Amadir — Battle for Amadir 06 [🤖]

#events #roleplay #amadir
Published: 2024-04-21 21:13:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 799; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 2
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Description In the Battle for Amadir Gods, Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Beaste and Mankind fought together against each other on the soiel of Amadir.

The thirst for revenge and murder was wild and unquenchable in them and their hearts were as dark as the abyss that had spat them out. They fell upon every living thing and tore it to pieces, leaving trails of blood, entrails and scorched earth wherever they went, and Ederil and her retinue joined them. Ithon and the other gods saw with horror what was happening to Amadir and knew that they had to intervene and throw themselves against the attackers lest they destroy Amadir completely, and so they gathered the angels and the spirits, the dragons and the giants of Celedruin and went there. The damage caused by the black hosts of the Abyss was already great when Ithon's light power arrived.

Light and darkness clashed in Bathonia and a mighty battle broke out. The war drums of Azdaril, leading an army of ten thousand demons, were so loud that even the heart of Amadir had to adjust its beat to keep from bursting, and the land cracked and split under the pounding feet of the fighting armies. Many eons passed before Ithon and Ederil finally faced each other and fought for the fate of Amadir, and three more eons passed before Ithon triumphed over Ederil. Azdaril, Thygotha, Isdraol and Osrabhan fought against hordes of angels, spirits, dragons and giants and the pitiful remnant of humans still alive, while Periel, Brontis, Kalharon and Deliah rushed to their father's aid.

Together, they managed to bring Eredil to her knees and force her to surrender. The battle came to a standstill and everyone waited spellbound for Ithon's verdict. He looked around at the ranks of the fallen and the few survivors and his heart was filled with deep sorrow. All that was left of Amadir was charred earth, soaked with the blood of the victims, and the land had split apart and was no longer one. But Amadir's heart still trembled, and Ithon felt it.
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