Chibi-Pika — Lucario Skeleton v2

Published: 2012-07-04 21:12:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 44315; Favourites: 1315; Downloads: 525
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Description Remember how, back when I did that study of Lucario’s skull, I said I would eventually go back and redo the entire skeleton? Yeah, that was over a year and a half ago, but I’ve finally done it. Aside from just outright looking cooler, this version is way, WAY more scientifically accurate, much to the excitement of practically no one but me.

Yet again I must stress the fact that Lucario is a highly specialized, combative, bipedal canine. A lot of “realistic” artwork of him sort of just sticks a blue wolf on two legs. That kind of design wouldn’t be able to move on two legs anywhere near effectively, nor would a canine’s arms be effective at any kind of bipedal fighting style. So while I’m not the best at doing realistic artwork, I can at least try to come up with a realistic structure for my favorite Pokemon.


- Lucario’s entire skeleton is comprised of a unique organic metal compound that naturally occurs in all Steel-type Pokémon’s bodies. Most Steel-types, classified under the subcategory External, exhibit the metal in their hide or appendages. Lucario is one of very few Internal Steel-types. The metal is surprisingly lightweight, yet durable.

- Lucario has a highly unique skull structure. The mandible only reaches about 2/3 of the way down the snout, giving its face the distinctly prominent nose. The back of the cranium has small canals for the nerve bundles that make up its Aura Sensors.

- The shackle-like cuff surrounding the shoulder joint is cartilage reinforced with metallic fiber, and is therefore not truly a part of the skeleton. It is strong enough to protect the socket from excess force, yet flexible enough to allow the necessary range of motion. Lucario generally has a very wide range of shoulder motion that ordinary canines, being quadrupeds, do not have. Also of note is the fact that quadrupedal canines do not have a clavicle, which allows them a better running stride. For Lucario, as a biped that uses its forearms for combat, the clavicle supports the arms and offers greater ranges of motion. And as a final note, Lucario’s radioulnar joint is modified to allow for supination.

- The metatarsal bones are extremely elongated—nearly twice as long as the tibia. Lucario’s long legs, extreme foot/tibia ratio, and massive thigh muscles (comprising over 40% of its total weight) all contribute to its top running speed of 75 kph.

- Lucario has 7 cervical vertebrae (as do nearly all mammals and by extension, mammalian Pokémon) 9 thoracic, and 6 lumbar. Its ribcage is considerably shorter than quadrupedal canines’.

- The tail is very crucial for keeping balance during fights. The bent shape gives it greater strength and surface area on the end for striking foes with.

For more details, see my report on the species.
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Comments: 128

macheteguyspencer [2022-08-28 23:44:17 +0000 UTC]

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Mostfaithfulness35 [2022-07-05 23:50:55 +0000 UTC]

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Feoneon [2022-05-15 20:15:14 +0000 UTC]

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dragonkingeevee626 [2022-01-09 15:41:57 +0000 UTC]

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Hexxler [2021-05-24 01:28:10 +0000 UTC]

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Anpu273640 [2021-03-19 12:23:51 +0000 UTC]

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Giraffei [2020-09-11 23:05:43 +0000 UTC]

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WhIppIng-b0y In reply to Giraffei [2020-12-03 20:54:28 +0000 UTC]

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Giraffei [2020-08-20 09:59:48 +0000 UTC]

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WhIppIng-b0y [2020-04-27 18:55:11 +0000 UTC]

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Chibi-Pika In reply to WhIppIng-b0y [2020-06-30 00:33:46 +0000 UTC]

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Smashcop1FOWAiMac [2020-04-07 00:05:45 +0000 UTC]


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Dylan613 [2020-03-12 01:59:02 +0000 UTC]

These are unique skeletal frames for Pokemon species. Nice job!

Anyway, can I use these frames for my project please?

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White-Wyvern-Realms [2019-07-23 18:58:56 +0000 UTC]

Is there a Pikachu skeleton you have done?

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Chibi-Pika In reply to White-Wyvern-Realms [2019-08-01 03:13:51 +0000 UTC]

I haven't done one!  But I tend to stick to Pokemon that have weird/unique anatomy.

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White-Wyvern-Realms In reply to Chibi-Pika [2019-08-01 11:30:50 +0000 UTC]

Ah. I see.

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AuraShaman [2018-02-15 22:55:14 +0000 UTC]

I always believed that Lucario's entire skeleton is metallic as opposed to just its thorns.

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Broskie2017 [2017-09-21 19:17:01 +0000 UTC]

This is really cool! Who knows? It might provide some... insight in the near future...

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Heytomemeimhome [2016-12-25 00:20:31 +0000 UTC]

I think the pelvis should maybe be more derived but otherwise it seems fine.

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shapeshifter29 [2016-07-24 01:10:24 +0000 UTC]

This looks amazing!

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Martin-Krieger [2016-02-27 22:38:37 +0000 UTC]

so you're lugia had me in tears... and it got me to thinking about all of the biologically unprecedented events in pokemon... such as blue fur on mammals, or bipedal digitigrade mammals... and then i thought of one of my favorite deviants, Osmatar, and her sauromammals (which might only be on her old elfwood page).

so anyway, what I was thinking is what if lukario is actually something like a mammalian sauropod dinosaur? the blue color is actually an example of Structural coloration in rudimentary feathers. i would guess that it evolved from that world's version of bipedal crocodilimorphs that amassed the typical mammalian adaptations.

just a thought. your work on these skeletons makes me feel talkative.

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White-Wyvern-Realms In reply to Martin-Krieger [2019-07-23 18:58:06 +0000 UTC]

Is there a Pikachu skeleton you have done?

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Martin-Krieger In reply to White-Wyvern-Realms [2020-06-07 20:01:18 +0000 UTC]

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White-Wyvern-Realms In reply to Martin-Krieger [2020-06-07 20:40:43 +0000 UTC]

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TechmasterSM4000 [2016-02-24 03:16:37 +0000 UTC]

Interesting concept.

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yoshipokemontrainer [2015-04-18 23:04:46 +0000 UTC]

Cool! I never seen a Lucario X-ray before. This reminds me of the Mortal Kombat X-rays but with out all the bone breaking.

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SellyTheLucario [2014-12-14 16:34:13 +0000 UTC]


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janolodiom1 [2014-10-31 14:12:03 +0000 UTC]

You are absolutly amazing! You must be really interrested in biologie! Writing that report musst have taken ages of analysing information, and at the same time you did such good art work its astonashing! Please keep up the amazing work!

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Eloylie [2014-07-31 17:40:53 +0000 UTC]

You, sir are awesome.

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Lucario127 [2014-07-24 05:34:30 +0000 UTC]

Awsome his heart is well protected to 

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HaloPrime [2014-06-30 00:10:09 +0000 UTC]

This is really fucking cool!!!

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Javi-Stuff [2014-02-09 18:19:44 +0000 UTC]

Just awesome owo

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PostPony [2014-01-26 20:27:07 +0000 UTC]

I'm going to reference this as I rig my lucario in blender. check out WIP 4.3 on my page to get a really good look

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PostPony In reply to PostPony [2014-02-05 18:58:05 +0000 UTC]

*is thankful for the 'accuracy' of the teeth.*

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TheGoldenMoon [2013-09-06 19:28:08 +0000 UTC]

Seeing that the lucario can run at a top speed of 46.6 mph (75 kph ) (Google) and the average human can sprint 12 to 15 mph and run long distance at 6 mph (athletes run long distance at 10 mph)( www.ask.com/question/how-fast-…) , wouldn't that mean it's heart and lungs would have to be larger than the average human's in order to reach that speed similar to a cheetah's *runs a top 64 mph and also has larger heart and lungs( www.wcs.org/saving-wildlife/bi…)* ? If that's the case, because of its small rib cage (based off the illustration above), the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum that allows breathing and protection of the heart would have to expand much more than the average dog in order for large air intake as well as make more room for the heart to sufficiently pump blood unless they have a broad chest. The lucario form the movie clearly had a broader chest than that in the illustration posted on top. Now, under further research, a Greyhound can run up to 40 miles but has been clocked at 45 mph ( www.ask.com/question/how-fast-…) . However, that's because the greyhound runs an all fours. A lucario mostly runs and stands on its hind legs. Plus, it's a high jumper and can climb mountainous terrain, which means that the heart and lungs would have to work much harder in order to reach the top 47 mph as well as climb very tall mountains. And I don't think a small heart and lungs would bold well. A little food for thought.

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Zekrio [2013-08-22 05:36:14 +0000 UTC]

I've just noticed that there is an extra(?) piece of bone on the official art of Lucario's right leg. Is it his bottom half of the foot or something? Does his feet have two joints? 

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LiraTheWolf [2013-07-28 02:36:39 +0000 UTC]


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Zekrio [2013-07-09 15:14:23 +0000 UTC]

This should definitely be in Biology class!

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RipOffManX [2013-04-20 19:54:18 +0000 UTC]

I actually am more interested reading the description than looking at the picture XD

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ARACELICASANDRA [2013-04-15 23:38:28 +0000 UTC]

Wow!!! Is more than awesome! I never imagine lucario's anatomy O_O

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LaBarron0092 [2013-02-11 00:55:56 +0000 UTC]

this looks so realistic

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JadeMints [2013-01-09 00:18:32 +0000 UTC]


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Shinwa-Tsuki [2013-01-08 04:30:42 +0000 UTC]

Very nice!

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Protodramon [2013-01-03 21:36:51 +0000 UTC]

So THIS is how it works! I was wondering about his legs and if he had really thick femurs or not

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dallasfan4509 [2013-01-02 22:00:26 +0000 UTC]

i like how you included the spikes as bone, that is actually bone, but not many people know. GREAT WORK!

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Silverus-Avian [2012-12-17 19:28:13 +0000 UTC]

Very cool but realistically the toes shouldn't be like that. Still great job.

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DTWX [2012-12-16 10:19:27 +0000 UTC]

Much better version, indeed.

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Yatzstar [2012-11-15 21:25:56 +0000 UTC]

I always wonder what the skeleton of fighting-types would look like o-o

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Ep1cne55 [2012-11-09 04:27:26 +0000 UTC]


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ArgentDandelion [2012-11-05 00:11:32 +0000 UTC]

How do its guts fit in its pelvis? Would a female Lucario have a wider pelvis than a male one?

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