akkers — Batenburg-02-08-20

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Published: 2020-08-02 20:24:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 430; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 1
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Batenburg – 02-08-20


As you may know I often wander about and astray through landscapes I have never been before or in this particular case I know all too well. Batenburg is not far away from Nijmegen, where I was born and raised and upon my word it is a quite pittoresque village along the river Maas.


There lay the ruins of Batenburg Castle and it so happened I saw them on a lovely sunny day when I went to my parents. The tree line at the left serves as an introductionary repoussoir delineating the castle ruins on its right and there were some strong tonally dark blocks underneath them. If you have the opportunity to visit them it is worth the trip.


Graphite pencil drawing (Sakura 0.5 mm, 3B) on Canson Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm - A4 format)

Artist: Corné Akkers

Sales info: info@corneakkers.com

Website link: corneakkers.com/2020/08/02/bat…

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