Nickname[s]: Sed, Legs
Gender: Male
Breed[s]: Siamese x Chaussie x Oriental Shorthair
Book Description: A tall, leggy ginger tabby pointed tom with blue eyes
Fur: Short, sticks up in some places mainly around his neck, his cheeks, his elbows, and the base of his tail. Off-white. Was, at one point in time, actually white but he hasn't really had much of a chance to keep it clean.
Markings: Sandy ginger points on his face, ears, legs and tail, ginger striping along his spine starting between his shoulder blades and running to the base of his tail. The base color is a warm, darker orange, the color of canyon walls. It is marked with stripes and swirls of darker russet and an even darker shade that is so dark in color, it could be brown. The mask on his face is slight, only covering the bridge of his muzzle and a band across his eyes that tapers out to points on the end. His leg markings and the color on his tail don't quite reach their ends, the off-white base color of his pelt shining through. The points on his legs only cover small portions of them, like thick bands of colors that start at his toes and barely touch the next big joint. The majority of him, much to his chagrin because it's hard to hide when you're white, is pale in color and very easily spotted against the dark backdrop of a dreary world.
Eyes: Light blue with a slightly darker ring of blue around the outside edge of the irises.
Scars:Sedona's the owner of his fair share of scares quite possibly because, despite his size, he is seen as a very easy target and isn't a very strong fighter. His ears in particular are terribly tattered to the point, at least with the right ear, that any more damage may actually affect his hearing. There are large chunks taken out of both ears along with smaller holes to accompany them. There's a decently sized scar running across the base of his throat, and several that dapple his shoulders. There are two particularly deep ones across his right back leg from a run in with something with far bigger claws then his, and one that wraps around his tail like a broke ring, the two ends almost close enough to touch.
-1x cheek scar
-3x eyebrow scars
Build: Sedona is a rather awkward looking fellow. If he could put some weight and muscle on, he'd look less like he was put together with leftover pieces from several other cats and more like a lean, mean survival machine. He has quite a lot of height on him-thankfully, he seems to have stopped growing in that regard-and most of it is settled in his legs. They're long, but they're thin, and the only reason they're not constantly knocked out from under him is because he's usually quick enough in running away to avoid having them knocked out from under him. Somehow, he's rather agile and quick on his feet, though this seems to be so only when he's actually running. The moment he slows to a walk, he's tripping all over everything. He's got a long body, tail and neck included in that description, a head that looks just a bit too big for him yet, and large ears that refuse to stand up correctly, possibly because they're just too battered to do it anymore. He either has a bit more growing into himself left to do, or he's stuck looking like a teenager in the middle of a growth spurt forever. He's sorely hoping it's the former and not the latter.
Voice: THIS KID!
Distinguishing Features: Bent/Crinkled whiskers, slightly floppy ears, long legs
NERVOUS: easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung.
If there was anything Sedona could wish to be, it would be calm. He doesn't remember a day where he hasn't been some flavor of on edge. He has this air about him that gives off waves of anxiety, like he's always on the lookout for some sort of threat. So far, it hasn't been a bad thing and honestly, besides his speed and agility, it's probably one of the only thing that's kept him alive so far. He's on the edge of paranoid, but now that he's somewhere that's somewhat safe-as safe as things can be-that's starting to wind down a little bit. He doesn't jump every someone approaches him from behind, but he still jumps at shadows and is wary of going into dark spaces where he cannot immediately see threats. Sedona's hypervigilence does pay off, however. He's sure to never miss a thing when he thinks something isn't quite right. Of course, he's not always correct, but it's better safe than sorry in his book. Sed does, thankfully, have moments of calm. The more cats he is with, the better. It is when he is on his own that he is at his worst. It's just not very hard to set him off, is all. His agitation has a bit of a hair trigger.
QUICK-WITTED: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly or effectively.
Quite possibly a side-effect of the fact that his brain is often on over-drive and looking for threats, Sedona is not slow in the slightest. Overworked and paranoid, maybe, but far from stupid. He can pick up on things at the drop of a hat and change direction or topics on a dime, barely ever losing speed or mixing up his words. He is very often afraid, yes, but it doesn't make his decisions rash or blind. It wakes him up. If anything, being scared makes him work better. If he had enough strength and training to be a fighter, there is a chance he'd make a fine one. He's already got the basics; quick on his feet, agile, and smart. He just needs to build up his strength and his bravery, and stop running away all the time. Quite often in his life, Sed's quick-thinking hasn't helped him defeat a threat or a foe; it's helped him find the closest, quickest, and most effective escape route. To be honest, he's a complete wimp. A weenie. A weak little baby who cries when he's scared, and he'd rather run far away from his problems than collect more scars. But he's smart, and he has potential.
DEFERENTIAL: showing deference; respectful.
Sedona knows that he is anything but a leader; he's a dutiful follower, content with being given jobs and being told what to do and not being left to his own devices because it should become common knowledge that Sedona left to his own devices is probably going to end up with someone having to coax him out of the corner he managed to back himself up into. He isn't one to argue with those who are in a position of power above him where others might. They're in charge for a reason. They probably know what they're doing and he's not going to go about poking that hornet's nest with a stick until it gets angry and fights back. That doesn't mean he agrees one hundred percent with those above him all the time; he's just smart enough to keep his mouth shut until he knows he's with sympathetic company. He might still not talk-what if they hear us?- but there's a chance. He also knows that when there's someone who can do something far better than he can, it's best to go get them and leave things to the experts instead of playing around with things outside of his realm of expertise. There's not need in Sedona's world to be embarrassed or scared of not knowing something, as long as there's someone around who does. If there isn't well....then it's okay to panic. No one will blame you.
COOPERATIVE: involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal.
Sedona works at his very best as a part of a group. This is mainly because he doesn't feel safe enough on his own to concentrate on anything that isn't his own safety and well-being. He well and truly does like other cats. He trusts them and their opinions, and is pretty skilled at navigating the inner workings of a group. He likes the idea of having one common goal to work towards, and he doesn't mind accepting help from others. At the same time, he can be a bit of a pushover, and so cats that play their cars right can get him to help them out with whatever they may be needing help with, as long as they can spin the tale in the right way to convince a cat as wary as Sedona that there's no trouble afoot. Sedona likes to play nice, as it's far easier on him than resorting to violence, but sometimes he can be a little too nice.
OPTIMISTIC: hopeful and confident about the future.
Sedona thinks things are going to get better. They're going to find Eden. They're going to be safe. No one's going to die. No one is going to get infected. They're all going to make it to sanctuary in one piece and with their sanity intact. He has to think that way and ultimately look on the bright side. He would have completely lost it by now if he didn't keep stubbornly looking for a bright side. Got a new scar? Ah, well, it's less fur to groom anyway, right?! Can't find food? Well, maybe being a little more trim isn't a bad thing. The rumbling in your stomach is just motivation to find something better! Raining? Hey, that means water to drink or a bath you just didn't volunteer for! Just experienced a terrifying and quite possibly near-death experience? You're still alive, though, and look at how strong your heart is! It's going so fast! For sure, it can get annoying, but it's better than listening to someone moan about how everyone is doomed, right?
TRUSTING: showing or tending to have a belief in a person's honesty or sincerity
Due to the fact that Sedona doesn't like to be alone, nor does he do very well that way, the one thing he is usually the most willing to cast aside his doubt for is other cats. He's desperate enough to not be alone that he'll fall for any nice face that happens to smile at him and promise him safety. After all, safety is in numbers! That's what his mother always said, and Mother was never wrong. Of course, she's dead because of another cat but one bad seed doesn't mean the whole crop's tainted, right? Right?!
Mother: Felicity -Deceased
Father: Rory -Location Unknown
Brother[s]: Arizona -Deceased
Sister[s]: Canyon, Sandstone -Deceased
Sedona's life has always operated on two levels and two levels only: zero to sixty. Moments of panic and terror and never knowing what "safe" really meant intermixed with rare moments of calm.
Sed wasn't planned, not by any means. Felicity and Rory had only joined up together out of necessity, feeling safer with at least one other cat beside them than they ever did on their own, even as capable of taking care of themselves as they were. There had never been anything romantic between them, and even after Sedona's birth, there never was. They never fell in love. They liked each other, sure, but when your feeling like your living breaths may very well be numbered, there's no time for that. They were just two cats walking side by side (or in Felicity's case, running to keep up with her much taller traveling companion while Rory walked at about as leisurely a pace as he could when he was sure something was lurking around every corner waiting to take a bit out of them), scouting out places to sleep and things to eat and hoping and praying they wouldn't have to fight anyone, dead, or undead.
It was simply an act of stress relief, with a bit of nature thrown in because instincts are impossible to deny. They hadn't wanted anything out of it. They were barely able to feed themselves, even with Rory's superb hunting skills and Felicity's fine-tuned nose and almost uncanny ability to find what little prey was in the area; it would be impossible to feed even just one kitten. So, after a night they quickly put behind them, they simply ignored it for a while. For as long as they could, the pretending Felicity wasn't getting rounder and slower, and chalked her near constant irritation up to the stress of a long journey.
Two of the kits were dead before they were even born, both of them little females. Already detached from the situation, Rory's reaction was to simply bury them and let go. They wouldn't have made it much longer anyway, and he doubted the two remaining toms would live long enough to open their eyes. Felicity was surprisingly determined for her little boys for someone who had been ignoring their growing existence the entire time. She didn't care what Rory said; she didn't care what logic said. She'd fight the entire world and the entire zombie horde to keep at least one of her sons alive.
Begrudgingly, because the last thing he wanted to do was stop moving, Rory allowed Felicity to talk him into staying out for a little while. They took shelter in the old shell of what may have been a home, with Rory doing all he could to both defend the homestead and keep everyone fed. The goal, eventually, was to stay there long enough for the kits to grow big enough to walk on their own and then they would leave and hopefully find somewhere safe to leave them. Somewhere out there had to be at least a couple of cats willing to take care of two healthy young boys. Felicity could stay with them if she wanted to, once they found a place, but Rory had little attachment to his sons and had no intention of sticking around.
Arizona didn't make it long enough to leave his temporary home, much to the relief of Rory and the despair of his mother. He had waited until Felicity and Sedona had fallen asleep and crawled out of the house to follow after Rory. What happened to him remains unknown, but there was no doubt in the mind of either parent that he was long gone and definitely dead. A kit that young and small had no chance of surviving on his own, and they didn't have the time or the resources to devote to looking for him. They told Sedona he'd gone to join his sisters and that they were safer and happier wherever that was, and it was enough to placate to trembling bundle of fur that he was.
Eventually, and after quite a lot of walking, they found a group of cats willing to take Sedona off their paws. Felicity, who had become even more attached to her remaining son after the death of his brother, elected to remain behind with him. Rory could go do whatever he pleased, but she was all Sedona had left. And the kit had become incredibly attached to her. It would ruin him to be abandoned like that. As nice as the cats who had agreed to care for him were, they weren't his mother and it just wouldn't be the same.
It was a larger group, anyway, and even with a young kitten to take care of, Felicity felt much safer than she ever had with just Rory. The feeling of safety, however, led her to being a bit more brave with her actions. She went out more and did more to help their little traveling group of roamers. It was okay for a while. Sedona grew from a wobbly kitten to a gangly, awkward youth during their time there, and eventually grew old enough and large enough to help out with things. This was where they discovered his talent for quick movements and agility, and his gift for finding the best escape route in most any situation. It was his quick thinking that helped the group's numbers from thinning as quickly as they would have without him.
Sedona and his mother finally felt like things were looking up, and they were until the day where his life was forever turned upside down and set him on the path to Eden. Sedona, his mother, and a third cat named Roland had been sent out to find more food for the group. Felicity's nose was still strong and Roland was an efficient hunter, so they were well suited for the task. Sedona, at six months old, was simply out there to learn from experience. Things were going well-Sedona had even actually caught something for himself-until they encountered a group of infected. It wasn't very many, but to Sedona it seemed like an entire army. Felicity fought back first, driven forward by the need to protect her last remaining son, but began to succumb to her injuries not long after Roland had managed to chase away the rest. Before his very eyes, Roland then dispatched Sedona's mother. It was too late, he kept on repeating as he slowly approached a cowering and traumatized Sedona. They couldn't have saved her. He'd had no other choice. It was time they go back home; the rest of the group would want to know what had happened, and Sedona would need to rest.
There was no resting to be done.
Grieving and terrified, Sedona panicked and attacked Roland, leaving the older tom with plenty of deep scratches on his face, and ran. He ran and he ran for as long as he could until his legs gave out. He couldn't go back there and look at them, especially the cat who'd killed his mother. Roland wasn't a bad cat. He'd become more of a father to Sedona than his own had actually ever been, but there was no way Sedpna could occupy the same space and not feel the ache of loss deep in his bones.
Twelve months of traveling on his own has left him with his own share of scars and stories he'd rather not tell. His arrival in Eden was, much to his relief, rather unevental and lacking the climactic events some others have left behind them. He wasn't found injured and near death. He hadn't been looking for them at all and gotten so close before reaching his limits. He'd stumbled upon them simply by accident, in one of the rare moments where he hadn't ended up with something chasing after the end of his tail. He had been on the search for something to eat; that had been it. Just a hungry young cat on the search for a meal, and maybe a place to eat it and breathe for a while. He had never been more relieved to see other cats before in his life.
And so he joined in with the rest. It's what his mother would have wanted. She would have done it, had she made it herself. Sedona is sure of it.
Sexuality and Love:
Current Mate: None
Mate Status:None
Past Mate: None
Romance: Panromantic
Sexuality: Demisexual
stranger| Curious of
= Acquaintance | = Friend
= Good Friend | = Best Friend
= Family
= Ally | = Respects
= Uncertain of | = Enemy
= Dislikes | = Hates
= Crush | = Love
? Unknown state
I miss you so much. I miss you so much, momma, that it actually makes me hurt when I think of you like every part of me is sore and bruised and broken...but I think it's healing. You wouldn't want me to be sad, I know that much. You always wanted me to keep my chin up, and I'm doing my very best. At least you're not suffering anymore. You're not hungry or tired or scared, though i never saw you look scared in my life, anymore. I guess it's for the best. You're with Ari and the girls and you're probably happier. But I know you're watching and so I'm not going to give up. i may be shaking down to my core sometimes, but I'm no quitter! You didn't raise a quitter!
You never liked me and i know you never wanted me. I'd say there's no hard feelings but you never gave any of us a chance and so I'm a bit sour of it. I kind of hope you rot.
You were like a father to me but dude, you killed my mom. Okay so maybe she wasn't Mom at that point anymore, but you could have looked a bit more torn up about doing it. you might have been in shock but for all I know, you didn't feel bad at all and I just can't be around you. I wish you the best, I guess? I'd be sad if you died.
I barely remember you-we were both way too young- but you were my brother and I miss you anyway. Just maybe not as much as Mom.
Canyon and Sandstone:
You never had to know what this world's like and i'm actually kind of jealous.
From an RP for OakClan with Luna-Meadow 's Vixenkit
Finally he had managed to sneak away from his mother because she had fallen asleep and a dozing queen couldn't keep an eye on her curious offspring when her eyes were closed. So Ryekit had seized the moment, tired of napping and watching and being looked at because he was new, and slipped away.
He wasn't quite sure what to do with his sudden freedom at first, but something moved in the corner of his eye and he twisted to leap at it. But stubby kitten legs aren't good for agility, and so his attempt to take down a rogue mossball-they wouldn't let him fight real rogues so it would have to do-ended up with him ungracefully landing on top of it instead and wriggling around to get off of his back so he could actually fight it.
Even if that meant everyone in camp seeing him flail around like a flipped-over turtle, growling as menacing as a kit can all the while. That was just the price he would have to pay for victory.
From an RP forum I'm on. This was a starter post for a thread with my ghost character, Julian, to demonstrate that I can do longer or shorter replies. It depends mostly on the amount of free time I have; replies are bound to be short once school starts up, but there is a fair chance I'll also be able to give replies of this length also.
It had been a while since he had been alone. Really, truly off and on his own; that sort of alone and not the sort he usually was, where he just sat there, unseen, and talked to himself. It was his own doing so the only person to blame was Jules himself, but he just felt so uneasy when he got too far away from Remy. It was like a rope getting too tight around him, because he worried too much. What if something happened while he was gone? What if his absence forced him to go through something alone? Of course, he also had Theo. He could just call Theo. But Jules wanted to be there for him. He was supposed to be there for him and he had been for an entire decade; he wasn't really sure he wanted to share the role with anyone else. If it made Remy happy then it made him happy, but that didn't mean that a snoozing green-eyed monster didn't wake up and growl sometimes. That was his cue to leave, when the growling started. It was obvious he needed to clear his head when that happened. Remy wasn't his. Jules didn'town him. He had no right to be jealous and on the verge of being petty, right? So he had left the warehouse and let himself drift a little, insubstantial and unseen, just passing around town and taking note of what was the same and what had changed in the ten years since he had walked the streets as a member of the living and in the two years since he had come back, just to give himself something else to think about. He didn't have a goal. He didn't have a destination. He had no reason to be surprised when he finally came to a stop somewhere. And yet, he couldn't really do anything but stare at the place that had felt like the right place to stop.
"The cemetery? For real?"
"What? You can't always go to the grocery store and moan to yourself about how you will never know the joys of cookie butter."
Oh good. Now he was talking to himself out loud. He needed friends or something so he could stop living in his own head.
"While that's totally valid, this is a bit depressing."
"So is watching you stare longingly at TV dinners. But I'm pretty sure life stops being sunshine and daisies after you do what you did."
Shaking his head and firmly deciding to not respond to himself like he had lost the last of his marbles, Julian wandered uncomfortably around tombstones and frowned severely at the unmarked and broken graves he passed. He hoped that after all this time, his was still in good condition, that someone still cared about him after so long. But as he drew closer to it's location, his steps began to falter and eventually stuttered to a halt. He never had liked cemeteries. He'd never liked looking at people's graves, the idea of bodies just beneath his feet making him uneasy. Especially when that body just happened to be his own. So he stood ten or fifteen feet away from it and looked anywhere but where it sat, hands stuffed in pockets, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, nowhere near brave enough to approach a reminder of his decisions.