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| Nazikiller101

Nazikiller101 ♂️ [7962386] [2008-08-01 17:38:36 +0000 UTC] "Schwartz Goldberg" (Israel)

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Watching: 0; Pageviews: 2135; Comments Made: 34; Friends: 0

# Comments

Comments: 32

Khan-Krum [2009-03-17 19:26:03 +0000 UTC]

Hell yeah if you are a troll you are an epic winner. 330 Pageviews 30+ hatefull comments. If you are really antifacist it's even cooler. DA's nazi posers cry like Bomber Harris is back from Heavens.

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Objecht [2008-11-27 08:28:25 +0000 UTC]

You know what's interesting?

People who happen to believe in Nazi principles and choose to associate with or call themselves Nazis or other similar names are of a small faction of the population of the Earth.

These people get such harsh treatment for believing what they believe and being who they are. They are of a minority sect and endure a harsh reputation throughout much of mainstream society.

So to call yourself "Nazi Killer," you are really pitting yourself against the ways and beliefs of a minority group of people. I see no difference if someone wants to call themself a "Jew Killer" or a "Black Killer" or a "Gay Killer," which the mainstream bandwagon would all consider "wrong" and "hate-fueled."

You impress no one by jumping on the anti-Nazi bandwagon. You are just another sheep in the 99% flock of the world and your thoughts and beliefs are not unique or heroic.

You are processed to hate anything that is associated with Nazism and you are nothing but a sad conformist loser saying what you can as long as it's "safe."

So pick on someone you're own fucking size, bitchoff.

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ThaddeusQuay In reply to Objecht [2009-05-23 12:09:48 +0000 UTC]

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Objecht In reply to ThaddeusQuay [2009-05-27 07:41:24 +0000 UTC]

It's because the jew-media in Hollywood makes movies that depict nazis as bad.

Hollywood is the shepherd.
The American public is the sheep.
Their movies (Shindler's List, for example) are the grass that they feed to the sheep.

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Violeta123321 [2008-10-03 21:39:31 +0000 UTC]

If you hate nazis you're only lowering yourself to their level.

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Objecht In reply to Violeta123321 [2009-05-27 07:47:42 +0000 UTC]


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Violeta123321 In reply to Objecht [2009-05-28 11:27:29 +0000 UTC]


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Objecht In reply to Violeta123321 [2009-05-31 18:19:30 +0000 UTC]


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Violeta123321 In reply to Objecht [2009-06-01 01:42:47 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I read your other comment. Thanks for sticking up for people who are misstreated. Everyone diserves to live their life without harsh words and judgement.

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Objecht In reply to Violeta123321 [2009-06-01 11:31:57 +0000 UTC]

No prob.

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Abel8658 [2008-08-11 23:24:41 +0000 UTC]

I would like to mention that the swatika in fact was originally a symbol of life and of longevity from, i beleive, China.
So leave those alone who do not in fact beleive in what Hitler did. Even if I do or don't isn't your business and I would rather you had some knowledge on what the symbol originally stands for and that not everything is perverted by what others use it for.

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SolidSake In reply to Abel8658 [2008-08-14 14:40:02 +0000 UTC]

it's not a chinese symbol, I heard it's originally a hindu symbol, which got very popular, even in russian cultures... or something like that.

Unfortunately Hitler was abusing the symbol in the 1930's, that's why many people still associate it with what happened back then.

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Abel8658 In reply to SolidSake [2008-08-25 03:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the info
I knew it was from somwhere in the asian region.
I was right in what it stood for? just checking.
It is a very beautiful symbol and I will still portray it displaying both sides of the coin: good and bad. Hopefullym people will stop being idiots about things and look at both sides before condemning others for their beliefs, be those good or bad.

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SolidSake In reply to Abel8658 [2008-08-25 16:50:42 +0000 UTC]

The word itself is sanskrit, a hindu language, and is a composition of the syllables su- ("good") and asti ("to be").
There are many variations of the svastika symbol, and the meanings of it vary too. That also depends on the location, like the indian svastika has a different meaning than the chinese one. (India: if the hooks are right, it's a symbol of death, if those are left, it's a symbol of life; China: "eternity" as character, "long life" as symbol)

I suggest to have a look on wikipedia, there's an interesting article about it.

I don't think the svastika is a symbol of evil or something like that. It's rather a victim of propaganda and ignorance.

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Objecht In reply to SolidSake [2009-05-27 07:46:56 +0000 UTC]

The place in Central Asia known as Arya was thought of as the place where mankind emerged and somehow migrated from there to Germany (which Hitler made up).

They adopted the swastika from the Hindu area to represent the "reemergence of the original master race with untainted bloodlines" of sorts or something like that, or, you know, the Third Reich.

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EspaniaBerserk [2008-08-08 18:34:13 +0000 UTC]

hey hey! I like your name ^_°
And I see, some stupid pitiful nazis wrote you. Dont be worry. I mean, if my parents would be sister and brother, I would be angry too xD
Fucking nazis! I come from germany I hit them the shit of his heads xD
stand for the right attitude

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Objecht In reply to EspaniaBerserk [2009-05-27 07:43:32 +0000 UTC]

Nazis parents aren't brother and sister.

You type-caste nazis as being incestuous much like nazis type-casted Jews as doing things too which may have not been true, so between you and a Nazi, I see no difference.

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EspaniaBerserk In reply to Objecht [2009-07-06 19:22:46 +0000 UTC]

Sorry that I answer so late, but I was very busied.
It doesnt matter what you say, you cant persuade me that Nazis are mentally healthy people. A human who thinks the idea of hitler was good, cant be a human with an IQ over 80.

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Objecht In reply to EspaniaBerserk [2009-07-07 01:21:19 +0000 UTC]

Technically, a person with an IQ over 80 can be a fan of Hitler's.

For the sake of argument, Intelligence quotient is not related to political opinion.

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EspaniaBerserk In reply to Objecht [2009-07-07 03:34:16 +0000 UTC]

I cant imagine. To be a fan of hitler is something what I equate with a mental retardation. I mean, who can support somebody who killed millions of innocent people? And he did it with cruel kinds of killing. So now you want to tell me a guy who likes something like this is mentally healthy? I could piss myself for laughing! Such a guy is nothing more than a sheep which follows something what he heard. With being a human it has nothing more to do. Nazis arent humans. Nazis are the pest, an ant nuisance, the rest of the white stuff which is in my mouth if I am thirsty, nazis are this what you find under your shoe if you go threw a dog park.
If you want to be a Nazi then I have a plan for it:
Behave like a gorilla, get fired because of it and accuse the others for it. Then you are a stereotype of a middle aged Nazi. If you want to be a young nazi, be too lazy to think and get bad grades. Then you can accuse the others for it and voir la. You are a young Nazi. (ps: Behaving like a gorilla is typical for all kinds of Nazis. Scientists suspect the evolution split in two kinds of creatures. The human and the ape. The nazi is between the human and the gorilla)
And please, dont diskuss with me about this. I talked with soooo many Nazis and nobody was able to explain me the advantages of their intentions. Their existence has no reason. Their attitude has no reason. The whole idea has no reason. Because of this Nazis are senseless.

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Objecht In reply to EspaniaBerserk [2009-07-08 19:05:12 +0000 UTC]

You're from Germany (deutschland) and you're ashamed about your country's history from 1930 - 1945, that's why you feel so strongly and say what you do.

Is this true?

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EspaniaBerserk In reply to Objecht [2009-07-16 17:53:29 +0000 UTC]

Dude, I am against the Nazi time because it was a time where the rights of a human doesnt count. An idiot leaded so many people in a war without a reason. Millions and more Millions of people died without any reason. And the motivation of this war is more than just stupid. And everyone who support this idea or this kind of thinking is nothing more than a piece of crap. Because no healthy human could support that. The human mind is just too developed. So I came to the point a human cant be stupid enough to support something like that. And thats the reason why Nazis arent humans. They are just weak little rats who has no own mind.
Ps: I live in germany but I hate this country. I am from spain and proud of my country. And my country is not germany. My nation is spain. And the germans should be ashamed for the rest of the live of the germany future. This crime on the humanity is just too cruel to be forget. The country has to bleed for it. I dont care when the people today arent guilty for the faults of the past.

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Sephira-san [2008-08-06 19:22:56 +0000 UTC]

No, flaco. La verdad que no.

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nothingunusual [2008-08-06 11:41:54 +0000 UTC]

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Miniskirt [2008-08-04 08:35:27 +0000 UTC]

Real mature. I just face palm'd IRL.

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Nazzirithe [2008-08-04 03:09:39 +0000 UTC]

hey do you really live in israel? recently ive been really wanting to go there, it seems so interesting. all of my relatives have gone there exept me. =[

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Luftwaffles [2008-08-02 02:54:26 +0000 UTC]

You know what's cute? You're gonna get banned for harassment, and I'm gonna continue to draw National-Socialist portraits.

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Nazikiller101 In reply to Luftwaffles [2008-08-02 06:10:37 +0000 UTC]

Like i care about this account, you know what else is funny? that you're going to hell and im not

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Luftwaffles In reply to Nazikiller101 [2008-08-03 14:08:45 +0000 UTC]

To be sent to a hell, I'd first have to believe in one.

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YevgenyBorisovitch [2008-08-01 21:23:40 +0000 UTC]

can you imagine that, a guy claiming to be a nazi killer, stabbing people around without any proof or process or anything, only by pure hate and vengeance and thinking he'll get admiration of his friends loool

101 is a law for the protection of the french language. there has been a lot of complains about it, some find its like an fascist law against foreigners. you have 101 in your name. NAZI!!!

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YevgenyBorisovitch In reply to YevgenyBorisovitch [2008-08-01 21:24:42 +0000 UTC]


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nihilSS [2008-08-01 20:21:14 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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Amirparva In reply to nihilSS [2008-08-30 09:05:59 +0000 UTC]

I do Agree

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