Arisaria — Leo

#keychain #leo #moth #plushie #zodiac #twin_spotted_sphynx
Published: 2023-08-20 09:13:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 1073; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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this is Twin-spotted Sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis)  the moth that Flutter: Starlight choose to represent Zodiac sign Leo flutter-starlight.fandom.com/w…

I had a very long description on what I esperimented with this plushie, what went wrong and right, and why it is so late, but ofcourse it all got deleted becaose of course it did, and I lacked the foresight to copy it before posting. at this point all you need to know: I'm on vacation, my laptop is dead, this is borrowed laptop, internet is wonky

Pattern used: www.etsy.com/pl/listing/116740… by slightly modified

Others in the set:

Aquarius: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Pisces: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Aries: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Taurus: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Gemini: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Cancer: male www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar… female www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

alt Leo: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Virgo: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Libra: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Scorpio(female): www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar… Scorpio (male): www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Sagittarius: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

Capricorn: www.deviantart.com/arisaria/ar…

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