CaliforniaHunt24 — Hatbox Hector

#coco #disney #ghost #hatbox #haunted #hector #mansion #pixar #hatboxghost #disneyland #hauntedmansion #hectorrivera #cocopixar #hectorcocopixar #hectorcoco
Published: 2018-03-31 21:15:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 1678; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description So...there's a story behind this. Not a long one, I promise!

I was scrolling through Coco fan art on Tumblr and I stumbled across some really cool drawings of Héctor; one of the tags on the post said something along the lines of "look it's Mexican hatbox!" referring to how similar their picture of Héctor looked to their drawings of the Hatbox Ghost. I had thought about drawing Héctor's many disguises, but that tag inspired me to draw this one.
I figured that maybe, given how long Héctor's been in the land of the dead, he'd heard of the legend of the original Hatbox Ghost and attempted to dress up like him to cross the marigold bridge. With his head in the hatbox, it might be able to trick the scanner, or so he thinks...
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