Attemiff — Please spare me....

Published: 2019-11-07 05:12:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 197; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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"Sikrinerk..." Felix breathed, a little afraid that if he said her name too loudly, that she would leave.

Sikrinerk was a good spirit, the one with good, comfortable feelings...

The one he'd meant to choose.

"Sikrinerk." He called out a bit louder. "C..c..can I change to you? I never meant to align myself to Meelanik, it was a mistake! Honest!"

The light spirit blinked at him, but Felix couldn't tell what it was saying.

"Please." Felix begged. "I'll follow you, but you have to fix this. Show me you understand."

The spirit flicked again to the dangerous path, not showing any understanding. And Felix let out a sigh, eyes downcast to the charm on his backleg. 

"I'll get up the mountain without you." He stated, and carefully went down the more dangerous path.

Import: Felix 40418
Activity Journal: Felix Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Crafted Lantern
Deer TotemRaven Totem
Tribe Benefits:
Exploring Specialist II
Master of the Journey
Faction: Prestige Breeder
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Comments: 1

NorthPaws [2019-11-23 15:40:39 +0000 UTC]

Great team spirit!
This image has been used in the Spirit Rally.

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