- Wow! A book! A real printed book! - Mila exclaimed with awe when a librarian mounted a folio on a blue plastic stand in front of the girls. - I had no idea that our university library is so rich!
Mila and Rita like several hundreds of thousands of other students were taking distant courses at the Karabasich University, and according to their curriculum at the end of the second year of their study they had to arrive to the University for the first time to pass exams there. It was an amazing trip. For the first time the girls left their planet and traveled by a spaceship. They were amazed by the Dolotony planet where the university was located - ecologically clean, safe, with nice soft climate and beautiful landscapes, and full of cute little critters. After successfully passing their exams the girls as they planned took part in the University Olympics, after what they stayed at the university for one more week, mostly partying. Their task was to determine how suitable the planet is for their race - the elves already proved to be hardly adaptable to conditions of other planets, very sensitive to changes in climate and prone to various deceases. However, Dolotony seemed very comfortable for them.
It was one of the last days of their stay at the university when Rita invited Mila to the library promising to show something extraordinary. Mila couldn't even guess what it could be. And now she was amazed to see a printed book of drawings of their favorite artist who was known to the public as Shabazik .
- Yes, - the librarian said proudly, - we have the Millennium Edition of 'The Fantasy World of Aiers" - a rare and precious book.
- But these are not originals, right?
- Oh, Mila, don't be ridiculous! - Rita laughed. - Can you imagine, how much his drawings cost? Even these reproductions are expensive as hell!
- And why did they called it "the millennium edition"? What date they took as a reference?
- Yeah, that was a bit arbitrary choice, - the librarian agreed. - They published the book one thousand years after Shabazik joined DeviantART. It is not totally correct, of course, because he mentioned many times that he invented the world of Aiers several years before that. They could better refer to the date of creation of the DeviantART group "World-of-Aiers ", or the "Aiers Wiki " on Wikia platform.
- Wait, do you allow us to touch it? - Rita couldn't believe her eyes when the librarian put a pair of protective gloves on the table.
- Yes, but only using the gloves, and only one of you at a time.
- Oh, it's fair! - The girls looked at each other and laughed, remembering how they were fighting for the remote to scroll pages in the electronic book of Shabazik 's artworks.
- Amazing book! - Mila whispered after a while. - How did you get an idea that this book can be here?
- I was looking through the news at the university website and noticed that these days they celebrate exactly 1070 years since Shabazik got his first 500,000 pageviews on DeviantART. There was the mention of the book, too.
- Oh, we totally could miss this opportunity! So good that you noticed it! I so love his drawings!
- And I love them, too, - Rita answered. - By the way, they say, that crazy maniac that created our race by gene engineering also was a great fan of his art...
- No surprise. He loved elves - he had to love Shabazik 's art.
- By the way, girls, if you are interested, we have an RPG based on the World of Aiers, - the librarian said. - You can play it via the network, and you can take part in RL events when you come to the university. You will be more than welcomed there - you are such natural elves!
- We are! - laughed the girls, looking forward to the new positive emotions. - Count on us!
Mila and Rita - characters by living in the XXXI century
The picture is dedicated to 's kiriban - 500,000 pageviews.
It was supposed to be a quick simple drawing and I had planned to do it in a couple of hours last Sunday when Shabazik reached the mentioned milestone. However, I've spent the whole Sunday and evenings of Monday, Tuesday and Friday to finish it. Well, I hope the result worth the efforts.