AdeanTheDraconequus — Queen Flare redesign reference sheet

#fox #foxdragon #ocredesign #dragon #hybridanimal #mycharacter #originalcharacter #redesigncharacter #adeandreamkeepers
Published: 2023-11-06 13:24:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1166; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description My redesign of Queen Flare being a fox dragon instead of a Draconequus I wanted to think more outside the box with her character design and learn from life as well as realistic illustrations of fox dragons to add on to Queen Flare to look more semi realistic then super toony or anime-like so had to start over again with her design by looking at a realistic illustration of a fox dragon and made my character have a semi realistic look to her like from The Lion King, Bambi, Brother Bear and The Fox and the Hound and many other animated films that have semi realistic Stylized animals in it. 

Although I loved how she turned out so far. 


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Comments: 1

danjames-35 [2023-11-06 14:33:23 +0000 UTC]

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