Comments: 115
sathor [2016-06-18 19:44:21 +0000 UTC]
After my second child was born, I didn't have time to be on DA muchh. I went years without logging in. And you know what? All my crap was right where I left it. Also, I realized that a lot of my art from a decade ago is crap, compared to my current style. A lot of people are gone, or their styles so different than it was a decade ago. It's strange, really. I might buy a membership again one day, I've done it before. Over 13 years of being a member, it really hasn't changed that much, a cosmetic thing here or there, a few coups, that sort of thing. I have trouble finding some options still, but it's good to be back.
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chocobana [2015-08-21 17:53:04 +0000 UTC]
true that's so true.
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AnnamaeTezuka [2015-08-09 18:20:07 +0000 UTC]
I kind of feel like that guy from...I think it's The Office? where he walks in with pizza and everyone is screaming or shot or on fire and it's all gone to chaos...I definitely appreciate this perspective of Core, especially since a lot of people are disgruntled about it. (And the inflation argument makes a lot of sense.)
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CarlaSophia [2015-08-07 13:37:23 +0000 UTC]
What pisses me off a lot, is that they don't comunicate with us, and they made it on porpuse to do this so on top of DA b-day, so ppl will forget about it faster and go on like nothing is happening. I mean, the price, i can get over it, i save some money for a few months or start buying points every month, there is always a way, although for me its a little expensive, but money is short here,but i cant complaint about something is not DA related, they are not counting my money, obviously lol.
They do a journal for every single crap here, why not make a statement and then everyone will get over it and move on? Its way better than brush it off and pretent that is not a issue. And yeah, the orange is horrible lol, but oh well lol, i guess with time ppl will get used to it, but i prefer the old ones, they looked better with the site design. And i think "core" sounds more like a video game than an art community.
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ARTabstraction [2015-08-07 02:55:44 +0000 UTC]
To be perfectly honest, I'd probably have been fine with the increase if I'd been given any warning at all. I'm upset that they've done this increase without telling their users. Did anyone get a notification or something about this? I didn't know until I went to renew my membership.Β
That's what I take exception to.Β
I've been all for the great new improvements, but the increase means that all these great improvements that I would have ADORED three years ago will not be available to me after my current sub runs out because I can't afford it. I've been a member for almost 6 years on different accounts. Sour grapes? Yeah a little. But I am still a little resentful that there was no notice and I'll not have the benefit of one of the best upgrades they've made in years (profile upgrade).
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draw2much [2015-08-06 18:45:47 +0000 UTC]
I'm a long time user, but this last ditch effort of deviantART to save itself is basically it for me. I'm washing my hands of them. They're a dying website and if they manage to survive another year or so I'll be amazed. They're deciding to act like a business a little too late in the game. Price increases are fine, but most businesses do them slowly over years to match the increases in expenditures and so as not to alienate their customers. dA waited until AFTER firing half their staff to do it, and then they did it all at once without an announcement or an explanation. That is a very bad sign.
They've been losing users for a long time now and that's why they aren't making any money. They need people to pay for their service, not just have free accounts. Free accounts aren't putting "bread on the table", if you will. Because they haven't been listening to their paying users, because they've waited to do updates of any significance long after it mattered, because they were slow to adopt a mobile platform, because they keep forgetting the reason they exist (art community), people left and continue to leave. They don't learn from their mistakes. They still haven't.
I'll keep my account open. It's gonna go "down with the ship", so to speak. But after my Premium membership runs out, I won't renew. It's a shame really, I'd been buying membershisp for my husband and sister for years now. They lost any chance of me continuing that. I don't see the point in pumping money into a website that's gonna belly up anyway.
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StudioChinto [2015-08-06 01:25:17 +0000 UTC]
Agreed! I'm kinda over all the outrage at the moment. The only thing that really made me feel off was not having an announcement before, but I can't say I'm even terribly bothered about that. *shrugs*
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Sketchanie [2015-08-05 23:15:39 +0000 UTC]
The number one thing that pissed me off about core was the fact that dA did not give us notice what-so-flipping ever. Spyed could of at the very least put up a journal saying "Yo, we changin' up dis site's preemies a bit. Hold on userzzz, you bout to see sum real shit." ... Well, not exactly like that, but you get the point. dA used to be a pro-user kind of place, now It honestly feels like they don't care what we think, just as long as they keep making money. (Plus I liked saying 'preemie', it sounded cute. 'Corrie' on the other hand, sounds like you're talking about some dude...)
I get that people would hate it regardless how it was announced, but I feel like the response would have been much better if we didn't have the rug snatched out from beneath us.
That and Jesus Christ can't we do something about that horrid color?! I can name 3 eye catching colors that would complement 'dA green' better.
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Tesvp [2015-08-05 20:55:30 +0000 UTC]
I had no problem with the icon/name/idea of core. It was just the unexpected pricing that whacked me and the miscommunication. Especially since there's no official information over the core . I've only read 2 responses from 2 different staff members just explaining the meaning and the vague basics.
Previously, I made a journal explaining how I saw the core and tried to figure out what it was. Then I explained my personal choice to wait for another affordable option. And everyone's opinion should be respected but.... everything got so violent after that. It wasn't just civil opinions anymore. Everyone has started attacking each other and calling each other names. :/ And I didn't want to be a part of any of that, so I took it down.
A lot of people have left da or are researching to move away from da now. :T
Others are just uncomfortable looking like a beacon. The stars before were just more subtle, friendly.
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Ouca [2015-08-05 20:27:48 +0000 UTC]
Lots of good points made here. You did good!
I did not realize the discount has been applied for so long though (as a relatively new user of DA) so I guess it makes sense how people aren't so aware that it was a discount in the first place
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dauntlesskitties [2015-08-05 19:32:47 +0000 UTC]
You know what, i can honestly live with the star and the name but the star is plain as shit, a copy of other sites, and not creative atvall. I can live with the star, just not the fact there giving us lss benefits, for more money. Because at the end of the day we end up being ripped off. I was thinking of saving up for the membership but screw this, its just gone ridiculous
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celesse In reply to dauntlesskitties [2015-08-06 01:39:16 +0000 UTC]
They're not giving us less benefits. As far as I can tell core users get the exact same benefits as they did as premium members. But whether the benefits are worth the higher price tag is up for individual debate.
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Velvet-Softpaws [2015-08-05 18:56:41 +0000 UTC]
i wish they would have at least kept the monthly option. What was the point of getting rid of that? That could have just bumped the price on that up too.
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celesse In reply to Velvet-Softpaws [2015-08-06 01:49:41 +0000 UTC]
It almost seems like a glitch or something. It's available if you gift a subscription so it's weird if they've taken it away for main accounts.
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nouge [2015-08-05 16:46:53 +0000 UTC]
I kinda feel bad I use core to just use big gifs i have stashed
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nouge In reply to celesse [2015-08-06 02:36:38 +0000 UTC]
yeah but is not worth the 50 bucks
I used to pay premium with the commissions i made just for that
and struggled to get it each time, now is impossible
I know they need the money but they could have diferent premiums abilities instead of a whole package
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Dragonith [2015-08-05 16:44:20 +0000 UTC]
dA's continued lack of proper communication really will be their downfall some day. I don't like at all how this was released without warning. Could they not have announced this change ahead of time so we could've provided feedback whether we wanted it or not? They've been pulling this stunt for months despite criticisms against the changes. A real prime example of don't fix what ain't broken. It's infuriating, really.Β
As for the change from "Premium" to "Core", while orange is my favorite color, it clashes so much with the green theme the site has. It's distracting, whereas the old icons were simple and non-obtrusive. The price hike as well was something I wished they addressed ahead of time, but alas, it's too late for that now.Β
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Dragonith In reply to celesse [2015-08-06 22:34:30 +0000 UTC]
Oh no, don't get me wrong. I don't want the masses to decide every detail as to how dA functions. I know people aren't fond of change most of the time, and sometimes, change can be good. I praise dA for some of their recent additions/ideas like the favorite search function and from awhile ago. Those were welcome new features, and I'd honestly like to see more of that. As long as they handle the changes fine, I don't see why people should complain about them too much. But things like this recent big change is something I'd at least like a heads up on. It makes no sense why the beta testers didn't get any word about this since it's their role to give feedback about new features before it goes public.
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dauntlesskitties In reply to Dragonith [2015-08-05 19:33:34 +0000 UTC]
You know what i agree, you are excactly riht
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ArkNorth [2015-08-05 16:19:24 +0000 UTC]
Ah... okay, that's interesting - I was wondering why my little star turned orange - hummm, talk about being out of the loop, which is odd, seeing that currently, I've been on here on a daily basis for some time now, and never got a notice about the 'upgrade', from which it seems, from reading some other's posts, was the way it was presented by our hosts in the first place (You guys do know you work in a media-based service, right?). Β It did make me fumble through my settings and see if anything had changed.
Nope... nothing changed, including my payments (I choose a monthly auto payment - it just works better for me).
I'm more of a watcher and observer than a poster. Β I pay for the service for one primary reason - to keep from getting those popup ads. Β The rest is good as well, and I've been happy with the results. Β But, seeing that my current job is to repair and clean out computers of nasty stuff for my customers, keeping what goes into my machines is crucial, and a meager monthly fee isn't going to hurt.
Let me tell you a secret - even with the BEST anti-virus and anti-malware software out there, banner ads and popups will find a way to circumnavigate around them, even if all you did was pass a cursor over top them without clicking on them. Β It can give you that dreaded cookie-from-hell just by doing that. Β And yes, I have had to clean out machines that caught a bug from a dA page - it can happen anywhere.
So, yea... it's no great threat, just a change in terminology - poorly executed, but just a change.
I still HATE that icon they created though.
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MewW0lf [2015-08-05 16:16:00 +0000 UTC]
I absolutely love the way you put this!Β I have always remembered my prem to be at much higher a cost for the year (I never went with the year because of it).Β 50$ (probably closer to 75 for Canadian) does not seem that high a cost for me.Β The three months seems cheaper broken down then the one months were, so once again something I am not too concerned about.Β I wish they had chosen a different/better color for the new symbols, or allow us to change the site skin to one that doesn't clash as much.Β
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Mokoni [2015-08-05 15:15:09 +0000 UTC]
I honestly think "premium" was better than "core" because of "premium" gives perks, just like paying for a streaming service on premium, versus regular. "Core", for me, tends to throw those of us who do not have it, under the water, so to speak. Since "Core" essentially means center, it means those of us who can't afford it aren't worth anything anymore. Also the free prints for free users only happened a few years ago.
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celesse In reply to Mokoni [2015-08-06 02:14:46 +0000 UTC]
I don't like the term core for pretty much the same reasons.
But I don't think you should be so dismissive of their free prints service. It's not like it just started yesterday, but even if it did it's still a valuable asset to a completely free account.
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Mokoni In reply to celesse [2015-08-06 05:13:47 +0000 UTC]
I'm not dismissive of it, but it's also not helpful if you're not really an artist in the first place ^_^; Well..of the visual sorts anyway.
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KashimusPrime [2015-08-05 15:00:24 +0000 UTC]
The only thing I'm against with the Core thing (two actually) isΒ
1. The fact that they used the word Core. To define Core would be to be the central most of something of which they don't treat us like it. And the colors clash against the greens.Β
2. I'm more concerned about the lack of staff in the Helpdesk. When you have to explain to the assigned staff of your ticket as if he were a child about your ticket something's dramatically wrong here.Β
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Stormangel13 [2015-08-05 14:07:50 +0000 UTC]
I have read your statement and disagree most of the changes they have made have not been beneficial and have actually stunted the viewing of us artist who are not well known and have now basically made it so we have no chance of being in any sort of prime viewing you can't get out there if no one knows you are out there. I am a paying member as well and the fact that I see pretty much the same highly viewed work and no longer anything different than the apparent fads or favorites of DA community is really disheartening I left another art site because of that same problem and came here because it was better. It is more than bit aggravating to have that same issue crop up here too. Plenty of the changes they have been making are either not necessary or really should have been more thoroughly gone over first.
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celesse In reply to Stormangel13 [2015-08-06 02:13:08 +0000 UTC]
I've been around DA for a long time and popular users having higher visibility has always been an issue. It's a popularity game that exists on every site - Tumblr/Twitter/Facebook users with more followers/likes will get higher views and higher shares, thus higher visibility. It's just the way it works. I think DA offers more options for finding lesser-known users that others sites do.
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Stormangel13 In reply to celesse [2015-08-10 14:52:04 +0000 UTC]
Yes, unfortunately this is true and problem with most sites. When I first came here at least with the old setup I got so views, with this overhauled new set up I might as well be back at Elfw@ d the place I was before this one. The only thing I can say is at least here I am not being lectured about how someone thinks my vision should of turned out for commissioned pieces.
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telvas [2015-08-05 12:11:21 +0000 UTC]
"Well, like usual, DA has made a change and everybody is furious about it."
Well, maybe because almost none of these changes made in the last 10 years were for better?...
DA is making changes for the sake of change (or inject more ads), not to make anything better, which is the worst possible motivation for changes (Rule no. 1. of engineering: Don't fix things that are not broken).
So people leave DA. And the rest complain about community and art level degradation.
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celesse In reply to telvas [2015-08-06 02:08:26 +0000 UTC]
You really think most of changes they've made in the past 10 years have not been good ones? I think they've improved a lot of things over the past decade.
Users get all worked up when something is changed, then when they eventually change it again those same users are demanding back what they hated when it first appeared. Just because it's not broken doesn't mean it can't be improved upon, people just seem to resist change simply because it's different.
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StarkindlerStudio [2015-08-05 12:07:57 +0000 UTC]
I might not necessarily like everything about the change now, but I'll get over it.
All the ranty journals and 'boycott' things are a bit... much. But I suppose that's the nature of the internet. Get angry and storm out of one website, migrate to another, and then the cycle begins again.
I'll be staying put, thank you. I've been here for so long that this is really like home to me. Even after all the changes over the years.Β
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Lunaleaf [2015-08-05 11:28:46 +0000 UTC]
I actually just don't get the rage about the colour. I mean, really? Why do people hate orange so much?
It's on a desaturated gray-green. Logically their choice makes sense, because a saturated orange would contrast heavily without being bright red (which I feel would more more distracting and probably turn dA into Christmas-in-August). Do I feel that a slightly better hue of orange could have been chosen? Maybe- I think it's just the quality of the icon pattern that's the issue right now, really. The orange itself isn't a bad shade of orange, it's just best used in small quantities. They have tiny icons so that it doesn't overpower the page- they just need to clean up the icons themselves a little.
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celesse In reply to Lunaleaf [2015-08-06 02:20:59 +0000 UTC]
I'm not against orange per-say, but I think it clashes just a little too much with the current color scheme. I think they could've chosen a better color or a different hue that went with the theme instead of so hard against it.
They might be preparing for a new layout with new colors though, something that would work better with the orange. At least, I hope they are.
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Lunaleaf In reply to celesse [2015-08-06 13:43:23 +0000 UTC]
Honestly, I doubt that they're going to be changing the colours for the site due to the amount of work that would require. They'd have to alter the coding for every colour panel, and they'd have to pay someone to do it. I think the best we can hope for on that account is that they make some minor alterations to the form of the icons, including pattern and slight hue changes.
Also, I was mainly referencing the dozen or so complaints about it being orange in general. I still think orange can work, and I'd really prefer it to yellow or red. People just hate orange for some reason, since most people seem to describe it as their least favourite colour. Maybe that explains why people hate redheads so much, IDK.
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celesse In reply to Lunaleaf [2015-08-06 23:11:55 +0000 UTC]
Actually, they have changed the site's colors many times, though it's usually just been a shift in the hue rather than a whole new color. You can take a look back at my old DevIDs (and other things) where I eyedropped the current background color instead of using transparent PNGs -⦠They used to match. DA has their own coders, and the site likely runs on a theme which makes edits like colors a very simple thing to do. They're also discussing allowing a choice of background colors in the latest profile discussion post (though it seems limited to light or dark grey right now) - Profile Discussion
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Lunaleaf In reply to celesse [2015-08-07 01:30:16 +0000 UTC]
Hmm. That could be interesting. Good to know about the old site colours, though. I suppose it's been so long that I've not really noticed the changes.
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Makcake [2015-08-05 10:28:28 +0000 UTC]
Well saidΒ Β
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LuckyBombCC [2015-08-05 09:24:08 +0000 UTC]
Like you say, I think the main issue for me with it was the no prior warning. I just logged on one day and was like 'wtf is core?'
Other than that I see no problem with it. I myself buy premium around christmas time when promotions come into play, like the give one get one thing. Hope those keep happening XD
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CatharsisGaze [2015-08-05 08:43:07 +0000 UTC]
I agree with you a lot on this. And high five or the "obnoxious orange"! X'D
Personally, I don't understand that wave of "That's the last straw, I'll leave dA now!" but I guess some people are really annoyed by the recent changes... Oh well!
In a week two it's probably back to normal. Except if they make another sudden change.
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celesse In reply to CatharsisGaze [2015-08-06 02:16:30 +0000 UTC]
The Last Straw! thing happens with every change DA makes. I think the latest one before this was when they introduced the Watch Feed, which I actually like and wish more people would use.
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CatharsisGaze In reply to celesse [2015-08-06 06:55:27 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, the watch feed is pretty nice.
I still prefer the "old" view because it makes viewing thumbs faster because they aren't so big. ^^
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Zulema [2015-08-05 08:17:35 +0000 UTC]
My question is, if DA is in some financial trouble why didn't they just send out a newsletter saying so? And the up coming changes to DA? They send newsletters of Contests/Movie ect but not DA related topics?
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uraniumKiss [2015-08-05 07:08:27 +0000 UTC]
like others, I feel like the lack of communication is going to be a really big mistake on deviantART's part. premium memberships were a big part of the site, many people wanted to buy them and did so, and now its likely that dA will lose more than they gain.
I also feel they really could of capitalized on having both premium and core memberships. have premiums for cheaper, but with less features. and implement some new features for core members. that way, even members who can't afford the full 50$ can still support the site. a lot of this site's users are young and just cannot afford that much, yet the young users tend to be the ones most likely to buy premium memberships. (atleast in the main furry artist circle and all that). its likely to create a scenario where they've given no options to the ones with less money, and so dA gets less as a result.
they still haven't said anything about it, and that is absolutely AWFUL for business. they can't just change something so integral to the site and its profit without informing people. people may of planned to renew their membership, or buy a new one, and now they may not be able to because there was absolutely zero warning. not to mention people are upset and wanting to boycott dA entirely because of this severe misstep. I get that theyre a business, but that's the whole point - they're doing one of the biggest no-nos in business, which is not communicating with your customers.
I hope they can release something soon, and take suggestions into account like my own. I only see this as a poor business move with little planning other than "you know what we should do? make more money!" which again I understand but when dA waffles on about how this site is a community and the artists make the site.... its pretty shameful.
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uraniumKiss In reply to celesse [2015-08-05 07:54:12 +0000 UTC]
yeah, i find that a lot of people buy premium just for the page customization! but there's still plenty of us who enjoy other features (like changing usernames, more space, no withdrawal fee on commissions, etc.) who would pay for the full membership. it's a really bad idea to not take advantage of this, and i'm honestly really surprised dA seemed to completely ignore it.
you may have a point there. i didn't even consider that this might of been an accidental release... though nothing about it seems bugged so we can't really be sure about that either.
true true, i do recognize that dA has to make money because this site IS very big and hosting this amount of data doesn't come cheap. they definitely could of thought it through more, and it feels like they made a hasty decision based on a goal of covering costs, without really considering their options, which is why i said that! they simply raised the price of Premium and changed it's name, with nothing new added or any kind of new structure, so i can't imagine it was planned very much.
glad you agree though! i'd love to see a middle-ground option, i would suggest it to dA except..... since they don't have a journal about this, i can't :T
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