Burksaurus — Bent Spruces of the Southern Woodlands

#bark #bottomland #common #cones #eastern #forests #fox #frames #gray #grey #hardwood #louisiana #northern #pine #pines #plywood #riverbanks #seeds #shelter #southern #spruce #squirrels #states #united #water #wildfires #wood #bobwhites #uses
Published: 2022-03-13 23:10:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 5302; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Hey, I'm back to posting my artwork but here's a pine I have seen before. This is a spruce pine dropping its cones in the bottomland hardwood forests of Louisiana. Spruce pines are a species of pine native to the Southern United States living in bottomland hardwood forests to riverbanks growing to 60 feet tall. They are recognized by their gray bark; trunks that usually look bent; and needles that look straight and twisted. They are not as common compared to most pines in the Southern United States like longleaf pines since they usually live in the understory. But they do stand out living close to rivers absorbing water and don't survive wildfires. They usually provide for animals like Northern bobwhites, fox squirrels, and Eastern grey squirrels by eating their seeds but also providing shelter. They do have their uses for people since their wood is used for plywood to frames. They are also used as ornamental plants for landscaping since they are native plants that absorb water. But let me know what do you think of it in the comments.
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