angelgirl5132 — Aveline Character Sheet (1)

Published: 2013-03-23 23:15:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 693; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description Pre-Guard Captain Aveline. I think I'm gonna let her keep Wesley's shield the whole comic.... Even though in the actual game that would be ridiculous. That shield has the worst stats ever.

Whew. Four down. Fenris, Anders, Carver, and Varric left to go (and some others that aren't as crucial. ie: Gamlen, Leandra, etc). OH GOD AND HAWKE's MABARI! Can't forget him. He's great. His name is Mabari.

Sorry fan-girls, Sebastian has no part in this story. Speaking anyway... might have to have him make a cameo or something to explain why Merrill has Allure's Crook...........
But yeah... I find him really boring >.< and my Hawke ain't got no time for whiney church-boys.
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