ArisaManuko — ArisaManuko

#blade #blue #bns #lyn #mushin #soul #forcemaster #arisamanuko #bladeandsoul
Published: 2016-11-13 20:51:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 645; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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Description Downloading the game was truly a pain in the ass ;; but I guess it was worth it, the game is really fun to play   
So, this is my Lyn character ovo I think the hair is slightly lighter in the actual game but I liked how it turned out here so yeah - v-

You can find me on the Mushin server under the name ArisaManuko owo I have only started so I still have a training bangle that keep breaking every 10 enemies ;v;
I wanted to play today but I'm too tired after spending the whole day on this thing    

EDIT: I just realized I drew the bangle on the wrong hand .-.   

EDIT2: Chestil just pointed out I forgot the tail .-. I have no idea how I missed that lol I added the tail now but I won't change the position of the bangle, too lazy for that   
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Comments: 5

BluePawVI [2017-03-08 08:14:59 +0000 UTC]

Such an amazing art piece of your character! ;;v;; Your character is super cute. ♥
Maybe we can play together sometime, though I'm unsure if we can meet ingame. oAo Concidering you're on the Mushin server and I'm on the Gunma server. Some servers are connected to other servers, so... ;0;
It's weird though, I have a person or two in my friends list who are in the Mushin server so Idk if I've met them ingame or they just found my name and sent a friend request. xD

Nonetheless, very good job on this! >u<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArisaManuko In reply to BluePawVI [2017-04-18 17:34:47 +0000 UTC]

AAAAAAH!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ;v; Although I wish I had drawn her a bit more accurate XD
This is how my character actually looks like:

That would be so fun, even though I'm such a noob and would probably embarrass myself lol I don't know if that would work, but I've seen on the map that there are things called Inter-server dungeonsor something like that? Not sure if that would work since I just started playing and my knowledge is very limited XD

Again, thank you so much and sorry for such a late reply! orz

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BluePawVI In reply to ArisaManuko [2017-04-19 07:54:11 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome~! ;v;
Aaah she's so cute! ♥♥

I know that if we're on different servers, we can only meet in the Dungeon Lobby. We can do dungeons together, but not actually meet while we wander the enviroments and stuff if you know what I mean. xD;;
I've been playing for a while, but since the game updated and most things look completely different, I am slightly confused. Yet I have enough knowledge to know what to save and what to do- hahah
If you want to do some dungeons together, you can add me to your friendlist. ♥ I assume it's enough with the character's name, so my main character's name is Tina Monubone.

Hey don't worry about it! haha x3

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Chestil [2016-11-13 22:10:29 +0000 UTC]

Guess what.
//whispers You forgot the tail...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArisaManuko In reply to Chestil [2016-11-14 07:31:41 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... I might add that today ;v; BRAIN Y U FART ON MEEEEEEH?!   

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