BlueTwin — Kilvas the Elf

Published: 2014-08-11 21:43:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 385; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description So some of my friends were getting started with Dungeons an dragons, for people who dont know the game. its a RPG game without a computer.. the ''Dungeon master'' controles the mission or quest you do. You have to create your own character on paper and then its time to play, you can play it with 6 of your friends. everyone has ther own character. the dungeon master tells an exciting story about a lurking shadow that lives on the second floor in a bigh white house. its ur quest to kill it, first you need to lock pick the door, or use magic... For example, I am a wizard and i tell everyone I am going to open the door with my new learned spell... I have a 30% chance it wil work... I use a dice to know if my spell failed or succeded... etc etc... It sound pretty cool to me. this is Kilvas the elf, Its a character from one of my friends. I drawed it for him cuz he cant draw that well (or so he says)
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