Adam-Leonhardt — SLENDER: He's Here...

Published: 2013-04-07 17:13:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1855; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 0
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Description This was inspired by the 'Flashback' level of SLENDER: The Arrival. A fantastic game that scared the living crap out of me throughout.
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Comments: 8

synaideangel [2014-05-17 20:12:09 +0000 UTC]


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LutherTaylor [2013-04-08 12:46:59 +0000 UTC]

so much for not being better than mine!!! this is epic!! No clue how you did that interference effect! Brilliant adam!!

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Adam-Leonhardt In reply to LutherTaylor [2013-04-09 11:35:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Luther! I really had to push myself after seeing how you did yours so well. For the interference I made a few layer copies of the camcorder interface, offset them, tweaked the opacity, and played with some distortion effects. I did that for a layer on Slender Man too. Then I just ran a few slightly transparent horizontal lines across the image for a visual tear. Over the whole image I added some 'noise' to give it a snowy/grainy look. I'm glad you like it.
Also, I just finished the game last weekend. And holy crap does this game have an ending. Just about shit myself *LOL

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LutherTaylor In reply to Adam-Leonhardt [2013-04-12 01:13:21 +0000 UTC]

Ingenious guy is ingenious! Thanks for sharing Adam yeah the ending man, to be honest I was let down a bit. The forest fire stage was not scary compared to what I had been out through on the other stages. and then when I thought it was going to pick up again in that shelter bit you are suddenly at the end of the game I wanted more fear! I'm planning to play my childhood fear "resident evil 3 nemesis" eventually, but also silent hill 1 was in the online store so think I want to give that a crack first lol.
Have you played the silent hill series?

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Adam-Leonhardt In reply to LutherTaylor [2013-04-12 12:25:53 +0000 UTC]

Silent Hill 2 is my favorite game of all time. I've never drawn from it because the story and atmosphere is so perfect that I could never hope to live up to it. That's another game where the ending is just pitch perfect. I've played all the console SH games, but they haven't been the same since Team Silent stopped making them after SH4. I know what you're saying about the forest fire level, it really wasn't scary at all because you're just sprinting through the whole thing. But I still think the ending (won't spoil it for those who haven't played it) was just so terrifying. The knock on the door especially had me shivering. *LOL

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LutherTaylor In reply to Adam-Leonhardt [2013-04-14 06:39:17 +0000 UTC]


say what was your opinion on silent hill 4?

it was originally meant to be a different game until they decided to make it into a silent hill.
for me that was somewhat the most scariest of the silent hills, i couldn't hack dealing with the ghosts.
no way to fight them. I was pretty young back then though.

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Adam-Leonhardt In reply to LutherTaylor [2013-04-15 11:42:08 +0000 UTC]

I remember the same tension with the ghosts. Especially in the apartment with the 1st person perspective, towards the end of the game as they were invading your room more and more. It was seriously screwed up. that is probably the only SH game I never played through twice because it was so tense. My favorite part of that game was looking through the peephole of your front door and seeing the bloody hand prints start to add up as Walter (the bad guy if I remember right) killed more and more of his victims.
Good game. Scary as shit.
Also, I'm one of the very few people who really enjoyed Shattered Memories on the Wii. Did you play that one? Everybody crapped on that game, and I thought it had the best plot since SH2.

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LutherTaylor In reply to Adam-Leonhardt [2013-04-15 12:17:55 +0000 UTC]

yeah I think it was that moment that messed me up in 4, when they start invading your room!
I really want to attempt the game again, I am gutted they didn't include it in the hd release, because I was intending to pick it up.
I never got a chance to play shattered memories, I really wanted to though as I loved the look of the gameplay and that there were no weapons it forced you to run! run! run! lol

which reminds me of this game I bitched out on, i think it was clock tower 3. you play as this girl and she can't fight for shit so you gotta run and hide!
ah man they don't make horror games like they used to

NO WAIT IT WAS CALLED HAUNTING GROUND!!!!! The death scenes were too much also! arghh ,lol

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