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thesadstork [9191007] [2008-12-27 14:58:38 +0000 UTC] "simple sounds of a simple mind" (Christmas Island)

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# Comments

Comments: 866

zosiaq [2016-11-27 00:55:46 +0000 UTC]

thank you   

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Azen0ire [2016-03-27 07:14:57 +0000 UTC]

e x c e l l e n t works, my respect.

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thesadstork In reply to Azen0ire [2016-06-20 19:27:28 +0000 UTC]

thanks very much

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AdrianBukowski [2016-02-26 22:14:01 +0000 UTC]

Great art! I love your work!

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thesadstork In reply to AdrianBukowski [2016-02-28 08:45:20 +0000 UTC]

you're too kind!

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Firsova [2015-07-04 22:45:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave C:

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thesadstork In reply to Firsova [2015-07-06 19:44:41 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome : )

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Greyguardian [2015-02-11 11:01:10 +0000 UTC]

hey ! Congratulations on DD : ) I've been thinking about you and zosiaq. How did your new exhibition went(or is going)?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-02-16 16:35:37 +0000 UTC]

thanks very much (for a moment I panicked and thought there was some new dd, but realised you meant for the last one )!
We are opening the new exhibition on Sunday www.facebook.com/events/140625… so things are as hectic as always before an opening, but it looks like it should go well. We got the prints the other day and getested 's look amazing!

how are you both, still enjoying life en France?

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-02-19 15:51:12 +0000 UTC]

no, it's just i wasn't around here for a while. It seems i've missed a couple of things. 
And yeah i can imagine that getested's works look very good in print.

en France, oui. 

we are definetely not the adventurers! But yeah, we are doing quite well, eventhough not much is happening. Thanks for asking. And you two?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-02-19 19:38:27 +0000 UTC]

I can relate, I just drift in and out these days,
And miss so much because of it, not least the amount of people that have drifted away.

they do! they so totally do!!

we are just waiting - on tenterhooks - at the moment to see if we get the funding for next year's galleries

everyone needs some adventure, even if they live in the idyllic south of france, non?

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-02-20 15:55:37 +0000 UTC]

well, i do not know - deviantart seems not like before anyways
At least there are some old stagers left.

yeah, I guess you are right - maybe we got a bit too calm in this idyllic landscape. But it is "L'art de vivre à la française" - eat well (fat fat fat cheese), drink well (wine) and take it cool.

And beside we are both rather "casanier" we enjoy staying home

May I ask you what are you doing for living when you are moving around quite often?
The only thing i find is rather shitty jobs, and it's only from time to time...

by the way i can see your improvments in french but did you learn to speak polish?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-02-23 10:35:45 +0000 UTC]

sounds like a world away from Poland!

I can't believe you ask me that, you embarrass me totally... where does one even begin learning Polish?
It's just too hard, my stupidity is on show now

as far as working, I was lucky that in Poland I could (and so could Zosia) teach English, which paid well compared to other jobs for - shall we say - "foreigners". And then in Italy we worked in a friends hostel, which paid enough for us to "eat well, drink well and take it cool". Other than that we have the project with brings in some money through funding when we are in the UK.

There's also a little bit of proof-reading from Polish-English translations.

Could you do something like that, but you know, for French/English-Polish?

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-02-25 13:21:54 +0000 UTC]

well, I just asked because i remember that PH was so suprised that you were living in Poland and did't learn it.

He lives with me and well... he doesn't seem to make much of a progress.  Eventhough he likes Poland! (incredible, maybe it is just because he does not know it as good as i do)

Yeah, being a teacher seems like an idea. Did you give the individual lessons? The problem here is that not much is happening - people come for the vacation so you can work in the summer but other than that it is a dead season. And most of the people living here are old and retired.

Proof-reading seems very interesting as an idea - but don't you have to have the diploms for it?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-02-26 18:17:36 +0000 UTC]

sure, I remember him asking me a few times how I managed to get by without learning it, but then I don't really speak to people.
plus, It's pretty easy to go shopping for groceries/whatever in Warsaw without needing to speak to anyone, especially considering the local shop keepers attitude to customers

out of interest, has he visited Poland for an extended time?

I only gave one-on-one private classes, partly because it was easier for me but mostly because the money I worked for would be mine rather than some teaching schools - most of whom rip-off their teachers. I guess the seasonal nature makes it difficult, it's the same for the english teachers we know in Naples, all be it the other way around. There is almost no work for them in summer because everyone leaves the city.

You probably do need diplomas to do it "professionally", but all I can say is that I did it and I don't have any sort of diploma never mind one for languages. It does mean that you have to find work as an independent person (gumtree was perfect for it in Warsaw), but all you need is to find one person willing to give you some work and then more will follow from there. If you advertise yourself as a native speaker people will always trust you to know what you're talking about.

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-03-04 10:15:32 +0000 UTC]

Neither do i (speak to people).

Never been to Warsaw but i've heard rather unpleasant opinions about this city.

From what you are saying I guess it has to be true, at least partially.

PH? No. He visited me once (two weeks) before I came to live in France and then we went with his parents last summer (about 10 days).

I guess you can like Poland if you do not understand what people are saying
I find it very tiring... Living in a city in general. People in general.
Here we are a bit outside, close to the nature. It's a bit better. (if you do not count that terrible wind called "tramontane" it makes me want to hide under the desk and never ever leave).

Well, the proof reading sounds very tempting. I will to advertise myself a bit, but I am not sure they need much of proof readers for polish around here we will see...

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-03-06 10:50:57 +0000 UTC]

You should go, it's a strange place. A weird combination of Urbane Hipster snobs and aged communist revivalists, sentimentalists (in manners if nothing else).

Maybe it's because I'm not Polish, but there is definitely a different atmosphere than in the other cities and places I've been...
That's not to say it's all bad, It could be a great place - but couldn't everywhere? except Abertillery of course

That sounds a bit like here -  the wind. It can just be bone curling!
I agree about the city, and so would Zosia, but there is only so long before you start to miss some of the things you take for granted of living in a city, the anonymity, the variety of people (not so much in Warsaw I guess), the food, the cinemas.


You'll be surprised, I'm not sure about that part of France, but most things are translated into Polish these days, at least here they are. Zosia quite regularly interprets in the local hospital - which caters for a population of about 40/50,000 (total everyone) - so if there are Polish people here, there must be more than just you there

besides, the beauty of proof reading is that you can pick up work from anywhere, I still do some from Warsaw - thank god for the internet eh.

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-03-17 10:05:21 +0000 UTC]

Heh, maybe someday.
I used to have a friend from Warsaw, she was rather... strange. She found that Szczecin (my city) is a little village.
I guess the people born in Warsaw are rather specific, yeah.

Doesn't sound like a place you want to visit, though (for me). It seems like with PH we prefer rather quiet little places. Just this weekend we visited www.montolieu-livre.fr/ - quite nice.

I guess you are right - i like the fact that we are not so far away from the city - mostly for the shops and cinemas.

I will ask in the hospital. : )

It's incredible how you are copying with everything.

Me, most of the time, i feel like a child lost in time and space.

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-03-21 08:52:40 +0000 UTC]

: )

Szczecin is pretty small tho' isn't it?
having said that, within certain circles Warsaw has a village feel..
everyone seems to know each through friends of friends!

Then you should both visit Wales - all we have is quiet little places
it's probably what we excel most at ; )

That's good idea!
We just about manage to cope, but mostly because have no other choice I guess...
besides, the fact that you haven;t gone back to Poland would suggest you're doing well yourself : )

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-03-31 15:48:10 +0000 UTC]

oh well, it all depends on what you call small ; ) it's the 7th biggest city in Poland.

I think we could have liked Wales, why not?

it's a pity that we only go to Poland for the vacation - by the way we are going to go soon to see my parents.
Do you come back to visit family of Zosiaq from time to time?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-04-05 19:51:04 +0000 UTC]

but don't they sort of start to get really small after the 6th biggest ; )

I've no doubt you'd both like Wales for a visit, it's that kind of place you know...
great to visit, but not so good to live in (not that it's bad, just that it's basically a collection of small towns and countryside).

How long will you visiting for?
because of the cost of flights we usually end up having to visit for like 10 or 14 days at a time,
which can be a long time to visit the family (if you don't get along so well).

on top of that, Zosia usually goes back a couple times a year and I visit about once a year.
She has a really old family, so regular visits are kind of a must.

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-04-12 07:54:23 +0000 UTC]

Bah, not really. It really is pretty big - but there are not many things happening around. And it's "dead" in the evenings. Looks almost like world after a zombie apocalypse.

You do not want move from there if you do not like it?

We will be there for two weeks (- 2 days to get there and get back). And yes, the tickets are really expensive... ufff. On top of that we do not really have a good conection - once there were one between Toulouse and Berlin but it's been some years that it doesn't exist anymore.

I just have my parents back there. Apart from them, I do not miss Poland at all and if it was possible not to ever come back i would be happy about it. I guess PH is more excited this visit than me.

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-04-17 09:50:45 +0000 UTC]

: D

that's a bit like Warsaw when I first went there, I was surprised how quiet it was at night.
except for a couple places the students hung out in.

we'd like to live here, but in a different part I guess.
Cardiff, which is the capital but still only 500,000 people, does have a lot going on.
it can be expensive to move here tho, simply because it's hard to find a private landlord
so you end up having to pay a load of fees to an agency - sometimes like 3 x a month's worth of rent upfront.

that sounds like a long time : )
I never thought of that, it must be really difficult and expensive then for you both.
We are lucky that we have a good connection, but then because it goes direct to Warsaw, there is quite a high demand,
so it gets expensive.

you don't even miss the bread?
every polish person misses the bread : )

but Zosia would probably say the same

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-05-03 21:19:26 +0000 UTC]

we came back.

Woah, it passed so fast.

I thought that there was much going on in Warsaw - all the concerts, theathre spectactles and so on seems to have place there.
But then, i never was interested in those.... any place with more people makes me feel uncomfortable.

Ahh, the agencies... tell me about it. Do you have a private landlord now?

The trip takes us about 12 hours (and it's only because PH's parents were so kind to pick us up from Barcelone)

I can bake my own bread from time to time  : ) it's not that hard as i thought in the beginning.

All in all, I have absolutely nothing to go back for in Poland, except my little family.

Is it a bit sad, for me as for Zosia? Or maybe even not really.

I guess the feeling of belonging somewhere is rather rare those days

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-05-13 14:57:59 +0000 UTC]

welcome back!

It's good that it went by quickly, it's always better that way.

There was quite a lot going on, but not much of it was very good.
And I completely agree the more people the more uncomfortable I feel.

We went to a fund raiser in the Gallery in Cardiff we were showing the last exhibtion on the weekend and it was completely jammed with people, now I'm not usually so good with people, but after living in Aberetillery for a while now it got a bit torturous.

jesus! 12 hours, that's a long old time. It can be the same for us too, but I think our record is about 19 hours - that was Naples to Warsaw via both Rome and Krakow because it cost us less than half going direct.

: )

it was the same with us with the bread, it's amazing how easy it is!

and I think you're right it probably is the same for both you and Zosia
and that it's rare to feel like belong somewhere.
We've been bouncing around so much, and always seem to have more friends where we aren't rather than where we are, that it's hard to feel settled.

by the way, any luck with jobs?
and are you still taking photos and just not submitting them?

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-05-25 21:12:51 +0000 UTC]

well i guess that all of us are rather introverted.

Me, personally -  more than i would like to, i am getting tired of my introversion.I am not able to take care of things that are important for me because of it.

I admire you for being able to copy with such a crowd. i think i wouldn't be able.

Yeah, we were looking for the cheapest flights too.

19 hours! I can't imagine. I hope you didn't pay too much for such a pleasure?

To make bread is really easy, yes : ) and it is so much better than the one you buy in Poland, France, or anywhere else.

you know, for me and PH it is rather the other way around, - we are all the time in the same place but it seems like we do not have friends, apart from each other.
I guess that is already more that i hoped for

Well, I have still no luck - but well, apperently they are looking for someone at the crematory - maybe i willl have a (hahahaha) chance to work there. Who knows?

I am still taking photos from time to time, but i am not very happy with the results, so i am not showing them to anyone for the moment.

What about you?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-05-31 16:27:58 +0000 UTC]

I think I can empathise wit that,
I get annoyed with myself too about it, but that only seems to make it worse : )

It's easy to cope with, all I do is pretend there's nobody there,
almost to the point of being considered rude or a snob.
All you need to do is practice projecting your air of disinterest and standoffishness ; )

We did! it saved us so much money, I don't think we could have afforded to do it otherwise,
especially considering we were actually moving to Naples a couple of months later.

That's interesting, I would say it's the same for Z and I,
but that it's because everyone we know seem to be somewhere else.

Anyway, friends - I think are overrated, or at least the idea of having more is better is - are only as important as the quality they keep,
so it's better to have one person you can spend time with for hours,
rather than some you can barely stand for short time!

Oh my! sounds like a wonderful opportunity : D

The same I guess, but most of the photos I'm taking are rather tests of experiments rather than images in themselves...
Which is starting to annoy me!

oh, and by the way, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this, but Z and I are flying to Warsaw in just over 2 weeks.
it's almost as if by talking about it, I seem to have accidentally willed the idea into reality - how very ironic : )

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-06-05 17:05:10 +0000 UTC]


I guess it is better for me not to try it - you know, i put all my effort to be nice to people and still most of them find me unpleasant, peremptory and reserved.

I guess i just find most people terribly stupid and i am very bad at hiding it.

P.H. has some friends that i can barely stand (he has a hard time with them too).
It's a couple that has two little brats.
We go there more or less once a year - but it is already too much!

He told me that he had all 'better' friends had left looking for the jobs.
No wonder - Perpignan is rather a town for the retired people and a nice place to pass the holidays but not a best place to live.

I am very dissapointed with the people i considered friends that i left in Poland - we have absolutely no contact.
And I agree with you that it is more the quality than quantity that counts.

But well, I have neither quantity or quality! : D
I don't even care now. (oh là là, i am so bitter, i better finish complaining now)

I think we should both get back to taking photos then.
(by the way-i like the experiments that you've been posting lately - most of them look better than the original photos.)

Good luck! (to you, and to me too).

hahah, and wish you nice stay in Warsaw! You 'sound' pretty happy about it? Are you going to visit the other cities in Poland, using the occasion?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-06-08 12:44:09 +0000 UTC]

: )

well if they think you're rude anyway why bother trying to pretend otherwise?
that has always been my philosophy anyway...
and I think my minimal number of friends is testament to how successful that can be ; )

stupid people I don't mind, they are easy to get along with.
It's the ones that can only seem to communicate in small talk that I find it hardest to deal with
(one of the reasons I hate going to and organising exhibition openings)

It's funny you should say that, we (and especially Zosia) had the same experience.
Most of the people that were friends in Warsaw, some of them old friends,
just seem to have cut off all contact - I wonder why this is so...

We might try to get to some other cities, but it can take so long to get anywhere!
It's a right pain.

I'm not sure if I'm happy to be going, happy for the change of scenery I suppose
but kind of wish it were "different" scenery : )

And thanks, do you mean the prints?
They are fun and challenging to make, I just kind of wish I had such good images of my own to print.
So maybe you are right, we should get back to taking photos!

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-06-13 22:03:34 +0000 UTC]

honestly i have no idea why I am trying to always be nice - maybe it is just the way I was raised.
It's hard to change now.

Well - me, i would say - there are people who are stupid and nice and then there are people who are stupid and mean.
I like stupid-nice - they are really easy to comprehend.
For the stupid-mean. Ufff.... I prefer to stay away.

And the small talks gives me the goosebumps :scared:

i think that people are scared of the distance? That's why they do not try to keep in touch with someone who is far away.
Hard to say for me, because i am not even capable of keeping friend at a short distance.

You don't need to tell me about the trains in Poland -  i know all about them...  it takes so long to get from one place to the other...
You are not bored when you are there?

Once we are visiting my parents with P.H. he is rather bored as he cannot understand what we are talking about.

Yeah, I mean the prints you gave them a special touch!

But well, you are right - there is nothing like the images of our own.

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-06-17 08:52:35 +0000 UTC]

sure, mean supersedes everything else.
interesting and mean is not exactly ideal either you know

maybe you're right, but it does seem odd, to just stop keeping in touch.
especially now that it's so easy to do so, and it's not like people that live in warsaw see each other that often anyway
everyone is always too busy working 16 hours a day for no money!

It's not so bad for me, I guess it's different for him,
because we lived there for so long it feels like home a bit
I can just wander around the city for hours on my own taking photos.
or going to the cinema, or just whatever.

which means I don't really spend that much time with family and in conversations I don't understand.

so, we're off tomorrow - wish me luck!

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-06-23 20:01:09 +0000 UTC]

I think i lost all hope to find what is ideal here; )

it's sure it's easy to exchange some messages but i guess it is not the same as being somwhere near, maybe?

On the other hand - there were two people who started talking to me again - after a year or so they wrote : " how are you doing" i wrote them back but never heard of them since.
i am really clueless here.

Well, good for you that you feel there somewhat at home.

For me it's a bit like comming back to the old nightmare.

And for P.H. it is a lot of peace of mind, films, food, wine ( apart from some frustrating conversations he doesn't understand)  He seems to enjoy it more than me.

Good luck to you and Zosiaq : )

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-07-06 19:52:10 +0000 UTC]

so we got back the other day.
you know what, it wasn't so bad...

I surprised myself, but then Warsaw in the summer has always been nice.
The sun and places to go make it easy to forget all the problems living there has...

By the way, I don't think there is an ideal, we just get better at excepting that fact ; )

Oh my god, the same thing happens to Z too, what is it with Polish friends
Is this normal behaviour?

The oddest thing I've found is that the friends you weren't so close to
you know the ones you speak to every couple months or even once or twice a year
are the ones that moving away has changed nothing for

some we even see more frequently now than we did when we live there...


Going back is the same for Zosia, except that every time we go her grandmother's health is a little worse
so leaving - despite the problems of being there - is always a little harder.

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-07-19 07:32:32 +0000 UTC]

Yes, i guess when we stay long in one place it has to become something like home one day or the other.

When we were comming back from visit in Poland I felt home when i've heard people speaking french at the airport.

Well, and did you keep some of your old friends? I wonder if it just polish people who does that. It's the same for PH, he didnt keep the contact with the people who have left to work somewhere else in France.

I can fully sympathise with situation of Zosia - my father had the operation on the brain last year and he has still not fully recovered. its been really hard to leave

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-07-24 12:24:16 +0000 UTC]

oh, I think it will eventually feel like home.
If I can feel at home in both Italy and Poland - neither of who's language I can speak
then people can feel at home anywhere : )

how much French do you actually speak?

I'm not sure I would be a good case study...
I never had many friends in the first place, many of whom lived in different towns
(because my school drew in people from  a variety of places)
So as soon as we all left school we started to drift apart
I didn't go to university, so didn't really make any new friends
And there were almost no people with the same interest in my town, so I never bothered making friends with them.

So all in all, it's really easy for me to move around, I never had any friends to lose by then...

Which was fine with me anyway : )

Sorry to hear about your father

That's one thing I'm lucky with, my family is relatively healthy and generally young - for instance my grand parents are only in there mid 70s

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-07-29 14:54:20 +0000 UTC]

oh, and Italy too?
how much time did you spend there and on what occasion?
I think we would like to visit it with PH.

i speak quite well now - enough to understand everyone around, talk with PH and read books and comics.
Living in France it's the only way - there are not many people speaking english around here.

I think you did well about not going to university - i found it quite ... hmmm .... pointless. Anyway i have problem with the autorities.

In my family we die quite young. All my grandparents are dead by now (all between 40-60) i wonder if i should be so lucky

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-08-30 20:54:26 +0000 UTC]

sorry about the non-reply for so long, but things got really hectic here.
I'm not sure if you've already seen, but we finally manged to open our new gallery and we've just started our first exhibition.

We're showing Hanan's photos first up -



yeah, so we lived in Naples on two separate occasions and if it were possible we'd probably live there permanently.
but it's just one of those places that is by equal measure beautiful as impossible and frustrating!

plus the fact that it's so hard to make a living there.

I think if you add up all the time we've spent there,it must be well over a year by now. We even organized an exhibition there last year. I couldn't recommend it enough, but I'm not sure you'd enjoy it... having said that, it's the kind of place you will still want to revisit even if you didn't like it. We know lots of people that went for a short time and have stayed ever since, or like us just keep going back. We all joke that it does something to your brain chemistry : )

It's good that you speak French, did you know much before you moved there then? I know most Polish people speak a couple of languages, so wouldn't be surprised if you did.

maybe you are right about university, but unfortunately people here have a negative opinion of people that didn't go.

How are things going now, have you managed to find some sort of meaningful employment?

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-09-29 20:45:32 +0000 UTC]

ah dont worry about it,
It's been busy around here too, - well - i guess not as much as for you. Sorry as well.

You two you are doing great work. Hanan's work look really good : )

well, i guess i  told you that we would like to visit Italy with PH - but i guess it is about the food...
As i am vegetarian it is sometimes hard for PH to find something to eat with me. The great "accord" it's the pasta.

Ah, you amaze me! How did you organize an exhibition in Italy?

French - I didn't speak much, just a little bit - i took some lessons before comming here (a group, once a week, 2 hours)

The first months it was a real nightmare, after 3-4 months it got better, after 6 i was able to communicate (more or less)
i still have huuuge problems with writting.

For the employment - i am still looking. Apparently many shops look for someone for the period of Christmas. I've been giving out plenty of my CV's but for most there is not even a response (and the other cases - it's negative).

Pff... for the people who think it is important in life to get the "proper education" - even when the level of it's getting lower and lower every year...

what are up to nowadays?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-11-12 15:49:36 +0000 UTC]


Zosia is also a vegetarian, so we have the same trouble as you both I guess - so just like you Pasts is always the compromise, having said we are lucky in that we both also really love Indian food, most of which is vegetarian too.

But it's strange, most of the French people I've met don't like Indian food that much (or haven't even tried it).. is PH the same?

Anyway, if you want to go to Italy for the food, then you have to, just have to go to Naples. Don't let anyone tell you any different, the north might have the fancy food and expensive restaurants, but you will never eat as good a bowl of pasta as you will in Naples!!

So at least you have managed to learn enough to get by, and at least it wasn't Polish you had to learn : )

Has there been any further developments on the job front?

It's been really busy here since last time I replied to you (sorry again about the delay). I've been working on a project (I loath to use the word) of my own. Through out sept and oct I was travelling round the towns here taking images of the old 20th century buildings that are left dotted around the small towns here, and I just opened an exhibition of the final images. The project was Art Council funded, so its been a right pain having to get it done on time.

I haven't had chance to post any examples here, but if you'd like to see some dafyddwilliams.weebly.com/we-a…
Let me know what you think, it will be nice to get an honest answer.

All the "educated" people here have been taught to like everything, so you just can't trust if someone is giving you an honest answer...

Other than that, we've just started a new exhibition by Andrew Pershin, I'm not sure if you know is photos, but he post a lot here on dA

What about you, any new news or images?

Are you planning to visit home for christmas?
Z is dreading it after the results of the recent election and yesterdays march in Warsaw

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-11-15 21:28:15 +0000 UTC]

Hey Dafydd,

I didn't really expect an other answer from you, it's a nice surprise : )

seems like me and Zosiaq have quite a bit in common.

I am not much of a fan of the Indian food, unfortunatelly - we even have the indian restaurant here, - PH seems to enjoy it but me - uff, no thank you. I mean from time to time it's not bad - but i find it too fat (oily) and too spicy.
at least we are ok for the italian food.
Naples, it is! I've noted it.  

Can you tell me: did living with a vegetarian change yours eating habits?

You know, polish is not that hard at all - if you throw away the grammar. The goal is to be understood, no?
If you ever go to Szczecin go to "Petit Paris" - there is a guy, the owner, a french guy who was married with a polish woman - he will tell you the same.
On the other hand : i understand you - it is pretty useless to learn polish.

For the job : i am still looking.
I am thinking about "dental prosthesis" I will try to find someone to take me for two weeks (not payed) to see if i like it - then there are 2 or 3 years of studies to get there.
We will see...
Honestly, i am so hopeless when it is about making money.

Hey, it's great you've been working on something : )

Well, first things first - i was never much into architecture.

For the photos : the sharpness and the blur give them a bit of the surrealistic, out of time feeling. I like those two:

and i like your new photographer. Dind't know him before.

me, i am not really working on anything, I have some ideas in my mind.

And well, we are not going to Poland for Christmas - rather for the spring time.
Ehhh, Poland, - it always makes me feel (even more) depressed. I am just comming back for my parents - it's seems to me that PH likes it more than I do.  

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-11-23 08:48:19 +0000 UTC]

good mornin'

I always intended to reply, i'm just a bit slow sometimes : )

how can you not like indian food?
I think it's something that's better to grow up with.. all the polish people I know find it too spicy : )

true, there is always Italian food. but do you eat any meat at all, like fish I mean?

I'd say my diet has changed a bit, not much, but I was never a huge meat eater.
I defiantly eat less red meat and pork.. I'd say it's modified rather than changed.

Are you serious?
Polish is not hard?

I think you are speaking from the benefit of a lifetime of using it ; )

From my experience people found it hard to understand me unless my grammar and pronunciation was perfect.
After a while I kind of gave up trying to make myself understood as much as I could.
People preferred me to use english rather try to figure out what I was saying.

That's an interesting choice, what made you think of that?
Let's hope you can find someone.

We are just as bad at making money think.

I never really like architecture photography before either, but building are easier to work with than people
and I'm certainly not going to start taking self portraits : )

time to get those ideas down on paper.. or camera

yes, it does seem like a very depressing time in the country, having said that, we'll have the summer off
and are planning to go there for a couple of months -
at this rate they might not let me in for being a atheist/leftist/communist/anti-church/western-spy.

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-12-06 20:37:43 +0000 UTC]

Well, i can't really blame you - it usually does take me some time to reply too.

I think it is strange for polish people not to like indian food - i mean there are some spices that are common for indian and polish food. (garlic, cumin)

I just find it "too much".

no fish no meat. i was thinking about going vegan - but it seems too hard for me.

PH is really a meat eater : (
in the beginning he was not eating meat at home - just at restaurants and at his parents, when we are invited but now he eats it almost every day.

Well, when i said it - it was the words of this french guy. He said that if you do not mind the grammar it is quite easy to learn polish.
And well - i did understood him eventhough most of it was not correct at all.

Maybe those guys just pretended not to understand you? Because they wanted you to speak correctly? I wonder...

I remember when i first came to France, i was practically not speaking french at all - and i asked the guy at the aiport "do you speak english?" and he answered something like "why don't you speak french?" french people are funny for that.

Well, for the prothesist - i do not know if it will work - i think i have called almost everyone around and it seems that they are not interested... there are some who want me to call them in springtime, but well - i do not have much hope.
the situation is really horibble - there are plenty of people who can't find job.

I can understand that they try to give the job to the french people, not me.

Well - i certainly hope you are not as bad as me at making money.

I feel pity for myself.

I think if i wasn't living with PH, i would have gone living with the wild animals somewhere far away from civilisation. I just feel very disconnected from the people.

I do make some notes on my ideas - but mostly they are quite useless.

If you are not into self portraits, maybe you should try to take some shots of Zosiaq?

And it seems that it is a depressing time everywhere now...
we will go to visit my parents between april and may.
"atheist/leftist/communist/anti-church/western-spy" let's hope they will let you in

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2015-12-19 22:42:54 +0000 UTC]

: )

You're probably right, and I think it's the "spicy" part that seems to put off Polish people.
we have some friends here that have lived in the UK for a few years now
but they still think that ginger tea is spicy and too spicy to give to children : )

That must be hard in France, they eat a lot of meat there don't they?
not to mention the dairy products
I have to say that I've always admired the commitment of vegans, it can't be easy.

I was never a big meat eater anyway, so it's easier for us I suppose.

Maybe you're right about the language thing
but I always got the impression they used it as an excuse not to have to deal with me
My experience in Poland was much the same as yours in the airport I suppose
especially with older people, younger people were more willing to try,
but some were as embarrassed about their english as I am about my polish.
Which made for some awkward conversations : )

I don't think it's them preferring french people, but that there just aren't many jobs around.
All you can do is keep trying I guess What do you do for work in Winter?

Are there many wild animals left to go live with?
You'd have to travel a while to find any by now.
Better stick with PH for the moment I think.

sounds like me, I make endless notes and have plenty of "ideas",
but none of them ever amount to much.
Mostly because most of them involve working with people,
Which I struggle with so much.

Zosia hates having her photo taken too : )

isn't it tho', just so fucking depressing!
I sometimes wonder how this will all end and in 20 year we'll sit around scratching our heads
pretending we don't know how it all could have happened.

if they collect data like the americans and us, then I ain't ever getting in!

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2015-12-28 16:26:08 +0000 UTC]

oh well, the indian food - it just takes a while to get used to.

I like ginger *___*

oh yes, french people eat plenty of meat.

And stinky cheese.
I would love to go vegan but being a vegetarian here is already very hard over here.
I would love PH to go at least vegetarian, i think i could transfer much easier to veganism later.

It is very strange - i thought that the young polish people speak english quite well?
even older ones seems to know a couple of words.

Especially that we play computer games, we watch films in english. It's no rocket since to learn some words.

It is a tragedy here in France because a lot of popular films are doubled in french and french people do not have the contact with english language.

Well, i am still trying to get work bue it seems... ehhh. Hopeless. What are you and Zosia doing lately? Still working on exhibition?

I belive you are right about my dream of living with the wild animals.

Well, as long as they are not turistic photos - i like someone to take photos of me. We've been out to take some shots yesterday but it seems to me that PH is not really happy with them. Nevertheless it is nice to see that he started doing something again.

It makes me feel motivated as well.

well, shit happens all the time. Actually i have hard time thinking when the things were "okay"? is it even possible? It's always something

And about getting in (Poland) - i wouldn't worry about it.
It's worse if they wont let you out : O

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2016-01-10 12:46:13 +0000 UTC]

ah, everyone likes ginger : )

sure, but then I think being a vegetarian is difficult't everywhere - in europe at least..
if only because everyone has a friend, partner or family member that isn't.

oh you're right they do, in the "cool" cafes and galleries they do, the young city ones.
but it's not them that are working in shops and grocery stores
you know, the places that are needed to survive : )

but people are shy and it would seem there is a huge hole in Poland's English teaching,
kids are taught to read, write and understand, but they never get to practice speaking
and so when I swan in they get embarrassed, worried I'm judging them or assessing their english

really, I blame the school system : D

So France is the same as Italy then - they dub films too.
To the point where they have an actor who will always dub, say, George Clooney.
I don't even think they know what the real Clooney sounds like.

That's a shame, I know what it's like trying to find work in a foreign country
and how frustrating it can be!

We just got back from Naples (we spent new year there with friends)

Just before christmas the gallery got flooded and we had to have a break to repair the damage,
but it's fixed and ready now, we're opening a new exhibition featuring Yulia Kazban www.flickr.com/photos/kazban on wednesday

that's a shame, I could do with someone that likes being photographed here,
you and PH have any plans to come to Wales? : )

it's good that you're both feeling motivated to start taking photos again.
I liked the latest ones you posted and would like to see some new PHs too!

you're probably right, no matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise,
shit really is just happening all the time, it's too depressing to think about.

don't even joke about that!! : D
"won't let you out", you gave me a heart attack..

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2016-01-14 08:36:17 +0000 UTC]

maybe you are right - it's hard everywhere to be a vegetarian.

But apparently it would be easier in Austria or Germany. In India of course, too. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetari…

Maybe in the other parts of France, too - in the bigger cities.
i guess i will never know, it doesn't seem like we will be moving anytime soon.

Hmmm, okay then. I belive that the older people might still have problems with english. And there are plenty of older people working in the markets/little shops. I can see that it can be hard to communicate.

I guess it is alwyas hard to start speaking a language.
I had hard time starting to speak french - evyerone was so tired that they just spoke to me in english (so it goes faster)

except for Ph's father and grandmother who do not speak english at all they really helped me out to improve my french.

It was horrible in the beginning, though. PH's mother is really a terror - she was correcting me all the time so i was afraid to speak up. Well, she means well - but sometimes the opposite comes out.

The dubs are so dumb, yeah. I guess it can be good for old people who have problems with reading subtitles but I can't stand it.
It takes away all the pleasure from watching a film.

I've read about the flooding in the email, i am glad all is back to normal.
How many photos are you going to expose?
There are plenty!

I love those:



I am glad you liked some of my latest work : ) and PH seems to fall in love with the walls. It's nice to see him so devoted to something.

: ( We are not going anywhere but Poland. (it takes all of PH's holidays and all funds too)

But you can both feel invited over here

I am already too depressed to even listen to the news, I just try to make it day by day.

when are you going to Poland and how much time you are going to stay this time?

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2016-01-15 16:03:06 +0000 UTC]

would you even like to move to Austria or Germany? ; )

I think that's probably the case with me to,
when you have a queue of 20 people waiting to buy bread
it's easier to just switch to english than waste time
listening to me murder a simple sentence : )

Only Z's mother really speaks little english,
and the rest of the family just sort of repeatedly ask why I don't speak more Polish.
I'm not sure how much help they'd be anyway.
More like PH's mother without the good intentions : )

One of the saving graces of being in Poland is the fact that we can go to the cinema,
Even if it's only to watch english language films.
The fact the they are subtitled is a god send!

So it looks like I won't be going to any French cinemas any time soon.

We have 33 photos all together, none of them massive.
But because people here won;t ever get the chance to see these images again,
we want to give them a real feeling of her work.

You're right, there are just so many and we could have shown so many more.
I like those 2 as well, but we weren't able to fit them in in the end.

We'll be posting images of the gallery soon, so you can have a look then which ones
we did finally manage to squeeze in : )

That's a shame, but so maybe just skip going to Poland for a change.
It's important to travel, no?

We'll be there in the summer, not 100% sure when yet, but it looks like at least June and July,
the rest depends on things out of our control.

If you're there the same time and fancy getting away from the family,
We'd be more than happy to show you around Warsaw : )

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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2016-01-16 09:50:30 +0000 UTC]

No, Austria or Germany, hmmm... don't really think so.
I like Germans but the sound of their language depress me. On the other hand - maybe you can get used to it.

Well, my parents they have plans to learn some english, (they have already abandoned thought of learning french) and PH speaks more and more polish.

Each year he learns some new words:
Świnoujście (he really likes that one),
dzień dobry,
do widzenia,
dreszcz (he said it is you who made him learn this one),
nie mówię po polsku (this one is the most elaborated)

anyways my parents are so enthusiastic when he says something in polish, and when it sounds (more or less) right.

They applaud him , like that :

i am sorry it is not your case.

I got it wrong:
In France you can see the films with subtitles - but only in the little cinemas. (what we do)

the big cinemas are always VF - version francaise X__X
when you buy films on itunes, you have to be careful too.

I would love to see your new exhibition

i wonder : what do you do with the works after the exposition?

Do you have a place to stock it?

The problem is that i am the only child and my parents really miss me - the two weeks that we come to Poland already seems very short for them.
And it seems that me and PH - we are not much of travelers. More like homebodies.

We are going in the springtime, march/april.

But i would like to see Warsaw one day

i will keep your proposition in mind.

By the way, could i ask you something?
Could you make this test : www.16personalities.com/
i was wondering what type of personality you are.
(if you don't want it, it's none taken - i know plenty of people find it stupid )

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thesadstork In reply to Greyguardian [2016-01-16 20:23:21 +0000 UTC]

: D

we both totally agree with that!
there is just something so unbearably and irrationally depressing.

That's not bad, and it's good that he's making progress.
but i think he still has a long way to go.
even I have a better vocabulary than that : )

they actually applaud, like with sounds and everything?
that is some good quality positive reinforcement.

that's something I guess, but having to look so hard is always a pain.
there 's one cinema in naples that shows one film once a week in the original language
not always and english language film
so pickings are slim.

except for the handful we sent back to the people that wanted them
we store everything at home.
we have boxes full of images, I lost count how many a long time ago.
god knows what we'll do with them.

well, if we are ever there at the same time and you'd like to see Warsaw just let us know!

I already took the test, but was too shy to reveal my answer for everyone to see : )
but since you asked directly, I scored a "mediator".
99% introvert (as proven by my reluctance to post my results I guess)
more intuitive than not
almost equal thinking and feeling
more prospecting (whatever that means)
and highly "turbulant"

do I conform to what you may have suspected?

I guess I could say it was accurate, but these things tend to rely on confirmation bias don't they?


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Greyguardian In reply to thesadstork [2016-01-17 12:40:23 +0000 UTC]

hah, yes - there is something depressing about the sound of that language.
It's kind of "heavy" - a bit like hearing barking of the dogs.

He has a long way to go, yes : ) at the same time it is just two weeks in a year that he passes there - and we are always together - so he doesn't really need to speak polish.

My parents are more about the 'positive reinforcement' indeed.
It was a bit strange for me when i came here and noone is never proud of me anymore  
complete change, but maybe it is for the better. At least it is different. i sometimes feel embarassed when i am being complimented anyways.

Maybe one day you are going to make a huge exhibition?

Was it even worth it to send those photos to artists? I think it might be a bit expensive?

You are just like PH, then : ) he is INFP except for the turbulent part.

We were sure that you are going to be introverted and intuitive but we were not sure about the feeling/thinking and prospecting/judging.

If i was about to make a bet i would say that you would be an INTP but it seems i wasn't so wrong after all.

Thanks for sharing. : )

I am very curious about those things, before comming to live here i even started studying psychology - but PH didn't want to wait for me another 5 years.

I do not treat those tests 100 precent seriously, they are more like tools to learn something more about yourself.
And that's sure that they work a bit like a horoscope, we want them to be true

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