BarefootShade โ€” FOOTWEAR?!?!

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Published: 2023-10-30 19:02:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 3834; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 2
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Description How is it possible that Barefoot Shade has a pair of slippers in her hands, while walking around the world barefoot?

How is it possible that Giulia Scalza, the barefooter who fears nothing, who goes barefoot on the railway like NO OTHER BAREFOOTER ON DEVIANTART AND INSTAGRAM (and perhaps in the world?, who knows), who dances on brambles, who trains by climbing on a bolt of iron ... how possible she ย feels the need, while walking barefoot down a street, to have... footwear in her hand?


I have decided that the next little gallery will be "new beginning".

Some of you know that many years ago I suffered a very serious injury to my bare foot and to my pride. Something broke my confidence until the deepest point. I wore shoes for many, long, horrible months. More than two years. I no longer felt capable of going barefoot. I felt weak and hurt, betrayed by my greatest passion in life.

When I was about to give in to the evidence that I was no longer not only "the" barefooter, but not even "a" barefooter, my love told me "don't wear shoes... let's try to go for a ride like once, without shoes, but with a pair of flip flops. Take them in your hands. If you can't go on barefoot, you'll wear them. Let's see where you can get today. And tomorrow... let's think about it tomorrow."

My feet were weak. They weren't really naked, but just "without shoes". You will also see it from their shape, in the photos: elongated, without arch. Without strength.
I didn't feel capable of facing stones, places, restaurants, glances, anything, barefoot.
So I accepted. I couldn't do better than that. So I accepted something that I would have considered "poor", months before and basically throughout my life, ever since I was a little girl, ever since I felt that my greatest need was to go barefoot, to show myself barefoot, and I dreamed of living my whole life barefoot in front of the amazement and to the admiration of all.
I took that little trip as a simple girl with slippers in hand. And not "the" barefooter. Not even "a" barefooter. Just a girl who had taken off her slippers, who knows why.
After two days... I had never put them.
I had felt pain on the stones.
Embarrassment in front of stares.
But I had never worn them.
So on the morning of the last day I threw them away.
It was my new beginning.

Many years have passed and now I live barefoot all summer. But not only that: I look for challenges, I look for the extreme, and I always win.
Today I am Giulia Scalza and, and over the next year, I will show you that I can do things you can't even imagine, barefoot.
But as much as I do impossible things barefoot... those two days with slippers in hand were much, much harder.
It was my new beginning.

Today, one of you inspired me to publish it, even if in that gallery you won't see my strength, even if the photos are very old and not beautiful.
The little gallery with old pictures will be secretly dedicated to him!
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Comments: 3

EThinnes [2023-10-30 22:54:01 +0000 UTC]

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BarefootShade In reply to EThinnes [2023-10-31 13:19:43 +0000 UTC]

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 0

lougojira [2023-10-30 20:46:00 +0000 UTC]

๐Ÿ‘: 1 โฉ: 0