Comments: 52
SJLK [2017-12-18 18:26:47 +0000 UTC]
This season wasn't the worst. but it was bad due few reasons:
1. too much episodes for 14 characters. and if we look at the fact that Geoff and Bridgette eliminated toghether at the second episode it makes it 12 at the begening.
2. rewarc challanges - they were boring and not worth to watch. they have no effects for the elimination challanges. just like Heather said in her last conffesional "i wish reward challanges are waste of time. i think we should eliminated someone every night" and she was right. too much filler
3. characters becase so unlikebale - most of them just became... not likeable. Trent got some OCD fromnowere, Duncan became jerk that 90% of the cast hate him, Courtney became total b*tch, Heather was so boring and more. the only likeable characters in this season where Lindsay, Harold, DJ and Izzy (and Leshawna most of the time).
4. Bad antagonist - i think Courtney and Justin are maybe two of the worst antagonist in TD history. Justin just was... lame. he did not do anything beside being a snobish. and about Courtney, the only thing she did is being b*tch to everyone. TD antagonist should be characters like Heather or Alejandro, with strategy not be a jerk/bitch to everybody.
5. eliminate the main protagonist - Lindsay was great main protagonist. this season made just for her. movie theme (remember when she said in TDWT she wants to be an actress?), the confessional is full of make up, she was the leader of her team and she had huge character development. and the main conflict of this season was her vs courtne so it make sense for lindsay to be the finalist this season (and the winner). but then the writers eliminate her. why? for duncan. and it's leads me to my next point
6. Duncan - the worst thing about this season was Duncan. this guy got too much screentime. he began to be a jerk almost to everybody (besides gwen, Dj and Courtney). almost everyone began to hate him (even DJ and Gwen vote for Beth in the finale). but the worst of all: after owen's elimination, he got away from elimination every single time due stupid reason:
Heather - at this point Heather and Leshawan began to get along with each other (or at least accept the exiscte of each other). both of them hate Duncan. Harold hate duncan. so it make sense that at the first chance of the gaffers to eliminate someone, they vote for duncan. but Beth ruined it when she showed everyone Lesahwan's video. it was the thing that tears the team apart and lead them to eliminate someone who is not duncan: Heather
Leshawan - just like TDI this girl had stupid elimination but now it more about dumb wrigint instead of plot. i mean harold is crazy in love with lesahwan. how courtney (AKA the girlfriend of his worst enemy) convinced him to vote for Leshawna instead of his worst enemy? why a smart guy like harold trust her? and for the first time duncan was at the bottom two
Justin - duncan cheated but for somereason harold and beth vote for justin. even it never confriemd in the show, one of the writers confriemd that lindsay voted for duncan every single time after the merger happened. smart girl
Lindsay - it was stupid and unfair. Lindsay eliminated herself becasue her finger slippered on the voting divace. really writers? and bottom two for the 3rd time in a row
Harold - duncan wasn't at the bottom two. but admit it: it was becasu Harold find out about owen being chris's mole. if harold wasn't find out about it, duncan whould have been eliminated or at least at the bottom two. just like Heather's case duncan get away from elimination without being at the bottom two due character find out something about someone.
Courtney and Owen's second elimination - he was at the bottom three with them.
admit it: someone who was at the bottom two almost every single time is not desreve to be finalist. speaking of the witch...
7. Worst final two ever - both of them are suck. Duncan was a jerk who never won a challange (well... he won only one and it was before the merge), carried by Courtney, cheated multiple times. and Beth, just like owen she was carried by someone elase. Beth became much better after Lindsay's elimination but...
i suspect that Lindsay was the original choice for the female finalist. but than fresh TV noticed how Lindsay is much more beloved by the fandom. she was more popular than duncan, more likable then duncan and the fans loved her more than duncan. and at this time the fans could vote for their winner in teletoon website. so they wanted duncan to win in canada but it impossible due Lindsay's popularity. so they eliminate lindsay at the last minute and replaced her with Beth, much less popular. just to make sure the fandom will vote for duncan.
8. Noah, Tyler, Cody and Eva are not part of this season - i really like them and i think they could have been in this season. give them a one more chance.
just boring season. it wasn't the worst but its not good either. just boring. this season had some great moments (like Lindsay's solveing chris's murder) but still it wasn't enough
this season was so boring that nobody act like it exist. you can watch TDI and already skip to TDWT and it won't change anything. besides Gwent breack up, everything that happened this season never mentioned. nobody ever refer to duncan/beth winning, nobody refers to owen as chris's mole, nobody refers to lindsay's smart moment this season. the characters behave like their TDI selves. it like TDWT cancelled TDA and maybe took this season out of TD timeline. and i won't be suprise if they will do the same thing with TDAS
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Volgez97 [2015-10-24 02:34:25 +0000 UTC]
Total Drama Action = Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.
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ApplePieMuncher [2015-02-14 09:07:01 +0000 UTC]
I honestly found this to be my favorite season.
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thrashcoremaster [2015-02-12 13:46:18 +0000 UTC]
TDA rocks! I'm thinking of writing a fan-fiction ebook where the castmates go to Turks & Caicos and meet up with a bunch of Sesame Street characters. Besides I have a lot of TDA episodes and three TDI episodes (Not So Happy Campers, Part 2; Who Can You Trust? and Haute Camp-ture) on my iPod. What could've met TDA better is if three beloved Phineas and Ferb characters joined the castmates: Phineas Flynn on the Killer Grips, and his sister Candace and her boyfriend Jeremy Johnson on the Screaming Gaffers. (Candace would be eliminated in The Sand Witch Project; Ocean's Eight - or Nine would be retitled The Great Drama Heist; Jeremy would be eliminated in Million Dollar Babies alongside Heather; Owen's return to Rock 'n Rule would've never happened, and it would be Harold, not Lindsay, who gets eliminated that episode; Courtney gets eliminated in 2008: A Space Owen; Phineas and Lindsay get eliminated in Top Dog.) So Phineas, Candace and Jeremy will be included in this TDA fan-fiction ebook, which will be titled The Total Drama Action Tropical Getaway. (In one scene, Candace's birthday is celebrated.)
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Talisman975 [2015-01-22 19:57:04 +0000 UTC]
Is it bad that this is actually my favorite season?
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corbinace [2015-01-18 05:14:35 +0000 UTC]
I was outraged by that season. The way they handled Trent and Gwen in that season was infuriating. After I saw the episode where Gwen and Trent were no more, I was so angry that I threw my glass of water into the fireplace which caused a very loud crash noise in the house. It got worse with every passing episode and seeing my most hated character win was just brutal. Out of every Total Drama season, this one is my most hated season.
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1997kid In reply to corbinace [2015-01-18 19:25:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh, you legit threw your glass of water into the fireplace. Lol. It was frustrating to watch, especially since their issues were so easily avoidable. Things never really took off with this season, sadly. It needed more focus.
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air30002 [2015-01-15 21:35:03 +0000 UTC]
This season was just boring. It never lived up to its expectations, and picked a dreadful final 2 to go with it. Not to mention, characters like LeShawna and Harold were derailed to no end.
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1997kid In reply to air30002 [2015-01-15 21:44:59 +0000 UTC]
When I rewatched it in the summer, I was bored, which is weird, since when this was initially airing, I thought it was the best thing ever. The final 2 was lackluster, and barely anything happened in this season.
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air30002 In reply to 1997kid [2015-01-15 23:47:15 +0000 UTC]
I did watch it a few times, and I agree, it got old.
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amanso01 [2015-01-13 06:53:25 +0000 UTC]
I don't think this is a bad season, it's 3rd place, so I don't hate it.... being honest I don't hate any one except All Stars.... but I do see the problems.
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1997kid In reply to amanso01 [2015-01-15 21:44:12 +0000 UTC]
Understandable. TDA is not as bad as TDAS to me either, and there is some likability to the season.
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Abridgedfoamy [2015-01-12 12:16:00 +0000 UTC]
total drama action is by far not the worst season that title belongs to total drama all stars. As for mei was just meh when i heard the news of a second season and i pretty much felt the same during the whole season. just a bland felling of meh it didn't impress me. to me total drama action just palyed it safe.
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KentuckyFriedPothead [2015-01-12 04:13:52 +0000 UTC]
Like many I was originally excited about it once the I seen the teaser trailer for it after the TDI special. Once it premiered I was quite let down when I realized how boring and dry it was.
The Gwent breakup felt completely forced and rushed, along with Trent's supposed obsession with the number nine coming out practically out of nowhere.
Justin was so lazy and preoccupied with his looks, that I actually never even realized that he was supposed to be the main antagonist of the first half of the season until I read it on the wiki in early 2011.
For the Duncan x Harold confict, one question kept going through my mind every time Duncan gave him crap: Why didn't Harold learn from his mistake last season and rig the votes against Duncan the first chance the Gaffers lost and there was no obvious person to vote for?
LeShawna's conflict with the others due to her lie irked me quite a bit. Not only was it way out of character for LeShawna to do that, but also the others went way too far by treating her just like they would Heather, who committed much more heinous acts in TDI.
The only plot from the first half that I found to be somewhat interesting was the Chef x DJ one because I assumed that it would span a majority of the season and have a decent conclusion. While I did like how he quit in order to retain his dignity, it too felt somewhat rushed.
By the time Courtney was introduced and things finally started to get interesting, I went from being uninterested to furious because of her selfish whiney ungrateful attitude towards the others.
I actually didn't mind Owen's return in "Rock and Rule" that much, although that was only because I had yet to realize how much of a writer's pet he truly is which was in TDWT. The fact that they gave Owen his mole pole made me think that not only did they do that just to shoehorn in more of his toilet humor, but also to make it so that he finished the season with a post-merge rank.
Although I wanted to vote for Beth, I couldn't due to the fact that I didn't have regular internet access at the time, although thanks to it I managed to avoid being spoiled entirely.
Overall the season may be lackluster, I atleast remember in a batter light due to the fact that I was having major family issues at the time and it managed to get my mind off of them for a half hour every week.
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1997kid In reply to KentuckyFriedPothead [2015-01-12 12:34:11 +0000 UTC]
The breakup was really forced, and it says a lot that they had to derail Trent to pull it off. They were trying to make the entire situation more dramatic than it really was, which caused it to be extremely boring.
Lmao Kentucky. I realized that he was supposed to be an antagonist when I was watching this, but he would soon disappoint. I do not know what in the hell they were doing with him. They put no effort in his antagonism.
I think it would have been overly predictable if he rigged the votes in Duncan's favor, though it would have been nice for it to have happened.
I agree. This is another situation that was supposed to be more dramatic than it really was. There was no point in her doing it, and for everyone to act so harshly to her for something so small is quite ridiculous.
Chef and DJ was one of the better plots in the season, though it ended in Episode 9.
I was excited for her to return, though I did not like her at all from the previous season, only for her to irk me more than imagine, and rehash her plot with Duncan of "will they get together" when they already GOT together.
TDWT did cement him as a writers pet. Why the fuck was he in 19 episodes in TDWT, and the only thing he did of notice is his contrived breakup with Izzy? My issue with this was because it was pointless, and it was in the 6TH LAST EPISODE. Like seriously. It seemed like they did it to have him have a higher ranking than 9th.
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Sonic2125 [2015-01-11 21:31:34 +0000 UTC]
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BeekerMaroo777 [2015-01-11 20:52:39 +0000 UTC]
And it had the worst Final 5 in the season.
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1997kid In reply to BeekerMaroo777 [2015-01-12 02:23:04 +0000 UTC]
That is debatable; at least to me. TDAS has a pretty bad final 5 as well, and ROTI is a bit debatable as well.
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AJToons [2015-01-11 20:44:06 +0000 UTC]
I don't feel this was the start of the failure, because I think TDWT was fantastic. Season 4 is where I got frustrated at no end and still remain there.
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1997kid In reply to AJToons [2015-01-12 02:25:34 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, some do see Season 4 as the beginning of the end, and for good reason. TDWT was impressive in certain ways. What do you think about TDA?
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AJToons In reply to 1997kid [2015-01-12 03:45:31 +0000 UTC]
Well, I think TDA has goods and bads. The concept was a fun idea, however the episode count was too high to pull off a different genre per episode. I think the first half of TDA was pretty good, plots were going well and characters felt somewhat true to who they were in the first season, aside from Trent's odd behaviors. However, I think the biggest downfall of TDA was the elimination order. When Courtney joined into the game, the season really started to fall flat mainly because I believe too bland of a cast took over the rest of the season. There wasn't much story for anyone, and their story lines became repetitive each episode. (Episodes 14-26). Aside from a boring cast taking the rest of the season, the movie genres really became boring as well; ranging from cavemen to animal buddy movies. It just felt dry. The Aftermath episodes also served little to no purpose to the show aside from pleasing the viewers to see their favorite characters for at least four more times. However, if the season hadn't used reward challenges and aftermaths and only used thirteen episodes with the best movie genres, it would have been much more successful.
What I believe separates this season from seasons 4-5.2, really is the idea of what the show was about - cartoon teenagers on a show that really is mocking reality shows. Season 4 was just too ridiculous and provided very unlikable/unrelatable characters (in my opinion). I really thought Chris' character became too ridiculous and lacked any sense of realism that made viewers like him in the first season. It also felt too dark and lacked the main concept of it being a competition. The eliminations were predictable and frankly the challenges were boring. And to tie in to what season 2 fell flat with, was the poor elimination order. I truly felt the characters that were interesting, to say the least, were eliminated immediately and the bland/unlikable ones remained. There was a lack of diversity with the characters as well. The contestants were either too plain or had a form of mental disorder (chronic lying, multiple-personality disorder, fear of being outside, etc.) And really, I just didn't like the concept of it being a radioactive wasteland. The reason I loved season one, was because of the camp-y feel to it, and how it felt like a special show to watch each summer. However, the only thing I really did like about the season was how the finale was treated. It was a happy ending (Cameron's) and all of the contestants had a chance to give their last appearance with a bang. It was a smart way to end, what seemed like, the last season of Total Drama. Then came All-Stars and Pahkitew Island.
All-Stars actually started off so strong in my opinion. I was really loving how it was going, and the eliminations were actually surprising me. But, I think it takes a turn for the worse when suddenly character personalities completely changed. Eliminations had no shock value at all, Alejando, Courtney, etc. It seemed like the writers just gave up halfway in and the season became one of its worst ones because of it. I think what I really despise most of TDAS, though, is the horrendous finale. The final two was terrible, there was nothing dramatic about it, and the contestants did not return. I don't understand why they didn't bring everyone back frankly, because it would have probably made the finale much more fun to watch. The same goes for TDPI. Granted, the season was a lot more fun, and I enjoyed the characters a lot more compared to ROTI, but the there was only one elimination that was actually a surprise for me and that was Amy's. The rest was just too predictable and the story lines were kind of ehh in my opinion. But once again, the same thing happened with its finale. It was terrible, absolutely terrible. Even less contestants returned in the finale, and the challenge made no sense at all. Plus, it just ended. There were things that weren't answered and the writers didn't answer them. I really believe the creators of the show have lost what the entire purpose of what TDI was and they just seem to fail worse each attempt they make with it. I don't really understand how though; I feel like the problems are so clear that it's really easy for them to prevent them from happening again. In my opinion, I think TD has met its end, and it's time for Ridonculous Race to take over. I'm hoping a completely fresh start with TD:RR is what's needed and I'm really hoping they'll do things right again.
Sorry this turned into a novel, but once I start talking about the show I can't stop haha And I want to make it clear, this is all my opinion and everyone has the right to their idea of the series.
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AnOptimisticSnarker [2015-01-11 19:34:01 +0000 UTC]
Honestly, this season really wasn't a great follow-up to Island. I mean, I don't hate this season or even dislike it as much as I did, but the problems in it are really hard to ignore seeing how much they impact the show in later seasons. Really, it's biggest crime is the fact it's super boring. That, and bringing Owen back when they did was pointless as hell. It served no real purpose, and it could have been cut out entirely without changing anything. Still, it could have been SO MUCH worse as we eventually found out.
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1997kid In reply to AnOptimisticSnarker [2015-01-11 20:36:04 +0000 UTC]
I agree. Almost nothing happened int he first half of the season, and it was really ridiculous that it was the case. It was not a good follow up to Island, because it did not do a good job of what a sequel should do; move on the story without derailing characters. Don`t even get me fucking started on Owen returning. I legit screamed at the TV when I saw that for the first time.
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AnOptimisticSnarker In reply to 1997kid [2015-01-11 20:42:52 +0000 UTC]
The first half of the season was not only boring, but nothing really even happened in it. And that is sad. I mean, they eluded to so many potential plotlines happening, but they all end up being abandoned by the time Courtney comes back. Give her credit for one thing in Action; she at least gave the season some kind of direction to go in. And Owen returning did nothing but cement him as a Creator's Pet. I mean, that's the only reason you can justify him coming back so late into the season.
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HaterAssasin96 [2015-01-11 18:50:31 +0000 UTC]
It was around the time this first aired, in the middle of the season, that I first stopped watching TD. This one just bored me and didn't come close to TDI's quality. I didn't start watching again until TDRI premiered and I had to catch up on what I missed, including TDWT. I still haven't watched any of the TDA episodes after "Rock n' Rule" (except for "Top Dog" and the moment where Duncan won the season) and I have no intention to.
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JohnMarkee1995 In reply to HaterAssasin96 [2015-01-11 21:06:11 +0000 UTC]
Again, you ain't missing much with those last few episodes. But I'd say check them out if you're ever in the mood for making another entry in the Atrocity notebook.
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JohnMarkee1995 In reply to HaterAssasin96 [2015-01-12 14:21:14 +0000 UTC]
I myself MIGHT someday watch Pahk'd with Talent but only whenever CN decides to rerun it again as I refuse to take time out of my life and search for that overrated motherfucker online. I also want to do it simply to get all those biased/blind people on the Wiki (in which it's an unofficial rule that you can't dislike this episode at all) who worship the episode simply because that inbreed piece of cow shit is eliminated off my case about avoiding it.
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1997kid In reply to HaterAssasin96 [2015-01-11 20:48:53 +0000 UTC]
Lmao. It definitely did not have the quality of TDI. So you missed out on TDWT to when it initially aired? Interesting. The episodes after Rock N Rule are no worse than the episodes you have had to suffer through in TDAS and TDPI. I promise.
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HaterAssasin96 In reply to 1997kid [2015-01-12 14:11:15 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I did. I finally watched World Tour at the beginning of 2012 when TDRI first aired.
I hope not, but I don't know if I'll ever get to them.
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JohnMarkee1995 [2015-01-11 17:38:31 +0000 UTC]
I watched the premiere on YouTube shortly after it went up and then that ended up being it until the season aired in the US in June because I seem to remember the episodes being blocked for US viewers during that time. By the time it began in the US, I had already known a few things that would happen such as Trent's abrupt obsession with the number 9 and such by looking at Wikipedia.
I stopped giving a fuck about the season after The Chefshank Redemption despite still watching every episode afterwards. I became so bored with the season that I ended up marathoning the remaining bunch of episodes that had already aired by that point online (now unblocked to US viewers) just to get them done and over with. The 3 month gap between episodes was a huge mistake as it dragged the season out even longer. This season could've also benefitted from being only 13 episodes since half of them were pointless and amounted to nothing in the long run.
The 2nd half I personally believe is worse due to Courtney's intentional derailment in order to make her the last minute replacement for Justin since they wanted to avoid rewrites and realized too late that they fucked up with his character. I also began disliking Owen a little as well due to the pointless mole plot. I voted for Duncan to win the finale simply because I was tired of the season by this point and was simply pleased to finally see it end. I tolerate maybe only 5 episodes of this season and only have those on as background noise whenever they air on CN as I don't go out of my way to search for them online.
With that said, I don't think this season is the worst anymore (3rd worst as of this comment) but is still deserving of some of the vitriol it continues to receive to this day. I can also say that there was at least still some effort in this season despite having no rewrites but at the same time doesn't feel like a workprint the same way Pahkitew Island did.
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1997kid In reply to JohnMarkee1995 [2015-01-11 20:45:53 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, Wikipedia was horrible with spoilers in those days. It was so annoying as a Canadian that the season stalled twice for over a month, just so US can catch up on TDA.
Lmao at the marathoning. I was a bit interested in the Gwent storyline, but it is clear that it was supposed to me more dramatic than it ever was (which was extremely clear in the 2 Aftermath episodes), that I got tired of it. The same thing can be said about the Leshawna lie thing. I stopped giving a fuck at around Super Hero I-d.
Courtney being brought in to replace Justin was a pathetic cheap shot, I have to admit it, and it made me dislike her more than I already did in TDI. But I have to admit that it was interesting to see thins, especially compared to the dry first half of the season, with nothing going on. I voted for Beth to win, since I refused to support Duncan. Owens mole plot is my least favourite part of the season, since nothing came of it.
Total Drama All Stars is the reason why this season is not the worst season anymore. This needed some rewrites.
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JohnMarkee1995 In reply to 1997kid [2015-01-11 21:05:05 +0000 UTC]
Resulting in it taking almost a full year for that season to air.
I marathoned Master of Disasters through Ocean's Eight - Or Nine and I remember thinking that each episode was pretty much worse than the last. I saw the rest as they made there world premieres. I never gave two shits about the Leshawna lie thing and all it did was make her one of the worst characters that season.
Why couldn't they have just picked Eva to be the replacement villain? At the very least you wouldn't have had to intentionally railroad her character because you (referring to the writers) were a bunch of clueless morons!
It also needed less Executive Meddling. I pretty much pin most of what's wrong with this season on that. I remember my friend Rufus (RufusTSerenity) telling me that he read somewhere that half of the people who worked on Island jumped ship to go work on Stoked resulting in new people being brought in to replace them. And it definitely shows.
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1997kid In reply to JohnMarkee1995 [2015-01-12 03:19:23 +0000 UTC]
I remember hearing something about the workers in TDI leaving to work on the short lived Stoked, getting a bunch of new people, and I heard something about Cartoon Network taking over the show over the initial network and studio. Such a shame. Executive Meddling almost NEVER works out well.
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1997kid In reply to TheBlackHoodedGamer [2015-01-11 20:38:48 +0000 UTC]
The teaser trailers were so good, but it did a good job as a trailer. TDI had to have a cliffhanger, so they had a good enough excuse to make a sequel season.
Yeah..........The main event happened within the first QUARTER of the season; Gwent`s breakup. If the main event happens and ends that early, than something is wrong with the season. And the significant things they focused on (Justin and Beth) were never utilized after this season, so parts of it are rightfully forgettable.
Very ironic.
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1997kid In reply to Kitty-McGeeky97 [2015-01-11 18:59:06 +0000 UTC]
Slow is definitely then best way to describe the season. I think the producers were feeling the pressure of having an outstanding follow up, and they didn't FE ally know how to handle it.
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TDPIScarlett [2015-01-11 16:52:19 +0000 UTC]
I liked this season, but I am one who thinks it was just...okay and average. I loved the movie theme and it's challenges, it could be really funny, and I enjoyed most of the characters, yet at the same just seemed so slow. For example, in the FIRST episode there is not even a central conflict or interaction, it just kinda...drags on. Sometimes not much even worth mentioning happens. So I think that's it's biggest flaw, is that it is probably the most boring season (besides maybe the second half of ROTI.) Despite that, aside from maybe Trent's breakdown and Owen becoming a mole, nothing was frustratingly bad for me.
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1997kid In reply to TDPIScarlett [2015-01-11 18:56:53 +0000 UTC]
You pretty much covered it. It is not painstakingly and frustratingly bad, but it is just really, really slow. The first 2 episodes were not a good way to start a season with a bang. If it did not take them so long to air it in Canada, than it would not have been so draining for me. Most of the characters were enjoyable though. Trent's breakdown was thanks to executive meddling, but it did give him the most relevance he ever had.
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GundamSamuraiAkira [2015-01-11 16:05:32 +0000 UTC]
I was stoked for this season when it was announced and I saw the first trailers for it. This season had a great idea behind it so it should've been something great. A lot of my favorites from TDI were coming back for another round which all by itself was reason to get excited. Unfortunately, it proved to be massively underwhelming, and for whatever reason we were seeing the show's worst problem, character derailment, setting in from the very start, setting off a bad trend that has gotten progressively worse with each sequel. Action had its share of moments, but nowhere near enough to save it from how boring and frustrating it was. It didn't even start off with a bang, it went in AND went out with a pathetic whimper. And with the idea it had in place for challenges and stuff, it should've been a lot more enjoyable than this. This was a great idea that was badly wasted. Didn't take long for such a promise series to begin blowing all that made it awesome in the first place.
Action is usually ignored these days and I can see why. Nobody really talks about this season. But honestly, I consider it the least awful of the three seasons I cannot stand. Compared to the other two I dislike, this one's biggest crime is that it's just really boring. It has its moments so it's not completely terrible, but it is forgettable. On the upside it is nowhere near as bad as All-Stars, but the foolish ineptitude that led to that season definitely started here with Action.
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1997kid In reply to GundamSamuraiAkira [2015-01-11 18:52:38 +0000 UTC]
The trailers did seem really interesting, though half of it was not even in the show. I remember a time where I liked almost all of this cast; boy has time changed things. I really liked this when it was airing in 2009 (I was a kid), and after rewatching it this summer, there are some aspects that I enjoy, but not much got accomplished by the end of it. The start and the end of the season ry were easily the most boring parts of the season, and I only really enjoyed the third quarter of the season. I do not know how they got almost nothing accomplished.
A lot of people don't speak about it, and I guess I can understand why now. At first, I thought it was severely underrated, but I cannot say the same now.
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GundamSamuraiAkira In reply to 1997kid [2015-01-11 19:56:54 +0000 UTC]
I know, and not for the better. Skewed priorities, a need to pander to a new audience, a total misinterpretation and mishandling of their own concept, neglect for what the fandom thinks, and a great amount of ineptitude and carelessness in how the stories and characters are handled have often made for an embarrassingly pathetic ride. I was not a big fan of TDA even when it was on, but I was already invested so I carried on. TDA does have its moments and bright spots, but they aren't enough to save it. And perhaps like with you, some aspects I did like wouldn't hold up now in the time passed. I don't consider it the worst TD season, but they surely are aware of what a failure it was given how content people are to forget it even happened.
Pretty much, bro. It certainly looks better these days compared to that more recent disaster we were dealt, which has absolutely no redeeming value of its own to speak of, but TDA was the beginning of the downward spiral. The only real plus side is it's moderately less painful than some of the more recent seasons.
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CartoonWatcher1997 [2015-01-11 15:34:40 +0000 UTC]
I was excited for TDA. Unlike most people though, I really like this season, and I don't think it's a rehash. The characters were developed more and the challenges being movie themed was brilliant. The only things that bugged me were the aftermaths, Courtney in general, Trent, Owen rentering the game and Justin's role as an antagonist
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