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# Comments
Comments: 3364
GoldKristall [2014-05-31 12:46:26 +0000 UTC]
Hey dear, is everything alright out there?
I haven't seen you around for a while and I was wondering if you're alright.
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-26 22:37:30 +0000 UTC]
Excuse me for my absence
I've been working on my finals and studying for them
Just finished them bout a week ago
Sorry if I made you worry too much
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-27 07:34:31 +0000 UTC]
Ah, it's alright dear
After a few more days since I left the message I remembered you said something about those
Did everything go well ? XD
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-27 17:29:42 +0000 UTC]
Yep, they went fine c:
Also, I'll be spending two weeks in northern Romania because of a marriage, reason why I was away for a little longer
You know, shopping for clothes, then packing and all c:
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-27 17:38:20 +0000 UTC]
Glad to hear that~
Awww, I see. I hope you'll have a great time!
I'm spending my time trying to move to a better school ( yeah..in the last year..pff )
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-27 17:56:47 +0000 UTC]
Eeeh, I'll probably just spend my time watching all the series I downloaded!
Also, I wear contact lenses now and side bangs
Oh, how's it going?
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-27 18:01:19 +0000 UTC]
Ohhh!! That's great!
In my case I feel fine with glasses. Only if they wouldn't get dirty that fast.. * sigh *
I must wait until exams are over... Because they don't us in the school during morning! And after 3pm I doubt they are there anymore. Most people I must talk to about moving usually leave around 3-4pm ( I say so 'cause in my school they do that too )
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-27 18:24:04 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah, I've been there! It's pretty annoying that you have to clean them so often o:
So you have exams in the afternoon?
That's pretty cool! I myself had to be at school at about 8:30am... then exams began at 9:30 but before that we needed to show our id documents and fill in some papers and all
Are the exams hard?
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-27 18:30:54 +0000 UTC]
At least I got used to this ahah
Ahhh, no, no! Not me...
You see, compared to other countries, we don't have exams every year or something like that. We have only in the 4th, 8th and 12th grades. And the 12th grade will be a mess. I know this.
They didn't let us inside because of the 12th grades' students. It's like 'what if you bring them the answers?' like if I could dream the answers and suddenly decide to bring those to them. Anyway, we have some simulations(?!) for exams this year ( and also next year) so I know what you mean with the hour you must be there, show the id, the hour when the exam actually starts etc
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-27 19:12:45 +0000 UTC]
Well, we do exams on 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th grade, so~
Oh yeah, you told me about the simulations
But wait, aren't you on 12th grade?
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-27 19:46:46 +0000 UTC]
Here exams are kinda useless anyway... And you know why? Whoever does the subjects, doesn't care about the kids in schools/high schools. They do subjects not even they could solve, but it doesn't matter because anyway the actual generation is blamed as 'stupid' and 'useless' , not them. That happened to me in the 8th grade. And also in the 11th grade simulation. IT WAS A MESS
Nope. I just finished 11th grade. From September 12th grade XD
I want to change schools for many reasons.
I don't feel like economics are helping me at all.
We do poor English and Romanian, and aside of this year I've been doing kinda bad at Maths and I don't really want my parents to waste money on private classes, taking the risk for me not to understand anyway. And I know they have many problems already.
And the exams are different between the two high schools.
Also the school I wanna go to it's bilingual and prepares everyone for Cambridge as well if anyone wants to try.
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-27 20:14:58 +0000 UTC]
Ah, usual problem.
Here it's the government that makes those exams and they look just accessible
Of course, not easy as pie, but still just decent
Well, depends on the years
That sounds like a good bet!
Are your parents accepting it?
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-27 20:19:17 +0000 UTC]
I hope things will get better... I hate seeing this country completely going down DX
Yeah! Well, it took a little longer to make dad accept, but with mom everything was pretty quick and easy. I can't say it was really hard with dad either. He just had some doubts.
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-27 21:19:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... but there's nothing you can do. One person is not enough
So it's definite. You're changing high schools?
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-27 21:24:49 +0000 UTC]
All we can do is wait. Oh well, life can't be perfect
Yes. At least I hope. It has a different profile so I must take some test ( English and Latin )
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-06-29 12:21:37 +0000 UTC]
They still study Latin. My school doesn't
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-06-29 13:44:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I see
Do you think you're going to do well on that exam?
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 14:14:44 +0000 UTC]
Oh gosh look at me re-cycling replies
ANyway, how are you?
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 14:22:06 +0000 UTC]
Heh, there are always some old replies somewhere haha XD
Pretty good, I guess. I try dealing with the heat whil I am stuck between: trying to find a good background for my sweet devil!America drawing, start a new drawing, redo old drawings or anything I do not like how it came out ( old ones for the lame sketch, any recent ones probably for the coloring--no. I don't really have actual stuff colored aside of a thing I just rushed to be there just 'cause I promised I would take part. Since anyway I wouldn't have had a chance I did not try too much anyway. Besides, there are some birthdays coming up and I am stuck with almost 10 MEP parts + video requests too X'D )
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 14:29:51 +0000 UTC]
I see you're busy! o:
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 14:37:10 +0000 UTC]
I just don't know which one of those things I should do. If I try doing a background I might throw my tablet out the window, Β if I start a new sketch I might not like how it turns out and if I start redoing old stuff..well, I don't know. You could say I already started this if I think of the old Sweet Devil drawing I have somewhere in my gallery and the actual one ...* rolls in a corner * ...what's wrong with meΒ
I just hope I will have a quiet month. I don't even want a birthday party when I turn 18.
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 14:41:26 +0000 UTC]
Nothing's wrong with you! It's good to draw, look at it and go all "arrrrgh this looks so stupid" then retry and all until you get it right
Ah, I feel you. For my 16th birthday I won't tell anyone about it and I won't try to look to excited
Just to see who remembers my b-day and all. It's sort of an experiment
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 14:48:47 +0000 UTC]
Hey can you gimme some suggestions for backgrounds? ( no forests, please! I dunno how to draw trees ;~; )
From my family mom and dad would be the first to remember. Grandma probably in the evening as for my friends...it's rarely someone who DOESN'T use facebook because, yeah, who spends most of it's time there will surely see the notice Facebook gives. I honestly don't spend much time so I never see those in time unless I know it's a friend's birthday
But oh well, how are you?
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 14:52:31 +0000 UTC]
Ah, idk really
I don't draw many backgrounds either... Uhmm, go to tumblr and look for references? That's what I always do
Umm... not so good.
Well, I'm fine now but there's something that's bothering.
It goes on like this
So far until now I thought I was straight but I have this crush on my best friend who's a girl and I don't know what to do
I mean, I like her as in I'd date her and all... Yeah.
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 15:02:43 +0000 UTC]
I'll try to draw a room or something...huh..
Also a friend of mine came with the sudden idea that she wants to do a manga and she wants me to help her until she gets a tablet or something so she could work more too ( for now she has the story, and comes with design ideas, I sketch )...At least she doesn't hurry with it so I can do all my work while she doesn't ask about this XD
Awww ;A;Β
Well, I don't really know what to say. It's just... I haven't really dealed with much of those feelings ( I must admit I had really, really short moments when I only had the thought 'what it would be like if I kissed her..' (whoever the person was) but yeah, in my case it was more like thoughts and phases ( in like 'how do other people feel like when doing those things?' ) if you know what I mean.
In your case I honestly dunno what to say. I'm not judging. I met before people in your situation or already in a relationship. And they are all sweet persons
All I can say it's that maybe you should try to talk with her about those things? Like, how she feels about this stuff ( without letting her know how you feel or such) and see her reaction, or, wait for a while and see if this keeps on for longer
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 15:07:33 +0000 UTC]
Oooh, everyone wants to do a manga now haha
What's her manga about?
I also thought it was just a phase, but I'm not sure
When I'm with her I forget all my problems and the way she is just puts a smile on my face
I hugged her some times and we held hands once, mostly because I wanted haha...
Idk, she's the first friend I made ever since kindergarten. I mean friends as in I started the conversations, I introduced her to my other friends and all
Also, I remember getting pretty jealous when other girls were talking with her and all...
When I came to Portugal from holidays and called her, I "asked her out", just as friends.
Ridiculously enough, I started preparing myself for it as if it was a date. I even wore a dress!
I don't know, it sounds more like a crush than a phase
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 15:20:28 +0000 UTC]
Well, the main idea is of two worlds, which are actually games. There's a girl who plays a game during a storm and somehow end up in the game ( but she does not realise it since it's like those games where you wear..uhmm..I guess from what I understood is like the things Pewdiepie wears soemtimes for a more realistic feeling/view if you saw it ever/know what I try to say). And somehow she ends up in another kind of world ( which is pretty much another game) where it was like...a boys school or something like that. Well, I don't know to give exactly many details as she is still sorting things out. The thing is that it will have a little bit of everything, a little bit of horror, action..maybe some funny moments too. She is still working on all of these.
Also the clothes of those worlds will involve soon or later steampunk and cyber stuff too.
Aww, well, there are things we don't know about ourselves until a certain point, you know? X'D ...You better just let time pass and see if the feelings are getting stronger every time.
Haha, you know, even if internet tests shouldn't be trusted too much, all says I'm half sociopath or got those tendencies, lol. I wonder if I took a test for real would the results be the same? Because that would be really strange
I must say that either way my mind is a strange and sometimes even a creepy place for my enemies... hmmmm...aww man but they are just a few, it would be sad if they were gone that fast XD who would I argue with after that??
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 15:56:20 +0000 UTC]
Well, sounds pretty interesting
I didn't come across such a manga as far as I remember
I know for sure I'm not lesbian because I still like guys and all
It just happens that my first crush is a girl oh gosh
I'll probs take a quiz, even for the fun of it
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 16:26:26 +0000 UTC]
Me neither. That's why I want to help her do this. Even if I will have to try and put everything in a better order now.
Well, I already guessed this
Just be careful and don't make it too obvious. You know people nowadays are just.....UGH.
A friend of mine was a very close friend to another girl. She told her that girl to make other friends and such but she was always following her. People thought that girl was posesive over the other but it wasn't like that. Once they were going to the gym or something like that everyday. They were spending only one hour and a half there but the other girl was missing even for four hours from home. The parents of that girl went to this girl's home and called her all ways even lesbian. LESBIAN.
Now dear, if you are very close to the other gender or even live in the same place ( like you know, why spending money on two flats instead of staying together and spend money on just one? XD ). People would call someone of the same gen der in this situation gay/lesbian. Which is wrong
But anyway, no matter how you are and what you feel , people got no right to judge. I so hate those people. They treat others like if they are monsters. No, no ;~; .. just..why...everyone's human. There are still feelings damn it
X'D tell me the results if you take any
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 18:06:52 +0000 UTC]
Well, tell her I wish her luck to her project!
Ikr. I'm especially afraid of my parents because yeah...
It's sad to see how peope judge others
Apparently bi xD
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 18:26:48 +0000 UTC]
I will! XD
She asked me if I know a few people we can trust and ask for help or opinions. So maybe expect me to ask for opinions once in a while (of course, after we start well the whole thing)
* Sigh * Well, if it's not a phase or just a thought then they should understand is more than that. I mean, it's..It's simply how you are. Nothing is perfect in this world but we can pretend it is perfect only if we want and accept everything the way it is
Well, you still like guys. So there's no way you can know what will happen later~
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 18:37:04 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I'll try to help if you ask me!
Yeah...You're the only person I told this to that reacted supportive
I had also told another guy buy he didn't really seem to care so yeah. Good thing he didn't go all "ew" on me
Yeah! Whatever there may come, I'm ready for it
And my crush (let's call her Iris) will most likely be in the same class as me in 10th grade and I'll have time to sort my feelings for her
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 18:49:20 +0000 UTC]
Thanks ^^
Don't worry, I'll always be on your side no matter what decisions you'll take.
Hey, I remember I met a few years ago a girl who liked both, boys and girls. But at that time she had a relationship with a girl. The girl sadly cheated on her, left her for a guy and then went around telling people how 'disgusting' and 'lame' she was. That made me really angry. And the mother of that girl didn't make things better either. Luckly, the girl felt better after talking to me and her mother got over it in the end X'D
She used to cosplay. Actualoly, everyone I met in this kind of situation used to cosplay before
I hope things will be alright, really
I have one more year of high school...I just want to pass my damn exams ( which counts almost as nothing outside the country--wait, they are useless here as well) and then ...see what I can do with the university
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2014-08-04 18:59:28 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Count on me whenever you need, too
Even though I'm not much of a talker at times, I'll try to manage something!
That's outrageous! I really dislike cheaters :c
It's no fair to toy people around like that!
Good luck bae uwu
Also, add me on skype if you want. I'm sorta done with this account and RP haha
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2014-08-04 19:55:45 +0000 UTC]
* Hugs *
I know!! It was really bad... And besides, talking about that person bad stuff makes things worse
Aww, alright then XD
I'll add you in a moment
I haven't thought you really use skype since you haven't used messenger for long either XD
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SweetJustABit In reply to FelicianaDaisyVargas [2013-06-28 16:30:35 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome c: (Sorry, I don't speak Italian)
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FelicianaDaisyVargas In reply to SweetJustABit [2013-06-28 16:31:27 +0000 UTC]
*laughs* I understand!
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RegardsSirTroll [2013-06-23 18:29:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the Llama badge . . . Lynn. (repeated eyebrow raise)
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SweetJustABit In reply to RegardsSirTroll [2013-06-24 20:11:11 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
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GoldKristall [2013-06-15 13:31:58 +0000 UTC]
Hey sis! I need your help.
Now that school is practically over for me as well (well, we don't count the practice period) I was going to do some kind of Sony Vegas tutorials.
Knowing that you had a few attempts of using Sony Vegas, I was thinking to ask you, for things you would like to know, or things that could be useful to anyone (I really don't know how to start this thing ._. ...I need people's opinion )
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2013-06-15 14:40:07 +0000 UTC]
I don't know! I'm pretty much a noob on everything...
You should do a video and let your subscribers pick
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2013-06-15 14:57:26 +0000 UTC]
H-Hmm...that's kinda the problem. I was thinking on doing another account since...most of the people who subbed me knows how to use SV, or they aren't interested(and they just enjoy watching vids). Or Maybe I should do a kind of announcament and--.......who am I kidding...?from 300+ subs I don't even know how many are active
(Anyway I am kinda stressed at the moment to find out that a so-supposed-toolbar that came from no where(I thought I maybe installed it accidentally with a game or program) is actually a virus or something like that ._. and I must go in safe mood for my pc and check the damn system. Thanks god there are people on internet who had troubles before and told others how to get rid of it.
It seems like this 'lovely' thing can't be simply removed by going to 'run' and type regedid or from the programs' list *sigh* )
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2013-06-15 15:09:17 +0000 UTC]
You should still do it, don't be so insecure.
Someone will sure say something
(Oh, I know how you feel. However, anything that has a weird name mixed with numbers should be deleted
Or you should just restore your computer to the nearest daay when you didn't have the toolbar installed )
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GoldKristall In reply to SweetJustABit [2013-06-15 15:14:00 +0000 UTC]
Oh well, I will think at what to upload
But first.........I must get rid of that bloody thing.
Now, no matter what I do, I must wait until dad will leave. I don't want him to yell at me for messing with the computer (Well, my antivirus is somehow 'dead' since it passed a lot since I bought it and it's on autopilot(?) which only protects me from a strange website and nothing more)
I don't remember...how do you restore a computer to a certain date? (I forget things that have been only told but that I never searched about or never did)
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SweetJustABit In reply to GoldKristall [2013-06-15 15:29:48 +0000 UTC]
What? Your antivirus doesn't work for stuff like that? That sure is strange
I don't remember either, but you can Google it
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