Top left - You could say Gabe was a little more than lucky when a partially hatched bunnychick walked right out into the open. He easily took this one back to Emille without worry.
You come across a brightly colored egg. As you grow closer, it wobbles side to side, a deep crack forming in its shell. You brace yourself, and out comes… one of the creatures ! Quick, catch it and turn it into Emille for some house points!
Draw your character with the creature for 3 house points
Bottom left - Gabe took chase immediately as a bunnychick ran past him. He used the Scary Face spell to slow down the critter so he could manage to catch it.
You come across a brightly colored egg. As you grow closer, it wobbles side to side, a deep crack forming in its shell. You brace yourself, and out comes… one of the creatures ! Quick, catch it and turn it into Emille for some house points!
Draw your character with the creature for 3 house points
Top right - Gabe fell asleep (Yes, he sleeps with his eyes open) on the job. Moka curled up beside him and a while into the nap a bunnychick made a nest out of his head feathers! When he woke up he was surprised and frightened, but the bunnychick seemed to have taken a liking to him and allowed him to carry it without complaints when he went to turn it in.
You come across a brightly colored egg. As you grow closer, it wobbles side to side, a deep crack forming in its shell. You brace yourself, and out comes… one of the creatures ! Quick, catch it and turn it into Emille for some house points!
Draw your character with the creature for 3 house points
Bottom right - This particularly aggressive bunnychick surprised Gabe by chomping down on his foot. Gabe didn't have to find or catch this one, and bringing it back to Emille was no problem... the real challenge was removing the critter from his foot.
You come across a brightly colored egg. As you grow closer, it wobbles side to side, a deep crack forming in its shell. You brace yourself, and out comes… one of the creatures ! Quick, catch it and turn it into Emille for some house points!
Draw your character with the creature for 3 house points