Assimulatrace — Fool's Sweat Tooth

#3drender #aprilfoolsday #bakery
Published: 2024-04-02 00:36:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 174; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Couldn't really think of anything to do for April Fools, but then deviant art became a bakery (an April Fools thing probably), so I decided to try my hand at a cupcake. The title is a reference to this being an April Fools post. I also reused part of the scene from the gummy bear jar render I did, as I thought it would fit for this.

If you are wondering why the soda bottle says "Breast-O", then the answer would be that it was a funny play off of presto that I thought of. That's about it. I hope it made someone laugh.

This was made using Blender.

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