Cadet-Comics — ART SLAM! 6/6/2018

Published: 2018-06-10 19:10:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 220; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Guzo
Guzo is a bilingual mechanic who is a lot more intelligent than he initially seems (as well as believes himself). He’s on the shorter side but doesn’t let it bother him, often retorting back any sarcastic comments that may be directed toward him. He saw Ponnie in the super market and developed a small crush on her, occasionally pretending to buy the same things she does just so that they had something to talk about. When she learns he has no idea how to read in English, she offers to help teach him, and he actually fell in love with her from then and there. He loves beer, boxing, and making people laugh.
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Comments: 3

Hide-and-Sheik [2018-07-31 05:01:30 +0000 UTC]

I love your experimentation with different body shapes

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MissPeridot [2018-06-14 04:27:15 +0000 UTC]

His romantic arc with Ponnie sounds like it is going to be very pure. I ship it. 

Also, you mentioned he is bilingual. I was wondering what his first language is, given the story's setting. Is it a fictional, alien language since the story seems to be set on a distant planet? Or is the planet Iris takes place on a sort of alternate-reality earth, thus making his native tongue a language from the real world like French or Spanish?

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Sunriseoflove [2018-06-10 23:50:47 +0000 UTC]

That's cute that he pretended to buy things in the super market but then fell in love with her for real. I like him being a mechanic!

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