AethelwulfHartwold — Kemek the Teraf

#anthropology #fantasy #fantasyworld #huntergatherer #paracosm #portrait #pencildrawing #pencilsketch
Published: 2022-01-16 04:16:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 952; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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A quick sketch I made of Kemek, the protagonist's father in mine and my brother's WIP story.

Kemek is a Teraf, a race of hunter-gatherers that once lived in Mendor (map for reference: www.deviantart.com/aethelwulfh… ).

He is soft, shy, and gentle. Unfortunately, his older brother, Lafaw often uses Kemek's kind and caring nature to manipulate him.
His MBTI type is ISFJ.

The Teraf and their ancestors had lived peacefully in Mendor for tens of thousands of years before they were conquered, displaced, murdered, and enslaved by the the Endelei, a bronze age agriculturist race from the south.

The Endelei only inhabited the land for 1500 years before they were displaced by the iron age Mends who originally came from the Bay of Teren.

700 years later, the Mends were conquered by the Chevarin after many years of war.

After 2200 years of genocide and interbreeding, the Teraf and their peaceful way of life were all but extinct.

The closest genetic relatives of the Teraf, however, did live on in the West: the tribes of Varanar and Dushar abandoned hunting and gathering and instead adopted a nomadic-pastoralist lifestyle. They were the first culture to domesticate the horse which allowed them to travel greater distances with heavier loads to look for pastures for their herds to graze on.

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