AUCTION OPEN 🌝 Bid in the comments, please
Start Bid: 10$
Min increase: 2$
AutoBuy: 20$
🍅 Payments PayPal only (USD).
💀 Upon purchase you'll receive the full-size (896x1344 px) unwatermarked image (PNG). Stash download link or by email
🍅 Background is not transparent. No watermark
💀 You are free to trade, resell, etc.
🍅 Not refundable.
💀 Auction end 12 hours after first bid
🍅 I will reply to your comment when you win, if in 24 hours straight I received no news from you, auction will be reopen (or winner bid automatically move to the next highest bidder).
👁️ All images are AI created 👁️