Flaxen Liver Chestnut American Mustang Mare
Registered Name: CoaH Litonya - ”darting hummingbird”
Barn Name: Tonya
Bloodline: Foundation
Breed: American Mustang
Gender: Mare
Height: 15.2 hh
Weight: 1,204 lbs
Age: 9 years
Eyes: Rich Brown
Color: Flaxen Liver Chestnut
- Star
- Front Left Sock
- Hind Left Sock
- Front Right Pastern
- Show Jumping
- Cross Country
Body: Slender
Type: Swift
Vice: Bites
Quirk: Chases crows from her pasture
Genetics: ee/Aa/ff/STYsty
Restrictions: Open to all breeds.
Status: Closed
Booking List:
Personality: Quick mare, quiet a high jumper, good potential for jumping.
However, being an older mare, and a wild mare at that, she can have quite the temper, and tends to bite when things aren’t going her way. She has had a few foals during her time in the range, which gives her a sense of all knowing towards young mothers and their foals, and she will often try to “school” other mares on how to raise and discipline their foals by nipping or squealing at an unruly colt or filly until it’s mother’s attention is diverted to Tonya. She has a lead mare sense about her, and is not a push over in a crowded situation, turning her into a ‘fighter’ more than a ‘flighter’.
She does have some strange habit of chasing crows off, especially when it comes to the irritating birds trying to steal a bite of grain or left over treats. She can also be hard to contain in low fenced areas, because of her abilities to jump. But if she can be taught to share, she has some great potential built within her.
History: The chill of the desert night crept up her spine, and the lead mare shivered her shaggy coat, bits of loose hair falling to the breeze. She took a moment to stop grazing, and look at her band, then towards Cocheta, whom watched them from a vantage point. She whickered softly to her stallion, who answered back. Contently she lowered her head back into the green. In splendor she let the night consume her, listening to the soft talkings of the foals and the gentle breathing of the mares.
The next morning came all too soon. She was preparing to move her family when a whirling echoed off the mountains. She didn’t stay as long as Cocheta did to investigate the noise, but instead she wailed to her herd, moving them off into a panicked run, only to clash into another frightened herd running from the noise. All in that same instant, she was lost. She was scrambled into a mix of sweating, heated bodies, cries of foals and mothers drowning out all other sounds. The herd felt tight around her, forcing her forward. She sunk her teeth into another mare beside her, craving for just a bit more room, but all she got was an unpleased squeal, and kick to another horse’s chest which sent the mare plummeting to the ground. Litonya did not see the fallen mare’s fate, but it was probably best that she didn’t.
The chestnut mare felt like she had been running for days, her legs burning and her coat matted with dirt and sweat, when the horses began slowing down into a misshapen single file line, cramming between two fences. Strange, two-legged animals shut a wired fence behind her, and she turned to look at their faces. They were like nothing she had ever seen. She snorted, and the male creature threw his dangling limbs in the air and gave a cry like none other, and frightened her back into a run to catch up with the others. When she returned, a fight was ensuing between Cocheta and another band stallion. Cautiously, she kept towards the wired fencing, watching other panicked foals crashing into them, looking for escape. When the stallions gave up their worthless escapade, Cocheta joined her side. Tired, they didn’t try to bother looking for the others. They stood side by side through the night.
When morning came, the herd had shrunk. Half the size now, others had been moved into a separate holding pen, and unfortunately, that included all of Cocheta’s mares. Litonya touched her stallion’s neck, and that’s when she noticed a pale-faced, two legged creature staring at them. She was female, and watched her and Cocheta intently. Litonya pinned her ears in warning, but this did not frighten Melody; the pale-faced, two-legged creature. In fact, this only persuaded her to save them both; if possible.
Artist Note: Remember that liver chestnut for Cocheta’s reference? Well this is her. We had to bring both of them home. Enjoy! She’ll start training soon.
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