CallMeWillyNilly — before I make something new (3)

#acrylic #acrylicpaint #acrylicpainting #colored #fanart #oldart #paint #painting #paintingportrait #parts #traditional #traditionalart #traditionalpainting #traditionalartwork #acrylictraditional #old
Published: 2023-02-22 06:15:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 461; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description I was going to just paint over these portraits/this painting
(full picture will come up soon) beqause as much else of
my old crap, its not my own motifs, but then again, it was
more ment like a collection of the stuff I liked and saw on
deviantart before I started take my self more seriously.

So before I do something permanent, I just wanted to
show it to someone. ^^

Here is a closer look on one part of it.

And dont forget, if u have seen the original, or happen to
see it sometime, let me know so I can give the orignal
artist behind the motif the credit he/she deserves. 
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