AftermathND — Outhumonose Isfiritia- The one who walks in clouds

#21 #wolves #nemzis #best #othumonose
Published: 2020-07-27 21:28:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 135; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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Description One of the Nemezis 4th day fraction and child of Earth Night Mother his name means The one who walks in the clouds or The one who stepping in clouds.. and he's the last evolution stage and father to race known to mankind as just "Wolves" after babylonian accident mankind forget about him so he generally walks by this day among people as reincarnator or himself but his energetic value is so high he's not recognizable or even can be seen by dead human eyes. His sword forged along the "Transparent Wars" named "Cloud thrower" can change quantum relations in massive objects make them wieght about 0,0001% of their real wieght. So he basically can lift the eiffel tower and throw her like it was a feather or "Cloud" but to others it weight the real wieght value. anything more.... he's 3m40cm long and 102M. year old. Olso known for his overthinking about any subject and many other nemezis come to him in search for wisdom. 
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