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Favourites: 40; Deviations: 46; Watchers: 37
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# About me
Current Residence: Athens
# Comments
Comments: 14
serialkillercalendar [2008-03-14 19:10:48 +0000 UTC]
Hi there. This is James Gilks (owner of SerialKillerCalendar.com). We are looking for a few new artists to join our dark art team. Specifically, we are looking for someone who can create small two to four page comics for our new Serial Killer Monthly Magazine (coming out in a month or two). I love your art and was wondering if you would be interested in taking on this project. we are a small but world famous company that is always in the news so this would be great publicity for your work. At the moment, we can not pay for art submissions but we can offer you tons of free merchandise and, of course, the publicity/promotions that come from being in our merchandise. Our other artists have been able to work full time on commission work from the fame we have brought them. I really hope you are interested in giving this a try. You can contact me via email at madhatterdesign@gmail.com. I hope to hear from you soon.
James Gilks
Head of SerialKillerCalendar.com and MadHatterDesign.net
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