AaronPaquette — Ode In Red

Published: 2008-03-12 17:00:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1210; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description Half of my genetic ancestry is Native American. The other half is Norweigian. The result is that the Raven icon seems to play an important part in my psyche. In this painting, I've tried to meld the two mythologies into one concept or image while still allowing both cultures to come through.

It's an experiment, one of many that are on the way.

8.5" x 11.5"
Mixed Media
on Paper
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Comments: 4

Rettna [2011-10-23 07:03:02 +0000 UTC]

Straddling the myths of both cultures makes for uniqe visions. A point of note, all that survives from pre-Christian times for both Canada's Native community and Scandinavia's people is very scant and very old. In my opinion, how gnosis translates to art, as you seem to have done here, is the most interesting of endeavours! Artwork and poetry share the beauty which makes interpretation so personal. I like this piece for several reasons, all of which are symbols that I identify with.

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gibsart [2008-03-13 12:53:21 +0000 UTC]

That's a real nice image,well done!

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Jeff1966 [2008-03-13 01:12:20 +0000 UTC]

SWEEEEET ! Fantastic words, and image.

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Laguzinthelake [2008-03-12 17:18:59 +0000 UTC]

reminds me on Odin... maybe because he had to give his eye... and since Odin has also Hugin and Munin it makes sense to me...

it could be also a representative of Morrigan...

wonderful piece, I love that touch of red... for me it stands for lust, aggression, blood... life or battle...

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