Comments: 10
Dr-Eman1 [2006-05-15 11:48:52 +0000 UTC]
Yeh yeh- coz the hand smudging and dragging down is like struggling artists trying to make it in the art world- you could talk for weeks on that.
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Dr-Eman1 [2006-05-15 11:46:34 +0000 UTC]
Cool design- I reckon for a bit of grit- a hand on the other side of the window spread out in a shadow colour , like as if it is trying to get out- or in.. or something. Like the hand is dragging down -smudging..
I have the same persian rug.- but rectangular.
good luck with the exhibition dude
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detatched [2005-08-14 10:10:53 +0000 UTC]
mmhmm i quite like that room!...and the colours children!! very nice...
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DistantCube [2005-07-02 04:34:05 +0000 UTC]
I think it's great, i even like the text, just one thing bothering me though - the frilly part at the beginning of the E doesn't wrap around the walls like the rest of the text does. I think the carpet is done very well too, overall a very good job. +fav
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johnson-in-space [2005-05-06 18:36:01 +0000 UTC]
Great work, the room and the carpet! Contrast, yes, good idea - the carpet already is in contrast to the room (or vice versa). The type/font is too ornate in my opinion, it makes the poster too busy and prevents the eye from getting into the depth of the room and concentrating on the contrasts within the room itself. As for the font - perhaps something a little more plain, in a different color, something that blends a bit more but is still catchy?
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kayceeus [2005-04-23 13:16:21 +0000 UTC]
I love the manip. on the room, but the pretty type doesn't really go with it. Maybe something a little more gritty? Good job!
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anarchitect In reply to kayceeus [2005-04-23 14:34:30 +0000 UTC]
hey, very good point, that was the plan!
i was aiming for contrast, because there will be another poster with gritty type and a nice background.
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