Balduranne — 32x64 Zodiac: Pisces

Published: 2013-12-20 09:14:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 166; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 1
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Description ~baka-wani gave me an idea to make a "Zodiac series like this ".

I'm going to spare everyone the spiritual crap, because I don't believe in it as I find it to be a load of bull.

This is also why the representations are not based on an individual sign's "traits", but rather just on the name and whatever idea I had for it at the moment of creation.

Inspirations for this one: Nothing in particular

I should have swapped this and Aquarius.

Well, here we are. It's Friday, and I still haven't gotten a job.  Holidays are around the corner, and I'm about 300$ short to afford even the rent, let alone food or other bills.

This means that I'm going to be officially homeless soon, as there's no way that you can quickly get this kind of money in this country. 

The point being - Don't expect any sprites from me anytime soon... Or ever, actually.

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