A1RI — Bar Takagaki by-nc-nd

Published: 2020-09-25 06:09:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 2863; Favourites: 79; Downloads: 0
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Description Channel art for Youtuber Bar高垣!

*Sorry for the sudden upload dump! I rarely use dA anymore, so I will only come here to update my gallery...
Please follow me on Twitter/Instagram for more activities!

dA was fun, but with my hiatuses and the layout change, it just doesn't feel the same anymore...

Any future art requests, trades, and raffles will only be done over there so if you're interested, please come over!*

Twitter: twitter.com/1a1ri
Instagram: www.instagram.com/y.a1ri/
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DQVOID [2020-11-24 14:01:06 +0000 UTC]

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