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| Shadow-o-Rabby
# Statistics
Favourites: 464; Deviations: 25; Watchers: 32
Watching: 40; Pageviews: 7239; Comments Made: 1894; Friends: 40
# Interests
Favorite movies: BaltoTools of the Trade: Pencils
Other Interests: Writing, Drawing, Scroll Saw, and more
# About me
I am a idiotist. (It's like racist, and sexist, only we hate idiots instead.)
Fiction is my calling. Many of my workes have a home here on Da, but hopefully it can by my profession.
Mom and Dad don’t think I can make a living at it. I doubt it myself, but I can’t know if I don’t try.
Long ago as a young incent child I remember being read Solomon’s story when Jehovah asked him what he wanted for his kingship. Wisdom was his answer. Jehovah was impressed with this and granted him all things he could have asked for.
I knew that from my family line I wasn’t likely to receive any talent. So, as the young incent child I asked for one thing. One talent that I could fallow to a job that I could use in his will. For now and in the life after this one.
Now I have many gifts. I am a strong student formally Valedictorian. I have a gift of easy self-expression through words and understanding in the processes of drawing and that is the basis of all recognizable art.
I don't mean to single anyone out, but as a warning to the people that his may affect. If you are gay I will not treat you any differently than anyone else. But I will not watch Homosexuals If I know about it. Homosexuality according to the way I define the word is, someone that Chooses to have sex with someone who is the same gender as they are. Of course, you can be gay and not a homosexual if you choose to abstain from sex. This is purely a distinction of choice, nothing more.
I am not tolerant of profanity. There is no need to curse in artist comments and journals. If you feel the need to express yourself that way, I may not wish to watch you.
(Please comment if you want to know more or discuss these matters. I only bring this up to keep from offending anyone that I talk to. I wanted to be straight forward and did not intend to be rude in this message or any earlier drafts. I only want to warn people that I have a strong opinion and that being friends with me, may not be advisable.)
"I LOVE pencils
it works for me" 8)
See my other account for commission info but please contact this account. RabbyoSaberwolves
Proud member of #PremiumContent
*D* put this
*R* on your
*E* page if you
*A* prefer your
*M* imagination
*S* over reality
……….....OO&OO……………’…………………………..’………… ..OO&OO……
“Writing as a means of Discovery – A way to learn about the subject, trying out ideas and information they have collected, exploring connection and implications, and reviewing what they have written in order to expand and develop their ideas.” - Concise Guide to Writing
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# Comments
Comments: 199
FenrisxWolf [2015-01-01 13:12:58 +0000 UTC]
Happy New Year!!!!!
I hope this year brings you much joy and happiness, and keeps you safe and healthy ^w^
I hope that your life and dreams stay bright in their journey ahead
All the best for 2015!! Take care, lots of Love <3
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to harpxer [2017-12-28 19:11:04 +0000 UTC]
I do, but mostly on Tumblr right now. I would love to if you’re up to it?
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to harpxer [2014-12-20 18:48:03 +0000 UTC]
I do but I haven't found a very good site for it yet. I end up forgeting to check messages.
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-08 04:15:29 +0000 UTC]
*Correction According to the definition of Homophobic: "prejudiced against homosexual people" - google Some may consider me Homophobic.
I am NOT prejudiced against them. I find them disgusting. But I do not distrust them or dislike them as people. That distinction is up to each individual.
Some people may consider me Homophobic because I find sex outside a traditional marriage disgusting and further sex among the same gender disgusting. That is not the definition of Homophobic however.
If you find the later to still be a valid definition of Homophobic then yes I am Homophobic in your eyes. I don't necessarily agree with being called that though.
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-05 22:07:04 +0000 UTC]
Lol. No, I have a very strong opinion. It tends to become a very deep discussion; I try to warn people before I start because I end up giving a VERY detail explanation. Most of my friends are flabbergasted by the time I'm done.
I'm not afraid of it at all. I just don't agree with the choice they make. And, of course the media only makes it worse.
I assume everyone I talk to is straight, until they tell me otherwise. I only bring this up to keep from offending anyone that I talk to. If they notify me of any other orinetation I strive to be extra tactful.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 00:38:26 +0000 UTC]
Also, you are not going to watch people just because they are gay? What the fuck?
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-06 00:54:35 +0000 UTC]
Calm down. It's my choice. I'm just telling people so I don't hurt them. I will make a revision but I will not tolerate that kind of language on my profile.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 00:56:48 +0000 UTC]
What if your favourite artist was gay? Would you automatically unwatch them just because they were that way? Or your best friend?
Homophobic much?
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-06 01:22:15 +0000 UTC]
If they were gay and decided the entire world needed to know about it I probably would unwatch them.
But not because they were gay, but because they are promoting it.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't stop talking to them if they still wanted to communicate with someone that doesn't share their opinion.
If my best friend told me they were gay I would have a long discussion with them. If they decided not to have sex, I would stay friends with time. Even become closer as friends perhaps.
But if they told me that they understood my viewpoint and didn't care, and that they were going to have sex anyway, I would tell them that I was not willing to support them anymore.
That doesn't mean I'm afraid of anyone.
Just because you don't give an alcoholic beer doesn't mean your afraid of them. (And I don't mean to say homosexuals are addicted to sex, so much as liken their inability to abstain from sex to an alcoholic to use moderation when drinking.)
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 01:47:32 +0000 UTC]
So you are going to reject people based on who they have sex with? Can you get ANYMORE RIDICULOUS?
Do you expect your homosexual friends (if you have any) to support you if you were having sex with someone of the opposite gender? That's just stupid. Honestly, it really is
So it is okay for straight couples to have children and share their sexual experiences with everyone, but it is not okay for gay people?
Homophobia does not just mean you are afraid. It mean's you are against it, you are disgusted by it.
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-06 02:29:41 +0000 UTC]
I am not rejecting anyone.
Just because I don't want to be friends with someone doesn't mean I won't talk to them if they still want to talk.
One, I don't have any friends that have sex with someone of the same gender because I don't want any. And if my gay friend(s) told me that they didn't want me to marry someone and have sex with them I would respect their opinion if it was based on sound judgement. If you find that stupid then I'm sorry.
I know I don't have the right to tell people that they can have sex or not. I do not tell people they can't have sex on my own authority.
I would like to know the definition of bribery that you are using before I make a comment on "YOU CANNOT BRIBE THEM WITH YOUR FRIENDSHIP JUST SO THEY DON'T HAVE SEX."
I do not feel it is appropriate to share any sexual experience. That is something that should stay between a husband and a wife. I don't want to know about it.
I think its hilarious and just as ridiculous that you feel the need to label me with a term that can be so easily misunderstood. Same-fear makes no sense at all. Yes, I am disgusted by people having sex among the same gender. The majority of people I know are. I don't find it unusual at all.
If you continue to choose to use capslock, which I interpret as being yelled at, I will discontinue this discussion. I have my opinion and you are not going to change it.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 02:38:30 +0000 UTC]
So? Just because the majority of people you know are disgusted by it does not mean that you need to think it, or that it is wrong.
I do apologize though, the bold for some reason did not cut off when I wanted it to
Whatever though, your opinion is just ridiculous and you are defending yourself by saying what the majority thinks. You are not even considering what I said so I guess we are done here, goodbye
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-06 03:09:51 +0000 UTC]
I tried to consider it.
You are very, definition-minded and opposed to concept-minded. This is leading to a lot of miscommunications on both our parts. I in this last comment I tried to make more distinction and I even asked you to explain what you meant in a few parts.
I'm sorry if you feel that I'm not worth communicating with. I will leave this discussion up if you would like to make better distinctions between some of these concepts for me.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 03:19:21 +0000 UTC]
I just do not like when people use words out of context and use them without understanding what they mean. Then they get the wrong idea of what if being talked about.
I did not say you weren't worth communicating with, I am sorry that I seemed rude but I do not see how this conversation can go any farther since we are both entitled to our opinions
Very sorry for seeming so rude once again
I will explain more if you would really wish me to
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-08 05:20:36 +0000 UTC]
I totally understand and I for the most part agree.
We all have to find a set of morals we can live with. May I ask what source you derive yours from?
I would like to know, what points you feel I didn't cover.
And if it is not a bother to you, why you dislike the what the "majority thinks"? I find it strange when someone feels that the minority is always right. Or am I missing something?
I don't intent to keep the argument going, but now that we have returned to a reasonable discussion I don't see any reason we can't try to hash some things out that are bugging you.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-08 22:18:42 +0000 UTC]
I suppose my morals don't really come anywhere but myself. I am not gay (personally I am confused, but most likely I am straight) however, my family is friends with a lot of gay couples and two of my aunts are gay and I think that is pretty cool! Honestly the idea of sex to me (besides a romantic partner) is yeah kinda gross but I just set that fact aside. Their sexual life is honestly none of my business, they can do whatever they want it is their choices to make not mine. Personality pretty much only matters to me, if you're cool then I like you and if not, well then I don't. I am curious where your morals come from too, if you don't mind me asking?
I think lots of things and people are disgusting. I think masturbation is disgusting. But that is someone's choices and does not directly affect my life so I do not hate anyone for it, even if it was outcasted as something exceptionally horrible. I do not care what people do as long as it does not affect me. You could have a criminal record, or be pregnant at 16 and yet I would still be your friend if you liked and respected me. It is wrong, but I do not care, it is their life not mine.
I do not always think the minority is right. I dislike what the majority thinks because right now (where I am living, not sure about where you live) they have a very strong influence on whether or not the country/states allow gay marriage. I am not sure whether or not the majority of where I live disapproves of gay marriage but I see more bad then good.
It is sad that people who love each other very much are not allowed to be married and are frowned upon just because everyone does not agree with them. It is sad. They are not directly affecting anyone else's life by getting married, getting married is not going to kill any straight person. But instead they are denied marriage and happiness and live in shame just because they love one another. I am sure that if straight couples could not be married, everyone would be very upset. But seemingly no one cares, because straight couples get it all, freedom and happiness and homosexuals live in a world in shame. It is almost like hating people just because they have blue eyes. They have NO control over it whatsoever, yet people with brown eyes do not care because they get the freedom.
You said before if you had a homosexual friend, you would cease to be their friend. But what if your friend got married to someone of their same sex? Would you stop being their friend? There is pretty much a 98% chance they are going to have sex.
Sorry this was so long, I had a lot to say lol
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-09 01:30:15 +0000 UTC]
When I started my religious search I came to the conclusion that the oldest set of morals I could find would probably be the best. And, if it wasn't for the fact that atheism is such a hopeless lifestyle, I probably wouldn't have considered religion. But the fact is I was exposed to the hope early in my life and can't imagine living with out hope for the future. So I set out to decide what I really wanted in a religion.
Truths, explanations, and certainties. I didn't want some ambiguous fluffy truths, I wanted real reasons. Facts. An explanation that made sense. After some really deep study in the Bible, I was surprised to find it.
I know lots of people, and their religious twist the scriptures, but I never found anything I couldn't explain. (Or at least ask for an explanation and find one.)
You probably guessed at some point, because they are so traditional.
If your around the same age as Firestar, which your profile indicates your in a relationship, so I would assume that's correct, your around the age that everyone's a bit "confused"/unsure. Sex will have it's appeal soon enough, don't worry about it for now.
They say masturbation is more addictive then drugs, don't try it.
I have never found any reason to hate anyone for anything. We all make mistakes. We are all imperfect. I may "hate what is bad," but I have never hated anyone for doing something bad. Someday, they might come to the same conclusion, you never know.
You said it yourself, "does not directly affect my life." What about the indirect affect? I heard once that the decline in morals has been the precursor to most if not all national revolutions. Honestly, if you look at all the ways things could get worse in the US, there is no reason not to blame anyone for making such a statement.
I still hold out hope that people as individuals can choose to adopt morals that could make this world a much better place.
I understand what you mean considering marriage. I even found myself agreeing to the idea that gay couples should have the same legal right's as traditional marriages. I mean who honestly cares? Even I don't. If you want someone that isn't a blood relative to have the privilages that a marriage mate would have, that's THEIR decision. People like me have no right to interfere with something like that. I don't think anyone should have to live in shame for those privileges, male or female.
One the other hand, I don't think we should legally redefine marriage. Solely on the fact that it degrades some traditional morals. Taking a somewhat religious concept of marriage and then merging it with the completely nonreligious concept of gay spousal privileges just doesn't sit right. That's still confusing isn't it?
Yes, would cease to be their friend. But the reality of the matter is, all my gay friends moved away last year. So, it kinda makes that question difficult. My best (male) friend said he was gay. I think he said that though so that most people wouldn't try to hit on him. As far as I know he never cultivated any relationships with anyone. I even considered dating him for a short time. He hit on me one several occasions, which at least makes him bi. I no longer have any contact with him at all.
Most of the people that I encounter that proclaim that they are gay or bisexual speak and act in a mannor that I find completely unacceptable. If my friend had not made multiple advances it would still be that way with him. At the time though I was vulnerable and in need of a intellectual challenge, he took advantage of both.
Hope you don't mind mine was long too, lol
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-09 03:50:14 +0000 UTC]
Okay first of all, I'm Atheist so I would extremely appreciate it if you just took religion out of the conversation because when people use religion as a back up to say why they are against homosexuality, I just get angry.
And please don't use the fact that I'm an Atheist to say that I am 'immoral'. Because no. I do have morals, and they ARE good. I am not evil or whatever. I am a good 14 year old role model despite having some mental disabilities, I am more moral than most of the 14 year old kids.
How can you just believe what a book that was written THOUSANDS of years ago is right? There is no proof, there isn't any proof that God or whoever wrote it, or that anything it is saying is true. But I don't want to get into religion.
I am about a year younger than her, yes, but not everyone my age is confused about their sexuality.
I have tried masturbating, but it doesn't do anything for me, so I pretty much did it once or twice then stopped ._. masturbating is actually good for most people though, it relieves stress and sexual frustration (except for me). I have nothing against people who do it.
Are you saying that gay people may come to the realization they are doing something bad? They never chose to be gay, just like you never chose to be straight. It's just who you are. A black person cannot just be a white person because they 'are wrong'. It doesn't work that way. I feel as if you are trying to say gay people should just have sex with people of their opposite sex. Why would they? That is wrong. I wouldn't tell you to have sex with another female. It is who they are, just like a white person is a white person and a blonde is a blonde. They are not causing murders and rapes and kidnappings to happen so it's not wrong.
What indirect affect is there? Gay people are not affected by straight marriage, and it is not like we are going to start allowing people to marry animals. It is their own life and people should just get over it. I DO blame the people for disagreeing with gay marriage, because they are being retarded and need to be more open-minded. Accepting gay people is not going to promote beastiality or anything bad. They are being stupid and saying 'No, you can't get married just because of who you are.'
And actually, people donate a lot of money to programs that try to bribe the country to not allow gay marriage. Big companies do that, and it does have an affect.
'Traditional marriage'. It is just marriage. You shouldn't call a married gay couple anything else but married. You should really just take religion out of it and look at things with your own eyes. It's 2014. Not the 1800s
Just because a few homosexual and bisexual people were acting in unacceptable ways does not mean you have to hate all of them. Or be disgusted by them, or anything. I mean really, if a few people of another race pissed you off you wouldn't say, 'Oh, they must all act like that, so I guess they are idiotic and disgusting'
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FirestarKozWolf In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 02:37:33 +0000 UTC]
what is so 'disgusting' about people of the same gender having sex?
I truly want to know your reason.
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to FirestarKozWolf [2014-01-08 04:03:54 +0000 UTC]
To start, sex outside of a traditional marriage I find any sex disgusting. On the other hand I recognize that sex outside traditional marriages is acceptable in main stream society. I find that too, disgusting. I have never singled anyone out for any of these reasons.
To answer your question I find "people of the same gender having sex" disgusting because:
1. Influences of people including my parents. I have spent a great deal of time analysing how much the people around me affect me. From thought pasterns, to little things you do, its amazing how much things affect you on a daily basis. I don't always appreciate the way my parents, or other people affect me. I've found that the only way to remove that affect is to remove that person from my life. No matter how hard it is. I'm open for suggestions. But even if you hate someone, hate the way they think, hate what they do, they still effect how you live your life. The way you feel about many things. And much, much more. Because I don't hate my family, and hence refuse to remove them from my life, I am predisposed to find guy couples disgusting.
2. I have yet to encounter animal that prefer same sex couplings over traditional reproduction. Emphisis on my personal experience. I have seen same sex couplings, but not when an operational member of the opposite sex is available. Even if they do, this kind of coupling does not then reproduce; making it obsolete, and useless. If something is useless it becomes illogical. If it is illogical, why would a human of sound mind participate? The only thing I can figure out is the animalistic desire to fulfill the need to have sex. If one does not need sex, then would they not better themselves by suppressing the desire and setting better, more useful goals? I know you probably don't like my logic. And I'm sure there are lots of term for how wrong they are. But this is how I feel in a purely secular manner. I am also aware that this train of thought is not black and white in the real world. Even though I abstain from sex I still feel the desire to have it. That too disgusts me. I disgust myself. I disgust myself just as much as a guy couple that chooses to have sex. And yes I find that a bit ridiculous. But life is not black and white. I also do not blame guy people for anything, I never will. I will ask them if they have considered this line of thought and the moral implications their decision has. I do blame the media.
3. I believe in the set of morals passed down in one of the oldest books available to the general public. If you are genuinely interested in knowing more about those moral standards, I would be happy to share those with you if you choose to discuss them in a reasonable manner.
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FirestarKozWolf In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-09 01:01:02 +0000 UTC]
So have you still not considered the love factor of sex? Humans and dolphins are the only animals that have sex/mate or whatever for pleasure. Our bodies were made so it is desired... so if someone is attracted to a member of the same gender why would they choose to have sex with someone of the opposite gender just because they could reproduce??? that would be uncomfortable and weird. There is no reason for them to go for an "operational member" of the opposite sex if they do not desire them. that's just wrong
Humans are different from most animals in this way.
There is actually many types of lizard species which only have females in its population so ahahah yea they reproduce just fine! example the New Mexico Whiptail and many other animals do this---> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partheno…
it is completely natural and occurs in the wild.
nothing is useless. Even if they don't reproduce.. what about all those straight couples that have sex all the time yet don't reproduce.. People sleep around not to have kids but to have sex lol so lets see how your 'logic' plays in with that. - .- Then what about the people who are sterile? They have sex (whatever kind of sex it is, straight, gay, lesbian or whatever) yet do THEY reproduce? nope
You are wayyy too easily disgusted omfg calm it down this stuff isn't bad if you think about it like a responsible person like you should. It's only natural for people who love each other to want to 'make love' or whatever.
Stop trying to use "media" as an excuse that's just ridiculous.
what is this "oldest book"? Your moral standards are apparently from some made up world because they don't make any fucking sense.
They basically cancel themselves out.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 00:32:42 +0000 UTC]
People do NOT choose to be gay, or any other orientation. Did you choose to be straight? No, it just comes naturally.
And what do you mean 'media makes it worse'? What is that supposed to mean?
Also, why is it any of your business what their sexuality is? People are people. You should not assume people's orientation, because you know what? Not everyone is going to be straight, so suck up and deal with it.
You do not need to bash homosexual people on your ID. That is extremely rude
There is no reason to be 'extra tactful' or 'tactful' at all. Just because someone is gay does NOT make them any less than you or other people. It does not make them different or weird. They are perfectly normal people and I don't understand why you fail to see that they are.
Stop acting like you need to be careful around them because there is no reason, they are just the same as you
Your friends should be 'flabbergasted', because you are being completely and utterly ridiculous.
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-06 01:14:00 +0000 UTC]
To start with, I agree with you. "People do NOT choose to be gay..."
I agree that no one chooses to become attracted to one sex or another.
I made my initial comment to warn you that I would make another definition.
To me, the term Homosexual is someone that Chooses to have sex with someone who is the same gender as they are. Not all people on DA are old enough to discuss such matters, -obviously you are not one of them.
As for the media, they would have you believe that No one chooses to have sex, they just do it all the time.
That simply is not true.
The media makes it seem acceptable to behave in a manor that is pro sex, more specifically Sex among men with men, and women with women.
I'm not saying it's wrong to be attracted to a woman if your a woman, because it's not something you choose. Or a man if your a man for that matter.
However, if you think it's acceptable to everyone that those people have sex your wrong.
But your right, it isn't any of my business what anyone's sexuality is. What I meant was that I'm not going to treat anyone any differently unless they want me too. Even then, I have no intention of bashing anyone.
When I wrote that I was not trying to be rude. Only warn people that I had a strong opinion and that being friends with me, may not be advisable.
I have had friends that are of a different orientation then me. I have never treated them any differently then you. I was merely testing your own point of view. When your talking with someone that shares your opinion you can use words more liberally. That is not to say you can bash them either.
Do you still think what I have to say is ridiculous?
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 01:37:02 +0000 UTC]
Why would you make another definition for a word that already has one? That is probably why you are being so ignorant.
That is not what homosexual means, so get your definition right, first of all.
It is not wrong that men have sex with other men, and women have sex with other women. It's not. They do have a choice, yes, but would a straight person have sex with someone of their own gender? I mean, they have the choice don't they?
And from what I've seen on TV is pro sex among straight couples, so I have no idea where you are getting that from LOL
Homosexuality means that someone is attracted to someone of their own gender. Not that they just go around having sex with people of their own gender.
I think it is perfectly acceptable that people can have sex with whoever they want! You do not have the right to dictate and be against peoples' sexual relations.
For me, I do not agree with prostitution but I do not get angry or tell people that prostitution is wrong! Because you know what, I do not have the right to say that it is wrong, it's their choice.
More on the matters of offending people...
How are you afraid of offending gay people?
When you're talking with someone that shares your opinion you can use words more liberally
Does that mean you are using the word gay in place for the word stupid? If you are, than you SHOULD be ashamed of yourself because that is not the proper use of the word. Obviously yes, you are going to piss off lots of people because you are purposely using that word offensively. That is not okay, and I sure do hope you are not using it that way because if you do, you are very wrong
Yes, very
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-06 03:01:09 +0000 UTC]
I made another definition to make a distinction. I made a distinction so that I could effectively communicate. I realize now that when I wrote that message I did it in an inappropriate manor. Thank you for having the courage to point that out to me. If you feel that what I did was ignorant, maybe it was at some level. I did not do so with any bad intentions. I only wanted to communicate how I felt to people. Shame on me.
We all have a choice. I choose not to have sex. It's not that hard.
TV does also promote sex among straight couples. I don't find that very tasteful either frankly. This could lead into a whole other discussion.
I was originally commenting on promotion of gay lifestyles as seen on many different media outlets. I don't approve of it. That is my personal opinion. I know it Highly unlikely if not impossible for this promotion to change based on my personal opinion of what other people enjoy watching. I am ok with that fact. If your not I'm sorry.
I am aware of the definition of homosexuality. I think I effectively spoke about that on the other set of comments.
You may, "think it is perfectly acceptable that people can have sex with whoever they want!" I do not agree with that statement. I can agree to disagree with that statement, whether you do or not.
I don't feel that I, "have the right to dictate... peoples' sexual relations." And I don't straight-up tell people that they can not have sex with someone. I don't have the authority to do so.
As for being "against peoples' sexual relations." Isn't that a matter of personal opinion? I don't have the right to a personal opinion?
"For me, I do not agree with prostitution but I do not get angry or tell people that prostitution is wrong!" - Neither do I.
None of us really has the right to dictate right and wrong. But that's another discussion entirely.
It is their choice, I don't have to agree with it.
I am not afraid of offending anyone, (except my dad, and that is another story and discussion I'm not willing to get into.)
I don't want to offend anyone. I know I will, that's the way life is. I will try to avoid it if I think it is reasonable.
"When you're talking with someone that shares your opinion you can use words more liberally
Does that mean you are using the word gay in place for the word stupid?"
No not at all. Why would you think that? I am not a mean person. I find very few, if no one is mean enough to do something like that.
I'm sorry you find my personal view point so ridiculous. I also find yours a bit ridiculous and
immoral. Sorry to be so frank.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-06 03:14:48 +0000 UTC]
I try to accept all that I can, however I guess I can understand how you see mine is immoral. I honestly think yours is immoral but we all have our opinions
I guess I can't change your mind. I wish you would be more open to other peoples' lifestyles, however I do respect your opinion to some extent
I do apologize if I seemed aggressive or rude, that was not really that appropriate of me
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-08 04:38:21 +0000 UTC]
I understand, what is said in the heat of battle is sometimes over the top of what we really are inside.
I'm glade we can respect each other's different opinions. I try not to be judgmental of anyone or anything, hence I spend a great deal of time trying to understand things before I set my opinions.
I'm also glad you took the time to write this. It shows a level of maturity that not many people have no matter what your age is.
I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I had a very full day at school the last two days and came home to tired to think straight.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-08 22:22:28 +0000 UTC]
I try not to be too judgmental, too. It can be hard and I may not agree with that decision but I do respect it and try not to hate anyone for it. ^^
It is alright, I understand, school can get really stressful some times haha
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to SuicidePrinter [2014-01-09 01:46:18 +0000 UTC]
No one needs haters. Absolutely no one.
On another note, I seem to have upset your girlfriend :devFirestarKozWolf :. We had been working together at one of my groups and, honestly I'm not sure what her problem is. The last thing I want is to come between you two, but if I become appropriate to bring up, would you please unruffle her feathers? (so to speak)
And, I'm probably stepping in it. But I would appreciate what you think of my revised profile. Does it fit what you've learned about my opinion? Provide a suitable warning? Does it still seem rude? I can handle any critism you want to give me. If you don't want to I totally understand as well.
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SuicidePrinter In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2014-01-09 03:22:59 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I am aware what you are going through with my girlfriend ._. honestly I think that whole 'poop' thing on your side was kind of retarded
Pretty sure everyone would just appreciate if you just took it down because I'm sure no one is going to come and just randomly share their homosexual lives with you, basically you are just offending every homosexual person and their supporters lol
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VorkVitae In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2013-12-18 21:35:03 +0000 UTC]
glad you are. it's been a while! hope everything is ok
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to VorkVitae [2013-12-18 22:05:41 +0000 UTC]
Lol I know right? Trying to ease back into things hear. Hopefully I'll have a journal explaining my absence up soon.
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VorkVitae In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2013-12-19 05:22:58 +0000 UTC]
Well its nice to see you back ^^
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to VorkVitae [2013-12-21 03:23:57 +0000 UTC]
Nice to see me back too!
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FenrisxWolf [2013-08-11 18:24:09 +0000 UTC]
Heya hun, hope you're doing well and things are good for you It seems ages since we last spoke
Love ya lots <3
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Shadow-o-Rabby In reply to FenrisxWolf [2013-12-21 23:10:58 +0000 UTC]
Yes, yes it has been ages. I explained a bit in my last journal entry. I'm doing a lot better these last two weeks. Hence the "your name" bit of my journal. Things spill out when I'm not trying to dig my way out from under an elephant so to speak.
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FenrisxWolf In reply to Shadow-o-Rabby [2013-12-27 18:57:19 +0000 UTC]
Aww it's so good to hear from you again ^^
I'm glad that you're doing well, albeit very busy :s
I hope you had a good Christmas, and have an amazing new year
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