Comments: 20
BATTLEFAIRIES [2018-12-20 13:40:33 +0000 UTC]
This is lovely. I tend to forget the medieval builders used the thickness of the walls for passages etc. a lot. And that amount of rubble inside! Incredible.
Thank you for sharing!
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Brian-van-Hunsel In reply to BATTLEFAIRIES [2018-12-23 12:22:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
I really like the idea of small, possibly secret, corridors inside walls. I don't really know how much of that was feasible in a castle wall though, so I may have overdone it here.
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GermanPete [2018-12-18 05:44:54 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I know that book by hart!
The art style was great (as is yours here) and it was so very good in explaining how they did what for which purpose.
Your players are lucky to have a DM with enough free time to produce something like this!
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Brian-van-Hunsel In reply to GermanPete [2018-12-18 07:47:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I loved how he shows the whole construction of a castle from the ground up. Fascinating! Have you heard of ChΓ’teau de GuΓ©delon in France? It's like that, but in real life. An archeological experiment where they build a castle using medieval technology. Google it if you don't know it already. It's absolutely gorgeous and very interesting.
To be honest, my players aren't all that lucky. We don't play very often, so we all keep forgetting where the campaign is at. And I spend way more time making maps for places the PCs will never see than I do prepping sessions. XD
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DavidWFisher [2018-12-18 05:05:31 +0000 UTC]
Three thumbs up.
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Castor42Pollux [2018-12-17 21:24:10 +0000 UTC]
Them hobgoblins build nice towers for sure.
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SirSkeetsAlot [2018-12-17 21:00:37 +0000 UTC]
May sound odd but what's the little room on the right?
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Brian-van-Hunsel In reply to SirSkeetsAlot [2018-12-18 07:42:14 +0000 UTC]
Not odd at all. It's supposed to be a prison cell. It's a leftover from an abandoned idea. I wanted to include an inner keep initially, but found I'd misjudged the scale and couldn't fit it all on my paper. But I'd already drawn the cell. I decided to keep it, because it balances the composition a bit, by adding some "weight" on the right.
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Brian-van-Hunsel In reply to SirSkeetsAlot [2018-12-23 12:31:45 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, I was wondering if that would look like a tunnel. It was supposed to be a light/air shaft. There's a small door to the cell in the far wall.
It really could've been thought out better, couldn't it XD
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Thomas-Rey [2018-12-17 19:27:29 +0000 UTC]
Splendid map Brian !
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