Comments: 146
AJ2710 [2020-03-22 12:57:36 +0000 UTC]
Well, I can't say a whole lot except, I hope you join the light side again someday.
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CrescentNubila [2019-01-28 23:03:16 +0000 UTC]
The wage gap has been debunked. Women with children have to take hours that will accommodate their at-home schedule. If they have kids to pick up from school at 3pm, they can't take the 9am-6pm work day. Shorter hours sometimes means less pay, it's not due to sexism. Women can now vote in any election we wish to.
I will say that reproductive rights are still under threat. (Right to abortion and birth control, etc.) But most feminism that I see is just hating men. Men get fired for saying hello to a women. I can't support that shit.
Man shakes woman's hand: RAPE
Man accidentally steps on a woman's toe: SEXUAL ASSAULT
Man compliments a woman's dress: SEXIST PIG
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Katzarekatz [2018-02-10 05:01:31 +0000 UTC]
Okay, just stay away from me or I might mess up your face.
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villainsprofile [2018-01-10 21:04:27 +0000 UTC]
Are you proud of the 19th Amendment?
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InfinityUnlimited [2016-08-01 19:56:12 +0000 UTC]
name me 3 rights men have that women dont.
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Gerbil-Powered-WiFi In reply to InfinityUnlimited [2016-10-07 18:39:03 +0000 UTC]
2 months later
Aannddd they cant tell you
All feminists want are more rights then men. So much for equality
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Inky-Shade [2015-11-11 20:15:05 +0000 UTC]
It's sad to see how many people support LGBT rights (I support them too) but if it comes to feminism (gender equality is a human right as well, after all, and that's what feminism is all about) they all start hating on it....
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AJ2710 In reply to Inky-Shade [2020-03-22 12:55:53 +0000 UTC]
Feminism isn't about equality. It's about women superiority.
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Inky-Shade In reply to AJ2710 [2020-03-22 13:42:07 +0000 UTC]
Wrong. Real feminism is about equality. Modern "feminism" isn't, tho.
Third wave is an insult to this movement and can not be compared to the original concept.
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AJ2710 In reply to Inky-Shade [2020-03-22 21:07:59 +0000 UTC]
Well, I agree that first and second wave feminism is a good type of feminism, and feminism in counties where women actually face discrimination, I was kind if referring to the modern day, first world feminism.
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EHXKOR In reply to Inky-Shade [2017-05-24 07:38:26 +0000 UTC]
THere's already equality between the sexes. The supposed "Wage Gap" has been debunked so many times I can't even keep count, girls and boys both have the right to education, voting in elections, pursuing a career in whatever field they'd like, need I say more? Not only that, but really women have more rights and dare I say "privileges" these days. Hell, there are certain laws protecting women. There are womens shelters, womens acts, and criminal sentencing that women receive that is much more leniant on women than on men.
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MazzysMenagerie In reply to Inky-Shade [2015-11-17 11:15:26 +0000 UTC]
Thats mainly because of the extreamists that choise to just hate men and call themselves feminists
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Inky-Shade In reply to MazzysMenagerie [2016-01-07 18:39:00 +0000 UTC]
LGBT has extremists as well who hate on straight people but do people complain about it as much as complaining about extreme feminists? No, and this is what makes me sad.
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MazzysMenagerie In reply to Inky-Shade [2016-01-07 18:46:17 +0000 UTC]
Differnce is those exremists arnt Seen as much as insane extremist feminists
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Inky-Shade In reply to MazzysMenagerie [2016-01-07 18:53:31 +0000 UTC]
Because the media pretty much hides it. All movements have extremists but people don't hate on them that much.
Feminism is just another public rights movement, just like LGBT. Also people aren't informed and educated about feminism that much while LGBT rights and Racism are hot topics while Feminism still seems to be a "forbidden-topic". So, many people don't even know what feminism is actually about.
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Kal-Fina In reply to Inky-Shade [2018-03-16 17:23:01 +0000 UTC]
I know this comment is hella old but I'm just so happy to find another person who sees LGBT+ activists and Feminism so interconnected because of gender.
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MazzysMenagerie In reply to Inky-Shade [2016-01-07 20:13:04 +0000 UTC]
o.O I Agree that the media doesnt show Much bad about LGBT but in fear of being seen as homophobic but It's not all the medias fault.
It's mainly the internet that spams all the stuff Extreemist feminists say and do , I mean come on 9gag is still on about how they made that man cry because he wore a shirt with women on it XD.
Feminists are seen in a bad light thanks to their extreamists who sadly get all the spot light while for the LGBT the "normals" get seen most ¬.¬ inless you talk about Tumblr then everyones seen as an extreemists asshat XD
o.O so why do I feel like your attaking me on this when I clearly stated It was because of the extreemists ? I could be just reading into this to much as you carnt tell emotion threw text ^.^
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Psykan [2015-05-12 05:53:25 +0000 UTC]
I support treating all humans as human, with respect to each human's individuality, and "feminism" falls under this, of course. I do not support "feminazism." Women do not need "more privileges than men" or "special treatment," women need "individual respect," just as all humans do. I don't treat all women the same because, y'know, women are not "all the same." Same for men, and for any gender-variant individual.
I dunno...I just take a more holistic approach to stuff like this. Aren't we all human in the end? xD
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Katttty920 [2015-05-09 23:01:08 +0000 UTC]
Such a cute stamp! Go feminism! 070
Omg the ignorant people who comment on this, it's almost as glorious and poorly-worded as YouTube comments.. they're hilarious. How do you deal with them? XD
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xgames555 [2015-04-10 14:28:02 +0000 UTC]
Feminist: "a person who supports women rights+women being equal to men, they can be any gender"
Feminazi: " a person who twists the meaning of feminist and try to be better then men, also they are the cause for the ban of GTA in Austrailia"
I wish people would stop thinking that real feminists are feminazis
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nasexsavkifs [2015-03-06 01:02:41 +0000 UTC]
Alright, so just to clarify for those who don't understand - feminism is all about women having equal rights to men, not 'Female Supremacy'. Female Supremacy isn't what feminism is all about, and, in fact, it goes completely against everything we go by.
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titmochii [2015-01-26 00:38:29 +0000 UTC]
these comments are the worst
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TheDarkGallade [2014-09-19 12:34:25 +0000 UTC]
me to so many people can me gay just because I'm a (male) feminist
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cutetokii [2014-07-07 01:53:38 +0000 UTC]
I used this <3
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jonaslion52 [2014-02-03 20:03:23 +0000 UTC]
So i am suppose to take a blog as 100% facts? no i need to se more prof, and when i said give me the link to the video i meant give me the video where he is blaming the victim.
Wow let's se how much i care that it's atheists or anyone for that… give me a link to the video where he says it, then i will tell him that, i will get mad, i will forgive with time
You gotta a problem with him and rape? take care of it yourself (50 50 for both)
Cute? it wasn't me who blocked you, you did
no not really i'm just saying goodnight because it's night where i come from now.
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erumaren-ainulindale [2013-02-12 01:25:36 +0000 UTC]
THANK YOU! I'm so sick of stamps that say "proud to be an anti-feminist woman" and SHART like that. Don't people know that feminism is simply the belief in equality of genders? Apparently people are still ignorant enough to believe otherwise. Oh well.
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legoland5254 In reply to erumaren-ainulindale [2014-07-30 22:44:02 +0000 UTC]
How do women not have equal rights? everything became equal years ago
name 1 thing that women are not allowed to have/do but men are. and if there are there's probably a logical reason (no offense)
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blushblushkoi In reply to legoland5254 [2014-09-03 22:19:18 +0000 UTC]
That's bullshit. We still need feminism, men are still 100% more 'superior' than women, women are still catcalled, people still believe that women are ASKED to be raped by what they wear, people still assume that if you wear miniskirts and tube tops you're a slut, Men can fuck 20 women and be called a boss while if a girl fucks 2 guys, she's labeled a slut. you're an idiot if you think we don't need feminism.
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ChameleonLinKuei In reply to blushblushkoi [2016-04-06 13:22:44 +0000 UTC]
men arent superior then woman right now in society
Man Cannot hit a woman Legaly but woman can slap a man in the face legaly and get away with it
if Man get raped Nobody Gives a flying Fuck
Man Cannot Claim They were Sexual Assualted by a woman
Man Who are raped are refered to as gay
Man are refered to as People who just want sex thats why people say man cannot be raped.
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legoland5254 In reply to blushblushkoi [2014-09-04 10:54:33 +0000 UTC]
It's not the clothes you wear that makes you a slut, it's the things you do that makes you a slut. Anyone who thinks they are asking to be raped are just idiots. And no, men are not 100% superior because of that, women have the same jobs as men. Not all men want to rape women either, it's just a stupid stereotype thought up by feminazis (not that I'm calling you one)
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blushblushkoi In reply to legoland5254 [2014-09-04 15:34:35 +0000 UTC]
Women get payed 77cents to every dollar that men make. For doing the same job and the same amount of work. Women should be 'allowed' to have sex with as many men as they want WITHOUT being called something derogatory. Men get to 'fuck bitches' as much as they want and no one calls them whores, sluts, or skanks. The infamous 'Not all men' route, ey? Nice. That works. Please tell me how we're equal.
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legoland5254 In reply to blushblushkoi [2014-09-04 21:31:01 +0000 UTC]
Well, first off, the 100% superior part was an over-egzaguration. Both men and women are allowed to vote, in fact they can even run for president! They both can have jobs. Both are given equal education. and I think I have an explanation why men aren't being called sluts but I'm worried it may offend you (keep in mind there are also gay men who are called sluts too)
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erumaren-ainulindale In reply to legoland5254 [2014-07-31 01:13:54 +0000 UTC]
Agency over their own bodies, for one thing. Many states still ban safe abortions. Some even force them to take an invasive ultrasound beforehand, which can legally be constituted as rape, as it's non-consensual vaginal penetration (and completely pointless, just a guilt measure to make emotionally vulnerable women feel even worse about the choice they're trying to make).
There's no sense in denying that institutionalized sexism still exists, as does rape culture and other harmful society-wide viewpoints that undermine female-identifying individuals. There's also no sense in continuing this conversation, as both of us are obviously already set in our ways and I think I've already said all I can. It would be best if you researched this issue a bit more and became educated on why feminism is still necessary rather than dancing around the real issue by asking me to cite laws. There's more to sexism than what's on paper, as is the case with literally every other form of oppression.
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legoland5254 In reply to erumaren-ainulindale [2014-07-31 01:21:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh, well.... I'm not sure weather or not that's "equal"
I do agree though that abortions should be legal. and trust me, I think rape is horrible. I have nothing against what you said, you have made a very valid arguement
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erumaren-ainulindale In reply to legoland5254 [2014-08-01 01:10:23 +0000 UTC]
Great to talk to you :> Sorry if I came across as overly defensive at all.
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Aph-Oliver-Kirkland In reply to erumaren-ainulindale [2014-04-15 07:37:59 +0000 UTC]
I think the reason why people say things like that is because there are some women who've said stupid things like "let's have a male castration day, where all men have to be castrated!"
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erumaren-ainulindale In reply to Aph-Oliver-Kirkland [2014-04-15 18:00:27 +0000 UTC]
*rubs forehead for 8 eternities*
Bull shit. Even if anyone has said that, who really cares? Only a moron would actually associate that statement with an actual cause. The big difference is that someone making that joke is that it's a pathetic attempt at humor, while far worse things are being said in the media every day by people (especially men) in positions of power (e.g. Fox News and other sources that use words such as "bitch" and "ditz" and "dominatrix" to describe women who deserve respect) against women and sexual/gender minorities. Your example proves nothing, it's not an institutionalized issue. It's just one person saying something dumb and men are in no danger of being subjected to "castration day." As a matter of fact, women are in danger of that. The practice of female genital mutilation is practiced in some countries in order to keep women from having pleasure from sex. Is that less important than a dude-bro's feelings?
Feminists are people (men, women, and otherwise) who believe that the gendered structure of our society is harmful to human beings, especially women, and that something should be done to improve things. People who are against it need to get their heads out of their asses and understand that there's a difference between the real, truthful, honest-to-God situation and something they heard on 4-Chan...
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jonaslion52 In reply to erumaren-ainulindale [2014-02-03 17:49:41 +0000 UTC]
That if you want people to se that feminism are not just angry ladies in there periord and they are the belief of equality of genders.
i want you to se those videos i have linked you so you will se why both man and woman hates feminism.
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erumaren-ainulindale In reply to jonaslion52 [2014-02-05 17:47:19 +0000 UTC]
Pffffffff. Those are just ignorant people. Their opinions have nothing to do with the validity of feminism. I've heard all they have to say plenty of times. Doesn't make any difference in the way I believe or identify.
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jonaslion52 In reply to erumaren-ainulindale [2014-02-05 17:52:29 +0000 UTC]
Just know that alot of people are gonna hate you for being a feminist
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