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| Jooood
# Statistics
Favourites: 1648; Deviations: 92; Watchers: 99
Watching: 53; Pageviews: 14671; Comments Made: 1117; Friends: 53
# About me
I'm painting mainly for fun, teaching myself and learning new things as I go along. I would really like to improve so I'd appreciate any honest feedback - even if it's bad. I'm pretty hard on myself when it comes to my artwork so chances are I already agree with you, haha.
For anyone who happens to stumble onto my page, thanks for looking.
# Comments
Comments: 28
pacman121 [2014-03-06 16:41:43 +0000 UTC]
check out Dominik Eulberg & Gabriel Ananda's album Friend Of All That Lives, released a few days ago. only two tracks but it's good stuff for spring. here's one of the tracks:
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Renum63 [2013-12-16 08:53:48 +0000 UTC]
Hi, I´d say there is nothing much to criticize in your painting, your technique is solid enough for most tasks in the field of art. But one advice I would like to give is that don´t use other peoples photos as reference, the dA is full of copied images and it´s not very interesting. What makes art interesting is not (only) how you paint but what you paint and why. Personality is the key to artwork to become popular. You can learn a lot by watching any one´s art, so do that, but try to develop your own style in arranging your compositions. And what is even more important, use your own reference material. If you just want to practice, you can pick anything you have around you and make a still life of it. If you want to paint portraits, use people you know as models. You and your life and the life you see around you is the interesting thing, so that should be your choice of theme and motifs. You probably have a camera of some sort so use it, quality is not everything (even if it does help), random snapshots are often enough.
Of course you might like to illustrate other things (fantasy etc.) too and by all means, but even then try to create your own image starting from the idea.
Copied stuff will never have any value as artwork even if the technique was excellent, but the simplest piece made only for practice will be important as documentation of your development as a person and an artist, and thus real art, if it really is your own creation. You can always get inspiration from, let´s say, old masters work, or any art you like, we are not alone in this world, but try to see deeper than the surface of the painting you are looking at.
This is naturally my own opinion, but I have been in the business for a long time and made all the possible mistakes, and I wish someone would have said this to me in time.
Keep on painting, an learning!
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Jooood In reply to Renum63 [2013-12-17 17:58:53 +0000 UTC]
That is great advice, thanks a lot! I agree, you should always strive to develop your own style – something I’m still trying to do. I look at my favorite artists and learn how they approach a painting, but I never try to copy them. I try to apply new techniques to my style. I’m slowly working my way towards more interesting art...I don’t have as much time as I would like to devote to painting. Most of my work lacks personality, but I think that’s because of my confidence problem. I think I’m afraid to use my imagination because I might fail at it, i.e. I don’t have enough knowledge to paint a face or a figure from my head. That’s why I do so many studies for practice, practice and more practice. True, I could do better with using my own references, but time can be an issue. Your work is really good and I hope to achieve that level someday.
As for painting other people’s photos, I only use stock that artists encourage people to use for studies. I don’t intend to sell those paintings or exhibit them outside of DA – they are purely for practice. I don’t know too many people who are readily available to do even quick modeling for me, which is why I use that stock. I certainly learn a lot from them.
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Renum63 In reply to Jooood [2013-12-18 12:42:04 +0000 UTC]
You´re welcome.
Of course there is no definitive rules how you should make art and by what methods. Doing one thing doesn´t rule out others. You can use other people´s pictures if you wan´t but I think you would gain a lot by creating your own stock of reference images, it really isn´t that hard, and it can be fun too. And what´s more, it will definitely help you to build up your confidence as an aspiring artist, being able to think that your paintings are totally your creations. I don´t mean that you should paint from your head, that does´t work if you want to paint realistically, you absolutely need a model, but it can be almost anything, and anyone. I often "torture" my family members by snapping pictures of them, it only takes a second, and I´m sure that many of your friends would be flattered if you wanted to take a photo of them in order to paint their portrait, and if there was no one other around you, there is always you! You don´t have to search for picturesque landscapes or extraordinary interiors to make great art, you surroundings and daily life is more important and interesting as motifs for your paintings. That is exactly what the old masters did, just look at, for example, Sargent´s or Mary Cassatt´s work. Taking photos will also help you to understand the importance of composition, a more important thing than perfect painting technique. Just try different angles and lighting solutions. Doing this will develop your skills and be of help whether you decide to do fantasy art or fan art or sci-fi illustrations or simply paint what you see.
As a viewer, the problem with drawings and paintings done after other than the artist´s own photos (or photos taken especially for the artist), is that I get the feeling that I should fave the original photo rather than the artwork I´m looking at. And in many cases (like your´s) it´s obvious that the artist in question is fully capable of creating genuine art of his or her own. There is situations when you don´t have access to a certain kind of scenery or detail, it happens to me often when I making illustrations, in that case there is no other possibility than using photos where ever you can find suitable ones, but that is an other matter.
Don´t be too worried about lacking personality, you have it, just let it show. Just paint. Think more of what you want to tell people through your paintings, simple things, big things, don´t make it a problem. It´s not always easy to be an artist at any level, sometimes your work make you happy, sometimes not, that´s how life is in general. Being afraid of failure is normal for most people and it doesn´t make you a bad artist, probably the opposite.
And hey, this is not criticism of your work, this is meant to be an encouragement for you (and for others who might read this) to find new ways of expressing your self through painting. So good luck, I will be checking out your gallery every once and while.
And thanks for the faves by the way!
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LidiaVives [2013-09-25 20:07:13 +0000 UTC]
thx for the fav!! <3
if you like my work you can follow me on facebook: www.facebook.com/lidiavivespho…
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Jooood In reply to LidiaVives [2013-09-25 20:17:23 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome. I don't have Facebook, but I'd totally follow if I did.
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opeyuvadown [2013-05-21 05:05:40 +0000 UTC]
Your stuff is awesome! If you haven't already, please consider uploading any fan art you may have to our fan art site, Fan Art International: [link]
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opeyuvadown In reply to Jooood [2013-05-21 20:54:32 +0000 UTC]
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theThirdCartel [2013-02-12 01:02:47 +0000 UTC]
Your gallery is disgustingly impressive, especially since you're teaching yourself. What resources are you using?
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Jooood In reply to theThirdCartel [2013-02-13 01:48:36 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. As far as resources go, pretty much just DA. I learn new techniques by looking at works by my favorite artists and then I apply those techniques towards developing my own unique style...which I'm still trying to discover.
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MelancholicDrips [2012-10-21 15:54:56 +0000 UTC]
I just finished going through your entire gallery... your work is so stunning, so impressive! The portraits, the anatomy, the landscapes... really lots of respect to you!
Really can't wait to see more!! Keep up the amazing work.
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Jooood In reply to MelancholicDrips [2012-10-21 16:37:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the encouragement and massive fav bomb, I appreciate it.
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MelancholicDrips In reply to Jooood [2012-10-22 01:07:10 +0000 UTC]
It's a pleasure! Eheh, yes, sorry about spamming your inbox like that... ;;
Incredible work though, really!!
And I believe that every amazing artist should be encouraged You deserve all the praise - and well so much more
(It's a trick to keep you guys happy and producing more art ) Hahaha
But in all seriousness I am really so happy to have found you. Gorgeous work.
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jvel4073 [2012-09-03 01:47:19 +0000 UTC]
Just Amazing Gallery You Have. I'm Impressed my friend.
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Jooood In reply to jvel4073 [2012-09-03 15:14:34 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, and thanks for the fav, watch and llama, I appreciate it.
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moonlitmontage [2012-07-15 09:29:30 +0000 UTC]
Wow, what an amazing gallery. You have a fantastic use of color and value, I absolutely love all of your work. Welcome to DA!
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Jooood In reply to moonlitmontage [2012-07-15 14:16:40 +0000 UTC]
Wow, thank you. There's still so much I want to learn.
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Jooood In reply to serafleur [2012-07-12 01:05:52 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I'm almost done uploading my "older" stuff. And thanks for the llama! Is it proper etiquette to receive a llama - give a llama?
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serafleur In reply to Jooood [2012-07-12 01:11:56 +0000 UTC]
I'm looking forward to it! Well, I think it's just a casual giving (if someone appreciates your works, they'll give you llama), and a llama badge comes with levels. If you receive a 50+ llama badges, your llama will become white. If you receive as much as 5000+, I think your llama will have a crown with a cape on it. For me, I gave you llama for a "Welcome to dA" gift
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Jooood In reply to serafleur [2012-07-12 02:06:53 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I see. Sweet, I wanna llama with a cape. Thanks for the watch, too!
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memod [2012-06-03 10:57:24 +0000 UTC]
Heya =] Thanks a lot and welcome to deviantArt! Hope you'll enjoy your stay
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