch *-*

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Sarkhazm [2016-12-26 11:47:03 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome! And thank you for the watch make many more creepies

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Sarkhazm In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-12-26 13:17:32 +0000 UTC]

Np , ok ^^ :3

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Tevo77777 In reply to ??? [2016-12-17 07:47:07 +0000 UTC]

There was some hard feelings before, but considering I realized one of the people in the PC community took my money and then blocked me........

I seriously just realized this a week ago, must have been blocked anywhere from two weeks ago to two months ago.

Seriously, this happened.

So as far as I am concerned, I'm sorry for getting mad and I'm sorry for any bad blood.

I'm an admin in  so I was reminded of you and my need to apologize.

Carry on. 

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2016-12-19 14:14:04 +0000 UTC]

Wait, do you mean someone from the group? If so, you should really tell the founder about it. Also, sorry to hear about that :/ wtf is wrong with people.

Don't worry about it, but thank you just glad to know you don't hate me or anything.

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-12-20 00:41:23 +0000 UTC]

*Hugs awkwardly*

Did you see the message, where I mentioned your name?

Um, did you think I did? 

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2016-12-20 09:15:33 +0000 UTC]

Did you mention me in a pm? If so, I can't see it, those are private. If it was a comment or a post: no, I didn't. 

Well, yeah. At the very least upset. 

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-12-20 10:26:11 +0000 UTC]

Check the founder's page then.

Apparently I shouldn't have said anything to them, but oh well.

I filed a form for the site and now I just wait to see if anything happened. 

I was pretty upset, because writing has been this long journey and it just seems to go nowhere. Nothing I make appeases anyone. 

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2016-12-20 10:37:19 +0000 UTC]

I did, and I don't see a comment of yours anywhere. We are talking about the founder of ProjectComment, right? I assumed that's what you meant with PC. Little bit lost.

I'm sorry for upsetting you I hope you know that wasn't the point. I stopped responding eventually because I was upset as well. I'd spent hours on my comments, and it sounded like they were not only unwelcome, but that you dismissed everything I'd said. Thing is, I do think you are a talented writer... all that I personally think you are missing is how to present your headworlds. Writing is a long, arduous journey, and I know that all too well. In the end, you write for yourself, so what you make has to appease you, first of all. It's just plus points if others enjoy your works.

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-12-20 14:22:52 +0000 UTC]


I was upset that it didn't come easy to you, that you had to struggle to understand and that you read on even as what you read displeased you. It wasn't healthy and it wasn't rational.

In writing there are parts that I choose and there are parts that are like amber, sap having dried over some insect or the like. A few sentences, a base concept, a certain pacing. 

And deviating from that too much makes it unreadable. The essence, the meaning, the point is gone. The connection to the people who I learned from, from the greats I studied, it's lost.

And when that is doesn't happen, I am furious about feedback. There are so many things I take for granted, but I had never thought a fireplace or access to fire would be one of them.

When did this become "headworlds", what kind of place of creative backwardness must we live in that "OC" is a term people use in common language?

Shouldn't most characters one writes about be there own? 

And why is there "head-canon"?

I found people who read the same books I had read, knew the same ideals, but they can't read what I write. They didn't choose to read the books and thus they don't get the references.

So here I am, having quoted books people are made to read in school, that no one remembers.

So yes, I took all my recent writing and I locked it up. I stopped writing for the most part, because why do the work of writing if no one likes it? Why not just memorize the story and move on?

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2016-12-20 15:45:32 +0000 UTC]

Ahh you hid the comment, that's why I didn't see it. The good thing is that she explained to you what you had to do. I honestly wouldn't have known, either.

What I read didn't displease me; I just didn't understand everything, and didn't find a clear point of view to take me through the story. This made the story difficult to read, but the idea behind it is interesting.

I understand wanting to stick to your guns, especially since things appear so clear in your mind that you can't understand how it cannot be so to another. Clearly writing has a whole different meaning to you that I can't quite fathom; to me, writing is as much an expression of self, as it is a skill that needs constant improvement and refinement. This also means questioning my own works, analyzing them objectively, and more often than not altering them. It didn't sound to me like this was something you'd ever consider doing, which did make in my eyes the request for constructive feedback moot

I have no idea what you understand by 'headworld', but what I write about is my own headworld, its own characters, and everything related to it. I don't care about the pedantics of terms used by others.

It sounds to me like you have HUGE expectations from other people. And then you get disappointed/upset when they don't deliver. A good example is that these books you mention, for instance, I wouldn't have read (because not a native English speaker, different culture, different language in school). Yet, I get the feeling you'd expect me to know about these things nonetheless. Don't get offended, but I think that's exactly where you go wrong with your writings: you expect knowledge, instead of delivering it yourself. Making people think is good, but not giving them the tools to do so will result in your always being disappointed with others.

If, somewhere down the road, you can accept the fact people can't think like you, that they won't know what you do, then you'll sow the seed of getting people to read you (or, better yet, enjoying what you write). But if you refuse to even but slightly deviate from your course, then you'll figuratively drown at sea. Like I said: I find you a talented writer. I mean it. Just need to find a different way to deliver your mental images that both fit the theme/character voice and engage the reader. 

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Tevo77777 In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-12-21 00:02:38 +0000 UTC]

"I think that's, globally, what I like the least about this story: I don't quite grasp its purpose. Is it to set the scene, set the characters, and/or pave the way to chapter 1? Is the narrator the true narrator, or is there something else? Who/what is defining the scene and setting? Who wants to make note of all these details that the characters don't always seem to be aware of?"

"I'm asking questions, but they have little to do with content. I'll have to be honest with you, but reading this has not made me want to read further."

You really didn't enjoy yourself and you had a hard time understanding the story. Not wanting to read more, is not liking it.

Which is why when I ask people "Where the hell is the rest of it"? It means it was good. 

You were not happy and so I was not happy. 

I actually have very very low expectations for people, all I expect from them is to remember what they read and recognize it. I don't expect them to understand the meaning of what they read, but to remember what they were told the meaning was in high school, when they read the books that I take my ques from.

Most writers who are any good, reference earlier works that at the time everyone had read. This is why literature is filled with references to the Bible, Greek Fables, Shakespeare, and children books. I keep finding solid data that says reading and understanding is at an all time high, that it's only growing faster and faster, but I don't see that in my reader base and it's hard to find in other writers.

The issue is that people don't think like me, and I can barely think effectively at all. Most of my thoughts are just drowned out in how miserable I am, surely other people should be much smarter and cleverer then I am.

I can't speak any other languages, and all of the things writers got away with for thousands of years, I can't even attempt a little.

Other writers could make up words, never explain them, and have them be instantly understood. I can't even use popular slang or incredibly common expressions without people being infuriatingly confused.

So I quit, because it would be stupid not too. There is a double standard for my work, it's cursed to never be understood, while terrible writers who don't know how arms or legs work make millions.

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tevo77777 [2016-12-21 09:44:21 +0000 UTC]

I don't function in black and white, though. And as I said previously: I found the idea behind it interesting. It's the delivery that was the issue for me. Which is a huge shame because it felt like there would be a worthwhile story behind it. What I was not happy about was your response to my help rather than the story itself. In all honesty, I'm not happy with your current response, either. Why? Because we're heading the exact same way we did, where we upset one another, and ultimately no progress is done. If you want to interpret my words? Fine. But don't throw them at me and expect you understand my deeper reasonings. I liked the story; I did not like the delivery. Just like you can enjoy good chocolate and really hate the wrapper it came in (and no, this does not mean I hated your story).

You have huge expectations of people. You expected me, for instance, to understand the campfire scene and how one character's legs were placed in regards to it because you expected me to have ever gone camping and thus know, through memory/experience, how these legs should logically be placed. You even say yourself you expect people to remember books they may (or may not!) have read - but you expect that, because you did in a similar situation/environment (here high school), that they must have as well. You have huge expectations - and, at the same time, what seems like a very narrow vision of what writing is/can be all about.

I'm sure people who reference earlier works can be good. People who don't reference can be good, as well. The difference will be the ease of assimilation - it's easier to relate to works that speak to us as humans, than complete works of fiction (even Harry Potter has many references, and they are good books). So those who use no (obvious) references are automatically bad writers? I don't feel like a bad writer - not that you pointed me out, but I categorize myself in the non-(obvious)-referencer category. Referencing previous works is only part of how to potentially make your audience feel engaged. 
However, I agree with you: the fact you don't think like others can be, and obviously is an issue. This issue shows in the lack of understanding between readers and your works, and readers and you. I personally don't feel you're open to another's opinion, or to the possibility that you may be wrong in any way. You function as you function, know what you know, everything is defined in black and white, and that is that - impregnable fortress. That said: intelligent people suffer from negative feelings. People who would be 'smarter' than you, may well have even more issues. Again, this can't be calculated in black or white.

Instead of feeling like you're misunderstood and that people suck and should not get the recognition that you, yourself, are incapable of obtaining, you should try and open yourself to the possibility that you're doing something wrong. Analyze others' works. Analyze your own. This arrogance, whether truly felt or merely a byproduct of wordchoice, is your own works' downfall. If you're not open to understanding others, why should they even try and understand you?

Also, I'm not going to reply further. I don't want to get angry at you, nor do I want you to get (any more) angry at me. If you have anything further to say, pm me. But this thread is closed.

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AKA-38CAUTION In reply to ??? [2016-12-07 11:53:58 +0000 UTC]

hey, congratulations of being winner of ProjectComment

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Nocturnaliss In reply to AKA-38CAUTION [2016-12-07 12:20:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^

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AKA-38CAUTION In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-12-07 21:06:04 +0000 UTC]


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craftsbyblue In reply to ??? [2016-12-03 00:37:46 +0000 UTC]

Congrats on the ProjectComment award!!

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Nocturnaliss In reply to craftsbyblue [2016-12-06 10:07:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! That is so awesome. So awesome.  

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craftsbyblue In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-12-07 00:59:20 +0000 UTC]

You are welcome !

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fireytika In reply to ??? [2016-11-26 06:39:22 +0000 UTC]

Hellooo~ Happy birthday! Wish you all the best ^^

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Nocturnaliss In reply to fireytika [2016-11-28 09:47:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^^

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Tuntalm In reply to ??? [2016-11-25 20:33:57 +0000 UTC]

JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE !!!! Oooooh mon dieu je ne suis pas en retard ! Une première !

Alors alors alors... Ca fait quoi d'avoir un an de plus ?

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tuntalm [2016-11-28 09:49:32 +0000 UTC]

Ah c'est sûr que j'ai pas l'habitude XD merci!

Bah... On se sent vieux. XD

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Tuntalm In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-11-28 17:11:22 +0000 UTC]

C'est quoi ce sarcasme ?

Aaah. Et c'est une bonne ou une mauvaise chose ?

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Nocturnaliss In reply to Tuntalm [2016-11-28 17:15:37 +0000 UTC]

De l'appréciation voilée

Bah. Je sais pas. Juste que je me retrouve dans la tranche d'âge 36-40 au lieu de 31-35. XD tu te rends compte que tu vieillis, numériquement parlant, alors que le cerveau il dit 'c'est quoi ce binz, on en est qu'à 25!'. XD donc voilà. C'est une... chose, immuable techniquement parlant. Que veux-tu que je te dise XD

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Tuntalm In reply to Nocturnaliss [2016-11-28 17:25:02 +0000 UTC]

C'est fâcheux de voiler de l'appréciation.

Ooooh le joli décalage entre âge chronologique et âge psychologique. C'est beau à voir. 
A mon tour de faire du sarcasme !

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