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# Statistics
Favourites: 18; Deviations: 5; Watchers: 3
Watching: 10; Pageviews: 2408; Comments Made: 110; Friends: 10
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: michelangeloFavorite movies: American Beauty/ Requiem for a Dream
Favorite bands / musical artists: Blaqk Audio/AFI/ Dimmu Borgir/ CRadle of Filth/ I am Ghost/ Evanescence
Favorite writers: Poe,Frost, Milton, Anne Rice
Favorite games: DDR, Final Fantasy 7, Castlevania:symphony of the nght, Kingdom Hearts
Favorite gaming platform: PS1/ PS2/ SNES / Wii
Tools of the Trade: computer+mind= writing|| Pen+ Paper+ mind= writing
Other Interests: music, writing shitty poetry and stories,physics, magick
# About me
Current Residence: Middletown, NY
Favourite genre of music: Gothic/ Black Metal
Favourite style of art: Gothic
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate/ Ubuntu
Favourite cartoon character: Nee/Sasuke/ Itachi/ Gir
Personal Quote: Tantus labor non sit cassus | Ne me perdas