Caracal-Caracal — Flower Dance

#hvh #osac
Published: 2018-10-17 16:32:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 220; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 1
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Description String and Flint participate in Flower Dance together. They spend a while in the Crafter's Circle, picking out some flowers. String already had dandelion in mind, from his Makeover Event . The dandelions represented both faithfulness and happiness, suited to Flint's dogged loyalty and String's never-ending cheer. Flint was interested in garlic, which represented courage and strength. He picked out a big garlic blossom. String felt marigold was appropriate, which fittingly represented passion and creativity as well. String showed Flint how to make flower crowns, and the two spent a while preparing chains of flowers. At sunset, they wore these dandelions all over their bodies, with Flint's garlic held in his mouth, and String's marigold on his head. They stood before the dazzling sky and danced for whoever would watch. String brought a couple seeding dandelions along, holding them out in the air, and using Create Wind to form a swirling air current of dandelion seeds around them.

Zynonia Riveriia Brayd-Gerard  
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Comments: 2

Brayd-Gerard [2018-10-21 11:55:17 +0000 UTC]

Missy watched the two toms dance with one another, smiling a little before quickly making her way off.

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Riveriia [2018-10-20 23:55:39 +0000 UTC]


+1 Crafter


+1 Vanguard

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