Comments: 137
AonikaArt In reply to hydraequus [2010-09-07 19:28:19 +0000 UTC]
Jak do tej pory lubiłam bardziej smukłe rasy, ale jak teraz patrze na miniaturki tych artów, które zrobiłam, to jakoś tak najbardziej odpowiada mi postura tego 'maleństwa'... jak widać kompletnie mnie umiem sprecyzować swojej ulubionej rasy XD
...i dziękuje bardzo ^_^ale czy to tylko mi się wydaje, czy też on wygląda na zdziwionego?
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AonikaArt In reply to hydraequus [2010-09-07 20:16:28 +0000 UTC]
lepiej pszczołę - przynajmniej gdybym ja była koniem to robiłabym taka minę na widok pszczoły, nie motylka ;D
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AonikaArt In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2010-09-07 20:22:21 +0000 UTC]
I noticed that white markings connected to eyes madere them blue, so I thought that silver genes also can give similar effect, but it's only my crazy logic , nothing much ^^
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Delorya In reply to AonikaArt [2010-09-07 19:48:54 +0000 UTC]
thank you :3
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whitelakewolf In reply to ??? [2010-09-07 19:05:52 +0000 UTC]
Simply gorgeous!
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KaxantheDragon In reply to ??? [2010-09-07 19:01:37 +0000 UTC]
I never knew gypsy vanners weren't only black and whites...
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AonikaArt In reply to KaxantheDragon [2010-09-07 19:08:27 +0000 UTC]
I'm not an expert, but I saw them in other colors like palomino, chestnut, seal brown, bay or gray... ^_^ Palomino ones are especially cute with white patterns on the body
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MoonyArsaraidh In reply to ??? [2010-09-07 18:59:58 +0000 UTC]
AO! He looks stunning! This isn´t such a popular color, the common color is tobiano and such. But i love it!
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MoonyArsaraidh In reply to AonikaArt [2010-09-07 19:09:10 +0000 UTC]
Haha, thats true. But you can also take brown and white or chestnut and white, or palomino..a really rare color! Or....the colors are so different and there are so much colors.. also only black and little white socks or something like that ^^
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MoonyArsaraidh In reply to AonikaArt [2010-09-07 19:21:01 +0000 UTC]
Ooooh yes, beautifull boy!
Take a look also here if you need more [link] as example
Will look for another pictures, you can also take a look at my photo stock, there are some vannerpictures.
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