arejaye — Old Crow P-51B

Published: 2014-09-28 01:40:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 741; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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Description P-51B "Old Crow" taxis before the crowd at Oshkosh in 2009.
There are several North American P-51's here and abroad that are painted in the livery of one of Clarence "Bud" Anderson's mounts from his service in the 357 Fighter Group.
Jack Roush is a personal friend of Col. Anderson and restored a P-51D in his honor. He has since sold his 'D' model and now flies this P-51B with Malcolm hood that is also called "Old Crow".

AirVenture 2009 
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Comments: 5

RAM1000000 [2015-05-21 13:12:41 +0000 UTC]

Col. Bud Anderson's mount. He scored most of his kills in this machine. He scored 16.5 kills during his two combat tours in Germany, and flew an F-105 Thunderchief called "Old Crow II" in Vietnam.

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Daniel-Wales-Images [2014-09-28 01:48:04 +0000 UTC]

I don't think there are others painted as Old Crow now, other than the examples that are US based? Well not in Europe at least. We did once have a P-51D in these colours that was based in Sweden. She has since been sold and moved here in the UK. She has now been repainted into RAF colours. I'm actually looking forward to seeing her in her new colours.

Though it's rather a cliche now, I kind of like the livery of Old Crow and the 357th in general. So many owners opt for the late war bare aluminium look, and yes that does look colourful and exotic, but it's nice to see some olive drab occasionally, especially on such a fine machine as this one with the Malcolm hood, a canopy that I think suits the Mustang very nicely.

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arejaye In reply to Daniel-Wales-Images [2014-09-28 02:26:04 +0000 UTC]

Your mention of color has prompted me to have another look at the original RAW file. 
I think the white balance was off a little, as I'm sure that she should show a bit more brown.

But I'll just keep it as it is for now as I've gotten a lot of faves off it.

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Daniel-Wales-Images In reply to arejaye [2014-09-28 02:33:16 +0000 UTC]

Personally I'd say the white balance isn't too far out. And if anything it needs to be less brown, just a hint though. I'd possibly think about adding a light cooling filter, as there is just a hint of brown in your whites but this is pretty normal for most cameras. They all tend to give a slight warm colour cast. Here's a good example of Olive Drab below.

Bare in mind that aircraft would also fade over time so colour shades are variable.

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arejaye In reply to Daniel-Wales-Images [2014-09-30 23:45:00 +0000 UTC]

I'll admit that the colors are pretty close. I've viewed other photo's of this particular aircraft that show a richer green-brown, but they were all brightly sun-lit.
Perhaps it's just the cooler light from overcast skies on this particular day.

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