ArgentFatalis — Hunter in our Midst

#form #human #shapeshifter #therianthrope #tiger #transformation #weretiger #zoanthrope #ailuranthrope #naturalized #blacktigerr
Published: 2015-10-03 15:42:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 10305; Favourites: 136; Downloads: 43
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Description The nature of the hunting weretiger is one most cunning, even among other zoanthropes; no lack of intelligence in the gleam of their gold eyes or the silence in their step. Many natural ailuranthropes experience a lucidity during the act of stalking, entering a state of tremendously heightened awareness and intense focus where distractions are wholly suppressed. The weretiger represents the pinnacle of this quality, able to freely go from serene calm in the ambush to mortal terror the moment the attack itself begins. Although a rare sight - to see an actual weretiger, no less stalking prey - it is a reminder that zoanthropes very much are both themselves and the animal lineage of their blood-curse.

Spurred by the rise of the full moon, this particular strain in its afflicted form will prefer to hunt easy and available mundane prey - often wisely avoiding human beings. Alternatively, naturalized weretigers who are born with their inherent ability are not called to the hunt despite their change in form. Most, despite this, prefer to act on the instinct they feel within, taking to prowling in the dark moonlit night.

A stylized sketch of Asher Tybalt on the prowl produced by Zibyr.

Artwork © BlackTiger 2015
Character © Argent Fatalis 2015
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Comments: 3

lectraplayer [2015-10-03 20:06:28 +0000 UTC]

I've seen them get after my deer. Certainly a sight to behold, though I wish they would do something about my easy to catch armadillo population.

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ArgentFatalis In reply to lectraplayer [2015-10-06 13:15:09 +0000 UTC]

I myself do not imagine an armadillo to be exactly the first prey item among a zoanthrope's choices. I've not asked a zoanthrope, or eaten an armadillo to confirm that as fact.

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lectraplayer In reply to ArgentFatalis [2015-10-06 15:47:54 +0000 UTC]

You are right, though. They're a bit greasy for my liking but are so easy to catch. Great if hungry, though. . I guess if most zoanthropes are doing well, they won't touch them.

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