— Colouratura
2023-08-25 23:28:47 +0000 UTC
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“Why fit in, when you were born to stand out” - Theodor Suess Geisel (or Dr Suess) (2nd Mar. 1904 - 24th Sep. 1991)
A rainbow-coloured infinity symbol, the symbol of the autism awareness movement, is set against the cosmic infinity of the universe. And much like the universe we all inhabit, autism creates an infinite, beautiful variation of people from all walks of life who think different, live different and love different.
This illustration mean a lot to me, even if it came out looking a bit rough around the edges (haha). On my bio, I labelled myself “neurodivergent”; that’s because I am neurodivergent, specifically I have Asperger’s (which I know there’s still debate within and outside the autistic and scientific communities if this a correct or appropriate term but that was what I am diagnosed with). Regardless of the terms to label me, being neurodivergent is not something that I am ashamed about; in fact, me embracing this fundamental fact of my life certainly helps with my own confidence as an individual and how best to approach situations in my life, good or bad.
The title of this illustration, Colouratura, is a term derived from Italian meaning “colouring”. In music theory, colourtura describes a complicated melody with runs, trills, leaps and other material, creating a unique and diverse sound. I do think this is an appropriate title to use for this piece (if a little bit on the nose) as there are infinite variations of sound, tone and rhythm in a colourtura, much like there is in autistic people.
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