CastielTheHalfPigeon — NYP | Emergency Headshot Commissions | OPEN |

Published: 2018-12-29 12:06:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 236; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 0
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I'm opening up emergency commissions, due to me being low on money (I currently only have ~4€)
So I'll be opening up NYP Headshot Commissions!

NYP means Name Your Price!
That means that you can get my headshots for as much as you want to pay!
You will get a fully detailed headshot like the one on the sample picture!
I currently one accept PayPal!

Please just help me out somehow!

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Comments: 1

vid23 [2018-12-29 17:40:10 +0000 UTC]

Shared it with as many people as i can, hope it helps

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