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| DanteWayne
# Statistics
Favourites: 123; Deviations: 771; Watchers: 22
Watching: 12; Pageviews: 4375; Comments Made: 24; Friends: 12
# Interests
Favorite movies: Star wars saga, DC movies, speed racer,Favorite TV shows: Highlander, Doctor Who, Devil May Cry the animated series, DC's live action series and animated and anime
Favorite bands / musical artists: Amduscia, Blutengel, Chaotic Rave System, Client, Descartes a Kant, Device Noize, E nomine, Electrovot, Hocico, Icon of Coil, Kraftwerk, Lucifer Christ, Megadeth, Nachtmahr, Rammstein, Say Just Words, Scooter, Shiny Toy Guns, Silencer, Solitary Experiment
Favorite books: La divina comedia, El lazarillo de tormes, Coraline
Favorite games: Alice Madness Returns, Batman Arkham trilogy, catherine, dante's infierno, Devil May Cry Saga, Jack and Daxter trilogy, Mirro's Edge, Need for speed saga, Half life 1 & 2, Portal 1 & 2
Favorite gaming platform: PlayStation & PC
Tools of the Trade: PC, Rasberry pi, arduino, sony vegas, Multi IDE's programs, windows movie maker.
Other Interests: Parkour, Running, underground
# About me
Ingeniero, programador, desarrollador de sofware, traceur, DJ y Doctor...SeΓ±or del Tiempo
Ingeniero en Ciencias Computacionales y Telecomunicaciones
Como programador y desarrollador me enfoco mas java, andorid, ios, php, sql, pyhton y arduino.
Soy tambien un SeΓ±or del Tiempo
Practico parkour y atletismo
Engineer, programmer, software developer, traceur, DJ and Doctor...Time Lord
Engineer in Computer Science and Telecommunications
As a programmer and developer I focus more java, andorid, ios, php, sql, pyhton and arduino.
also I'm a Time Lord
I practice parkour and athletics
# Comments
Comments: 7
CrystalConfection [2024-10-04 18:31:28 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
PixelHorizons [2024-01-27 02:13:26 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
ConceivingaDream [2023-08-05 05:14:02 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
vw1956 [2020-05-21 07:32:37 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
DanteWayne In reply to V-kony [2018-05-20 06:14:42 +0000 UTC]
Of nothing n.n
Keep up the good work you have done until now
π: 0 β©: 0