Comments: 7
Aitoruchan [2005-10-31 02:13:23 +0000 UTC]
Just like when me, Chris and Alicia were painting our murals of Rurouni Kenshin and Naruto together. Kakashi and Kenshin weren't allowed to have their weapons. NO WEAPONS. Kenshin's Sakabatou was replaced with a parasol and Kakashi only had his Chidori and the Chakra sign of the tiger. It was such bullshit. We weren't allowed to,"invite violence into our school." Jesus... what's Kenshin without his Sakabatou? What's Kakashi without his kunai!? What the freak is wrong with our schools!!??
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lavaborder [2005-10-19 19:15:00 +0000 UTC]
No weapons? ..B-but.. But? .. N-no weapons?!
These are all looking sveet ~ I have no idea what any of them could be used for buuuut my favorite is the second from the very bottom right. Who cares if it has no weapons!?! I'll drive it around and scream stuff from the top untill everyone believed beyond 0.05% of a doubt that the apocalypse is coming! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN, FOOLISH MORTALS. BWAHAHAHAAAAA.
In fact, I always like your crazy mechanical inventions. Th-they make me wanna be a general in your ultra-army. >D
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Fuzzythingonurfood [2005-10-19 06:57:20 +0000 UTC]
no weapons? gosh.. thats queer
what are their functions though?
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47ness In reply to Fuzzythingonurfood [2005-10-20 01:03:38 +0000 UTC]
Good question! XD; Um, ummm… I suppose they're all designed to move heavy stuff and go through places that regular cars can't.
Just think, if they weren't so useful as they are now, we'd all be riding in mecha-style walkers or something…(!) XD
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Insanitywithapencil [2005-10-17 12:22:25 +0000 UTC]
T_T no weapons?! *sigh* you would design the best ones though if you were aloud ^_~ *faves* I luv them all
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