CaramelCooki — Pelly Reference Sheet 14/02/17

#scaredghostkitty #referencesheet
Published: 2017-02-14 17:18:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 1165; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 1
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Description Look at me, making ghost OC's on Valentine's Day :V

Name: Pelly (Peh-Lee)
Gender: Male
SO: Straight
Relationship Status: Single :L

Personality: He overreacts and hides most of the time. He doesn't talk much and tends to avoid people, and mostly talks to Spooks. He's overly shy and is scared easily.

Likes: Being alone, calm places, calm colours, Spooks.
Dislikes: Neon colours, crowds, flashing lights.

Friends: Spooks, Candace (sort of)
Enemies: Meishi, almost everyone else.

Extra Info?? : He's not a fighter and runs away from fights. 

(Will update with more info later)
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