Cassdoodles — [AC Auction Open!] Psychosis

#adopt #adoptable #bird #corvid #trippy #characterdesign #creaturedesign #designforsale #adoptableauction #auctionadoptable #auctionopen #auctionadopt
Published: 2023-10-09 22:00:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 1508; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 1
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Description • Psychosis •
"The sound of ruffled feathers overtakes the senses, exposed wings entrance those who happen to gaze for to long"

•SB-$60 usd
•MI- $5 usd 
•AB #1 $100 usd (Comes with a sketchy headshot)
•AB #2- $150 usd (Comes with custom headshot + fullbody sketch)

AB #1 can be outbid by AB# 2 
Auction ends 48 hours after the latest bid

Payment via paypal invoice
Once purchased you are free to change edit the design as you'd like 
Will come with a bg and non bg version
Payment must be sent within 24 hours of the auctions end (unless an AB is hit)
I will do extended holds for those that hit AB's if needed! 

Adopt PingList (comment if you'd like to be added!)
svarrook  scarletsnowbird  honey-wisp  Hathmad
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Comments: 1

Cassdoodles [2023-10-11 22:49:50 +0000 UTC]

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