Claudija β€” Loulabelle the Cat - Upclose with Loula How-To by-nc-sa

Published: 2013-07-15 00:02:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 1192; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description A pretty face noes? I've had some asking for some help and so Loulabelle kindly offered her services to help. Firstly for those asking how she's done, this is the place for you as Claud removes the veil and reveals the secrets behind how this wonderful kitty is actually constructed. Sorry about the size of this description for my regular watchers... it's purely to help some of you who are having some troubles with some parts or maybe all... we will see.

Basics:- Okay intro out the way let's start out with the first steps shall we? Got to walk before we run after alls hehehe.

1 Sketch. Now some of you have thought, isn't that obvious Claud? Well not really. Some are so good they draw it directly, not needing the sketch but for those needing a guide line: here's the place to start. Sketches don't need to be neat (hell you should see the sketch for Loula here...) it's just what I call my: ideas stage.

2 Inking. Inking is a pain as this is where you start getting the sketch we made from a nifty but random collection of lines into the piece we really will be painting. All kinds of random stuff happens and anyone making ink art knows what I mean hehe. For it you'll need a nice pen with a thin tip for fine details, slightly large to pencil nib thickness for the larger lines. I leave it dry overnight, irregardless of the ink for the eraser-bombing it'll get to remove all other lines. Some artists who draw in blue do so as blue doesn't scan well if at all: it's up to you guys.

3 Line Art. Now we have it all inked it's looking pretty righty? Pop it into the scanner, it doesn't matter if you color digitally or not: trust me I made this mistake once and now have to redraw the two pencil Felicia pieces you can see in the gallery. Have we scanned in? Yup? Ossum! Now we have our line art either digitally or physically.

Color:- This is where we all differ and what works for me may not for you. Freely experiment with what's below as that's what art is about: experimenting and learning righty?

Digital Color:-

1 First lets right-click on the Background layer we scanned in. Click: Create layer from background. I call mine 'Mainline' but that's a personal choice, choose your own name unless it helps you too. Now click: Duplicate Layer and I call mine 'Baseline'.

2 Set the Baseline layer to Multiply in the mode pull-down. Most programs use this format, I'm using Photoshop CS3 for the purposes of the guide but freely work with what you have there to hand. You'll notice that the black lines suddenly look darker and the image seems more crisp... that's meant to happen hehe. Multiply makes all colors paler, white vanishes completely but gives a sweet look to our line work. Please save the file...

3 Saved her? Fantastic! Now we'll be preparing the flats. Flats for those not used to to the term: are the block colors we use before any shading is done. When I do pieces for those asking, you get emailed these to make sure it's what you want and that the colors are in the right place etc. How do we make them? You may ask, very easily. First with Photoshop and I'm sure Painter: select the Magic Wand Tool.

4 Now on either of the main layers *I tend to turn the Baseline off when making the prep layers for reasons I'll go into as we go along*, select an area. Let's take Loula's lovely hair. Click the color box at the side and choose the color you want to color it. Now select: New Layer from the layer panel then go ahead and paint that selected area.

5 Repeat this until you have the whole image all in nice bright bold, flat colors. At this point, I tend to save my file then I select from the top-menu: Layer > Flatten Image. Then go to File > Save for Web and Devices. Choose your name and where to save, then back to Photoshop.

6 Where I went wrong here so don't you guys do it now hehe: look to the Navigation pane *beside your small version of the image you can see a few tabs, click the topmost one depending on how you set up.* It brings down a list of all we've done to this point. Click the step above 'Flatten Image' and then resave the file. Now we have our flat layers and a demo for the person we're doing this for.

7 Tidying up flats - my technique is to take the main color *might be an idea to make a palette at this stage. Make a new layer then add spots of each color as you go so you can easily grab them if needed later on or, as with Loula: making more of one character*, and then paint over the Mainline as it shows up *magic wand will ignore anything bar the color you selected so you will need to paint over them* as that will make the end line work look a lot crisper and it makes painting it: easier. This next step is where each of us varies as do I depending on what part I'm painting, let's do them separately to make it easier to understand.

7a Hair, Clothing and Metal - First make the default colors come up: mine are black and white. Switch them with the 'X' key and select Color Sampler or the Eyedropper tool. Left-click once on her hair and it'll make the white box that color. Loula's is a purple. Press X again. Now make sure each layer has it's Transparency locked. Basically there's a little icon in the Layer pane when you select one that locks varies parts of it: one prevents the layer moving, one prevents it being edited... we only want the first one to stop us painting anywhere bar the colored areas of our Layer. Take either a brush or the paint bucket and paint that entire layer: black. Don't panic darlings... now press X. It should switch to the purple.

With purple in tow: take the Brush you want to use and gently apply the purple in small bands *I use Soft Round 3px setting depending on size of hair area*. This goes where you wish the hair's natural shine to be. Once it's in place I take the Smudge tool and gently smudge the purple into the black, making sure there's a nice graduation of tone. Once all the sheen is done, click on the purple box and choose a highlight for it. I tend to go about four spaces upwards. Repeat but this time blend the highlight a lot smaller and try to make it look more random as light won't shine flatly on something. Clothing and Metal has the same procedure depending on what material I'm painting as harsher blends look more metallic, softer more satin. You can also use custom brushes specifically to add textures to the outfits themselves, [link] for example have a wide range of brushes for GIMP and Photoshop users. I use Obsidian Dawn's brushes myself in all my works.

7b Fur and Flesh - Take the base layer color again, and using the hair technique above: choose two variants of it: one lighter and one darker. The main technique is the same as above using the blending technique but it gives a more natural look as opposed to the more manufactured look of the clothing.

7c Eyes - Ahhh the beautiful eyes... some have said I make them almost like lifelike and of all the parts of a piece: it is the one place I spend most time trying to get right. First thing's first we need two layers. You'd have found thus far, with Multiply, her eyes will be all white with lines showing where they are so we need make a layer for the eyeball and iris separately. Don't be liberal darlings, paint the whole area for her eyes white. Even over the pupil and iris lines on the Mainline. Iris layer we paint just the irises, including the highlight we marked on the line art: one solid spot of color.

Next, pop our iris color into the selector and choose again: highlight and shadow versions. Make sure the shadow is selected for the moment. I tend to make an ( with the top of it at the top of the eye in the shadow using the blend technique above: it gives a nice glassy look to the iris and gently add some shadowing to round out the bottom of the irises. Switch to the highlight. Some prefer to have the pupil given more shape by painting in some highlight to the edge of the pupil to show the light as it enters the retina. It is your choice here but Loula is painted with a gentle blush of highlight at the bottom of the pupil. Using about a 1-2px Soft Round Brush, gently paint random dots of highlight into her iris. If you prefer to, you can gently add little spots of it under the shadow and blending in to give more shape and form to the eye: you choose darlings it is your work.

Next, the master highlight. I have of late being doing this under the Baseline layer, some prefer to do it on top: either way it's a separate layer. Taking the highlight in both boxes: set one to midway between it and white and one to almost white. I tend to set the brush to about a 2-3px size for this and gently put one at about the top corner of the highlight we drew in. Down to a 2px, maybe 1px size then and place one just at the bottom of the pupil: set it about a 45 Degree angle so it sits opposite side of the pupil from the highlight. She'll look odd otherwise. Now we gently blend it to about halfway through the marked highlight and round it to show it's glassy. Final highlight is the darker of the two, gently painted over the three eye laters, then gently blended out so that on close-up you can see a sort of peak like a mountain peak from the bottom of the pupil and gently smudged out to the edges of the iris one way, eye white the other.

8 Now we have all the work done, save our master file and Flatten Image, File > Save for Web and Devices and make the completed save to show your friends.

Pencil color:- I haven't done much pencil work of late but for the most part you can use similar techniques to the Digital without the whole layering thing obviously. I used to do the pencil color very lightly first, then slowly build the pressure up to get the toning I wanted. Smudging is a lot harder on smaller works obviously due to having less space to get really in there but to those who can: I salute you wholly. Pencils and to a larger extent: pastels are fuuuun as you can get your fingers filthy and covered in pencil lead or chalk dust hehe but for a cleaner and easier workspace: digital is the way to go *snickers*

Sorry for the huge description it was just to give an insight into how I work for some who asked *smiles*.

Lineart is based on an original sketch for and Β© of: Dr. Comet
Loulabelle, design and appearance: image included Β© Claudija Tzandrapova 2013

You can find the actual image here: [link]
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Comments: 55

Claudija In reply to ??? [2013-07-15 00:53:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the critique. I did go overboard with Loula: my newest OC had to have a proper showcase and I'm already making the flats for Scene 02/06. Scene 02 of 6 total.

Initially her outfit would have been purple but then with her hair and eyeshadow and eyebrows... it was too much purple. I went instead with initial instinct and it's red for the master series.

Her fur I kind of settled on at the get-go, I didn't have her pattern until painting the ventral (white) fur as I had all kinds of ideas how to make the pattern... giving in eventually and letting her stay like this with her four white socks and tail tip.

The style has only been with me now, three or four years. Felicia the Catwoman was the start point for it and seeing how much faster and easier it is to use, it's stayed since. Then I went through the dragonesses where it was all black-flats first to now: mixing both at various aspects to just get that balance.

Again, thank you for the critique my friend and I do hope you continue working at your own artworks as it will be intriguing for me to see where you go from here and what you create: even if it is in the tiniest bit inspired by Loula here *smiles brightly*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-07-15 00:59:56 +0000 UTC]

Ok-ok calm down with all that.Man just by reading this I should include in it her outfit and such.*saying bad words moment*Shoot!I should added all that,man what was I thinking!

Ok never mind that at least you enjoyed it is all important.So your going do all that to for her?Hmm wish the best of luck for you then.

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Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-07-15 01:03:40 +0000 UTC]

How could you have commented on her purple outfit when, until now: I hadn't shown it hehe?

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acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-07-15 01:05:33 +0000 UTC]

It showed up on my deviantWatch first for some reason.

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Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-07-15 01:14:26 +0000 UTC]

mhmm as I just now popped her up but prior to today: nobody not viewing my Tumblr has seen the purple variant for her outfit hehehe

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acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-07-15 01:45:08 +0000 UTC]

Well so should do that then.Hahaha

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Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-07-15 01:54:55 +0000 UTC]

by the end of this week I should have Scenes 02 and 03 completed and on up on Tumblr. DA will only have two maybe three from them due to the planned story *smiles and purrs*

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acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-07-15 01:58:05 +0000 UTC]

Hmhm *nods head*Well I hope I get a chance to see them.And see if the lovely as the rest you've created. *smiles*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-07-15 02:23:04 +0000 UTC]

hon you will see the DA versions in your DeviantWatch list as normal *purrs* the Tumblr-only versions you'll be given links too once you comment on any of them so worry not: you'll see Scenes 02 and 03 some way, Claud doesn't let her friends down

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acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-07-15 04:11:18 +0000 UTC]

Ok.That's good to hear.*smiles*

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mysterysneeze [2017-02-21 06:33:27 +0000 UTC]

I really like how she turned out here! I love how her eyes and hair look, and the outfit design looks great on her

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Claudija In reply to mysterysneeze [2017-03-04 01:46:26 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you *curtsies* believe it or not this was her first appearance and so I kinda made her up as I went along. She was all black, then had spots... in the end this was the easiest to do and had the most impact. Hair got me a joke comment from midnight21 in that she asked why I painted every single pixel xD, honest truth I didn't hehehe. The brush was set stupidly-small around 1-3px in diameter or so. As for eyes, that's the section I paint last as I spend almost a whole day on them. "Eyes are the windows to the soul..." someone said and I find eyes the most attractive part of a person so when I paint them I want to like or love my own creation. Loula's been claimed to have such striking eyes they convey all kinds of emotions and have made people here want to pet her as if the cat is really tangible.... real... there *smiles*

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mysterysneeze In reply to Claudija [2017-03-07 06:24:29 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome! I'm glad I could take time to comment on your characters. I think a lot of them are beautiful ^^Β 

I appreciate the replies. I'm glad you notice my comments. It means a lot Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to mysterysneeze [2017-03-16 09:46:33 +0000 UTC]

I'd be rude otherwise xD. It's always fun to hear what people think of my stuff: it gives me things to think about too especially your questions about Zasstra and her sisters, so I thank you for keeping this old fox on her paws. All I ask now is what about your characters, have they got a story too?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

mysterysneeze In reply to Claudija [2017-03-17 06:05:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you have fun! It is clear you care a lot about your characters and have put a lot of time and energy to them.

Not very many people have ever asked me about my characters before. It's been a very long time. The character on my icon is the first anthro OC I made a story for online. Her name is Anne. She's in her mid-20s and in the story I made for her she gets into trouble with a thief. She recently became a night guard at a museum and a thief tries to steal something important while she is working. Fortunately she is good at her job but unfortunately (for her XD for me it is a good thing) she also has some sneezy scenarios happen to her that both helped her out and made things more difficult.

I like sneezes in drawings and stories Different characters sneeze in different ways and it is fun for me to imagine what could happen when a character sneezes.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to mysterysneeze [2017-05-23 11:59:34 +0000 UTC]

Anne looks rather fun hehehe, what's her species? If you want to I am thinking on sharing some shots of Luciana from the DC Universe Online game as I built her in there with flight and she uses a bow and it's all awesome xD. I will be looking once the rush of Stormblood eases off heh, at more background on some of the P'uuschcarna that haven't yet been given a tale: most of them are though nice and detailed with their own Tales of Syn episode to cover them. I think it's Malira Deathstrike next up.... *ponders*. Anne the Night Guard..... has a feel to it hehehehe

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

mysterysneeze In reply to Claudija [2017-05-31 20:07:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for taking time to reply

Anne is a canine species that is somewhere between a wolf and a fox. My icon picture has been the same for years now and the colors are what she has. Blonde hair, green eyes, and grayish silver fur. By the way, your icon picture is beautiful to me, especially the hairstyle and the coloring

I think whoever you draw or share shots of I'd be interested in seeing. Your characters are great and I enjoy them

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to mysterysneeze [2017-06-07 11:10:18 +0000 UTC]

Awww why thank you. The avatar I use is a pen and ink drawing of Sea/ Sky Lounge Garden's catgirl maid, Nadia. Weirdest thing though is that Wordsworth had her as a 3D character at one point and yet I can find almost nothing of either since.... miss Sea Lounge too.... I did her as fan art but people on here were so enthralled by her as an avatar I did share her in the gallery. If not she's in the stash but either way can pop you her if you wish to see her fully. Nup, definitely in my gallery, if you go to the main gallery then into Temporary, Nadia should pop up in there. Vixy addendum heh: I was sooo wrong here she is instead she's in my Anime gallery heh -Β  Β one day I'll learn my own gallery and how the silly thing is laid out xD.

I think Anne looks rather cute, one of those fun out-going ladies *nods* Luciana likes to make friends with people like that. I do need to get back to my Tales of Syn too as it was flowing so nicely with Vyshnara and her plan to once again stop her sister Chiazara from completing a crazy plan to turn Suspyra back to their side.

You sooo need to nab more art of Anne, I think she'll get a lot of attention for you honbun *noddles*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

mysterysneeze In reply to Claudija [2017-06-07 16:04:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for taking time to reply! ^^ Your art gallery honestly is kind of confusing but I can see where she is I honestly like 2D lineart and colors better than 3D models. 3D can be great but I like seeing artists do their own drawings.

Your art style is really nice and I think you have great characters ^^Β 

Thank you for your opinion I did have some people do art of her in the past. Some of her was in a normal happy expression, others were pictures in a short sketch comic of having her sneeze I like sneeze scenarios in drawings. It was interesting seeing how different artists draw a sneeze I honestly really appreciated the artists taking time drawing my silly short ideas.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to mysterysneeze [2017-06-07 21:08:51 +0000 UTC]

Awww you're too kind to me honbun. How would you like a look at my latest pieces for Sexyfur? These two are literally fresh off the line and feature another vixen: Luciana's non-canon cousin, Champagne....


and with her bunny friend, Sasha -Β pre03.deviantart.net/1f1b/th/p…

Have you got any images of Anne in your gallery there hon? I'd love to have a look through and see her. You keep giving me nice and honest commentary only fair if I can do the same in return *smiles brightly*. I've also put Fran up as some wanted to see how I painted her in homage to Homare: his work was so phenomenal.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 2

mysterysneeze In reply to Claudija [2017-06-07 22:35:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for taking the time to link them! The bunny friend link does not work, but the Champagne link does work and she looks beautiful! I love how you did her lighting and shading. The big tail is a really good detail, and I think her hands are well drawn! Nice shoes and her light hairstyle is pretty All around the color of her fur is very good! You did great drawing her.

I'll go send the note now.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to mysterysneeze [2017-06-08 09:47:30 +0000 UTC]

Odd that Sasha and Champagne together wouldn't work..... let's see if the direct page link will instead xD -Β  Β 

and for the piece of Champagne on her own so you can add a comment there if you wish too -Β 

these links should be working let me know if not please hon *smiles*. I do have a complete gallery of Champagne in the stash as another friend I made on here DPADoc loves her, I mean.... looooves the fox to the point she's become his personal fave. My friend in Swansea who is celebrating his birthday next week is a mad fan of Champagne too. I got given a statuette of her that was commissioned by Jeremy Bernal for sale through Cafe Press for free due to doing the art for the original piece..... when I left Kyle's I had to make doubly-sure I came home -with- the statuette and he hadn't swiped her xD

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mysterysneeze In reply to Claudija [2017-06-07 22:30:50 +0000 UTC]

I just say what is on my mind Sure I can look at them both! I'll leave comments on them.

I will send a note to you with the one drawing my friend made with Anne and some stash pictures that others have drawn

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Hitkid [2015-12-06 21:21:13 +0000 UTC]

She looks so sincere. I think it's the best feature. So wonderful for you to convey that sense; it's not something you see very often.

And yes, kudos on the insight!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to Hitkid [2015-12-06 22:58:47 +0000 UTC]

I'm very happy to hear you like her. Funniest thing, I didn't think about sincerity when I painted Loula.... I was at that point just making up a new character for a story. She's basically an airline representative that, on her time away from work: liked to do webcam shows for her then-girlfriend. I've put the whole story somewhere else heh. The whole aim and there should still be an image somewhere I did of the steps as graphics: was just to help people who were curious how I colored stuff but thank you all the same for seeing something in Loula that I didn't even notice or consciously think about *smiles at you*.

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acebird1234 [2013-07-28 04:50:30 +0000 UTC]

She is still very lovely no matter what.Hope you're still doing an amazing job my friend

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Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-07-28 11:34:26 +0000 UTC]

I'm very grateful for the comment and glad Loula's still popular hehehe

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-07-29 07:19:11 +0000 UTC]

Well I'm glad grateful for your reply.And hoe you continue to create more pictures of Loula then.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-03 14:47:01 +0000 UTC]

so far there are four remaining scenes to go for Loula: Scene 03 being a rather relaxed and light Scene as she's relaxing after the intense first two. Scene 04 then will be more like Scene 01 with a building up to something... Scene 05 will be a lot more intense and I don't think any of it's component images will appear on here. Scene 06 I'm debating if she needs it or not but it will be done as a closing series. In between those: two more of Luciana are planned to come into play after every second scene (so after Scene 04, the next Luciana image and if I do Scene 06, Luci's final for now will come after that).

After those two close some of my other furry ladies: Laura Acorn the squirrel secretary at Heat of the Night Productions, gets a new revised image. Ithiaca Kriskentija the arctic vixen and pet of Luciana will get her very first image and I might do a remastering of Agnetha 'Anya' Mellagne, the half-samoyed half-wolfess pet of Luciana who was majorly-popular on Heat of the Night: also may have a revision... we shall see how it all falls into place *smiles brightly*.

That's the projected plan for what's to come in the weird and wonderful world of Claud hehe

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-03 22:28:48 +0000 UTC]

Well I hope that I get to see your work if not just send me links to see them.Because I really like your artwork and hope that I can get some of my artwork on hear to show you.Reply back when can from me aka Jason Donald or acebird.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-04 00:35:15 +0000 UTC]

well my friend, firstly I have the inking to go as the old sketches were left in pencil hehe. Secondly it's painting and this heat wave does nobody any favors, least of all me as I get tired faster when too hot and I find concentrating on anything is very hard... just the air temperature it messes with my body and my head and being prone to migraines plus I'm photosensitive.... you can imagine what hot, humid and very bright sunny weather can do to such a vixen *giggles* but worry not I will be working on them.

If you have my Tumblr ( claudijatzandrapova.tumblr.com ), the complete image series for all of them: won't be out of your reach as they will only appear in their entirety on there due to DeviantArt's Terms of Service which onthe topic of pornography states:-

Adult material is only tolerable under the following guidelines, adult material should not contain any of the following or a combination thereof:-

Excessive violence and/ or gore
Bodily fluid, irregardless of source (no semen, vaginal fluid - some females can ejaculate when they orgasm but it can also be the lubrication to make intercourse more pleasurable and certainly no menstruating females though why some find that sexy I will -never- know...: nasal discharge or any other)
Erections particularly penile (no guys with nice hard penises... never dared ask if it included nipples or clitoral erections but definitely not allowed to have your guy characters with a raging hard-on)
Hands close to/ touching the genitalia (so no masturbation and you're not allowed to have the female's hand say, near her friend's genitals. It's just a no-no so Scene 05 may not even see DA due to how Loula is showing off)
Child or underage characters in the above acts (they don't seem to even allow us to make an adult image of say, Ash of PokΓ©mon as an adult either. Child porn though has never been okay in my book but I can't understand how drawing him as a man doing adult things is considered a no-no but there we are)

So as you see, that's why all of my works that appear here are the dumbed-down in most cases: PG-Rated editions though making Scene05 PG I'd have to cut her paw off.... so Scene 05 will not be on here.... period. That's not the verbatim (word for word) version that appears in the Guidelines here but it's pretty close. So should say Anya be touching herself doing a striptease... she won't appear on here as if she does the admins will be more than annoyed and I could end up losing my entire gallery and/ or account.... not good...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-04 16:38:46 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to hear that then.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-07 03:09:29 +0000 UTC]

Just because I am a nice vixen hehe, this is the master work: the starting block for Scene 03 - 24.media.tumblr.com/e5a8e2c2ac… that is what with editing and a little Claud magic, will become the next part of the series for Loulabelle. You get a really rare insider glimpse there at what I start with when the original idea comes in before I do all the pretty stuff like tidying up broken or missing lines.... adding in detail, removing detail (her stockings for example will not be in the final Scene but will be in the variant).... things like that before you see the completed piece: aren't I sweet to you hehe?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 3

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-07 05:32:04 +0000 UTC]

She is very beautiful I can see your doing an amazing job on her.I can already picture my character Jason having a nose bleed,and blushing moment just looking at her.I mean he's going to drop dead!*laughing moment*She is coming out very beautifully and I can tell your doing a wonderful job on her.Even if she doesn't have the stockings she still looks lovely.Also of what you ask if you were sweet to me and I yes you are kind and sweet to me but why do you ask my little vixen?

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acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-07 04:30:53 +0000 UTC]

She is very beautiful even if she isn't the finale draft.I can picture my character Jason having a major nose bleed,and his month open and blushing moment.I mean he will drop dead when he see's or looks at her!* laughing moment*Still you are doing an amazing and wonderful job my friend with your artwork.Even if this picture that she will not have those stockings on her it's your character after all.And also of you saying your being sweet to me is yes you are being very kind and sweet to but why do you ask my little vixen?

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acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-07 04:23:39 +0000 UTC]

She is coming out very beautifully if I say so myself.I can already image my character Jason having a major nose bleed and blushing moment when he see's her like that.I mean he will drop dead!*laughing moment*You keep on impressing me with your artwork and characters my friend.So to add it doesn't matter if I have to wait for the finally draft I can wait.However I thought those stockings where going to part of the picture but oh well she is your character after all.And lastly you are treating me very sweet but why do you ask my little vixen?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-10 02:40:33 +0000 UTC]

Loula will get a lot more time after next week as the weather is calming so not too hot as it has been and that means I can do some artwork hehe.
I'm glad you are enjoying what I do, enthusiastic watchers are always a welcoming presence *nods*
The stockings were part of the original design and I was going to leave them on throughout the entire story but:- claudijatzandrapova.tumblr.com… particularly read this line:- "First, Loulabelle teased her by opening and closing her legs before she started to strip. First her stockings which were still wet from the nightclub air: then her lovely red dress of the softest -lined PVC. She was going to remove her collar but Leanne purred: β€œOh hell no, I want you to keep it on for me pet…” Purring to herself, she left the collar and sat back on the bed. as you see for her to suddenly put her stockings back on then to remove them again in Scene04 is a bit daft.... which is why they are not on the final draft but will be in the variant that will be on here.
claudijatzandrapova.tumblr.com… - Scene 02 which again has no stockings in the scene at all *purrs* so it will look very weird and out of sync adding them in hehehe.

I popped up a rhetorical question in saying: "Am I sweet to you or what?" it was said with a little tongue-in-cheek too *giggles*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-10 03:18:47 +0000 UTC]

Wow!She is very lovey and beautiful.I can tell she will be a super sweet heart to guys or girls.haha.Anyway I think you for the tumblr's and enjoy seeing the pretty kitty.To make thinks a little funny for the both of us.I had a thought of her and your vixen fighting over Jason.Or little kitty wants to take Jason away from her.*smiles then laughing to himself*Hahaha anyway of your question of do I think your sweet.I say yes you are!*gives you a big hug*You are very sweet my little vixen.A sweet heart is the word for you.*gives you a big smile*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-10 04:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Well considering Loulabelle is canonically a lesbian that is hardly to happen hehe. As for Luciana, a certain handsome horse named Sled Enslow might have a little objection to someone else trying to take his vixy from him hehe but in your world your stories: anything is possible. I do love fanfics so much *nods and purrs*. A fanfic (Fan Fiction) is any story written by someone other than the original writer but uses their world, characters etc. so if you were to do a comic or write a story in which Jason is the boyfriend of Loulabelle, it would be a fanfic I give you my blessing for, but the 'real' Loulabelle who appears in my 'A Trip Up The Nile' and in the Scenes you see drawn by me: is a lesbian and Leanne is her wolf girlfriend. Luciana has no mate but she does have a strong bond to Sled along with her other pets: Ithiaca, Agnetha and Laura. Just so you know *chortles*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-10 04:50:57 +0000 UTC]

Aww really?That sucks big time for Jason.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-10 05:31:43 +0000 UTC]

but that is the beauty of a fanfic: you can have free-reign with it. It would be your story of how Jason Donald met, fell in love with and dated Loulabelle LaCheralΓ©. Doesn't matter it's non-canon it would be a personal joy for you *smiles*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-10 05:43:58 +0000 UTC]

Oh ok.Because I was thinking of them meeting each other and begin their first date then tell each other of who they are.But like you said it's my story and I do it.Also thank you again for letting me use her.*smiles back*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-11 05:12:07 +0000 UTC]

I don't mind as long as you poke me a link to where I can read the story for myself that's all I'm asking and you pop this cute little line on the description and in the story itself around the end or title.... matters not where in the document you put it:-

Loulabelle LΓ‘CharalΓ©, name and description are Β© Claudija Tzandrapova, used with her permission

the description for here then would be identical but you can type :icon Claudija: together after the copyright so people can just come poke me to say what they think of my chara or might want to borrow her themselves hehe. When typed up correctly the whole thing including the :icon Claudija: will look like this -
Loulabelle LΓ‘CharalΓ©, name and description are Β©

and give people a direct link to your vixy *smiles and purrs*. Other than that what happens in the story is up to you entirely. Same with Luciana.

Luciana Sylvana Monteiro, character name and description are Β© Claudija Tzandrapova, used with her permission

The main reason to do it is to stop people giving you a hard time. Some places now insist you show them exactly where you got the permission, even a copy of emails and it's very unfair.... so me asking you to do that gets you out of trouble, stops them coming to me to say: did you know that acebird1234? He stole your Loulabelle/Luciana without permission.... then I have to tell x-amount of people that I didn't I gave you permission to get your butt out of trouble hehe. Save us both some work and headaches hehe

it is very important you make a wordpad/notepad/Microsoft Word.... whatever you use to type: copy of this reply from me before you respond hon so you have it safe and ready when you need it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-11 05:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Ok I'll sure to all that for you my friend.Also to make sure that I don't get my ass jumped by people who think I stole them from you.*sign*I was also thinking of trying to draw Luciana and Loulabelle for that way know which is which.Because last few days I had their names mixed up sorry.*bows to you for forgiveness*And I promise to do all this as well.I promise in a krazoan promise.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-12 03:20:41 +0000 UTC]

Awwww no harm done honey, even I forgot how I set up my own fox the other week and had to ask Lanora whether or not Luci had her ear tips to match her paws or not hehe. My own creation too that was more embarassing hehehe. You're welcome to draw them just pop on the right info and you're good to go, just to keep you safe sweety. Luciana Sylvana Monteiro = Reynards/Red Fox, Loulabelle LΓ‘CharadΓ© = black w/ white points (ear tips, paws and tail tip) domestic house kitty. Though don't tell her I said that, she thinks she's a panther with white paint hehehe.

Just send me a comment to let me know they're up so I can come on over and have a look: nothing makes me purr more than seeing my friends' works and getting to support them and give them love where they're so fast to give me theirs hehe

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-12 03:27:17 +0000 UTC]

Ok thank you for letting me draw them and I'll make sure to send you comment saying their up or of you watching me will do it.Haha*smiles*But one thing for sure is their going to be a challenge to create,but I'm up to it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-12 15:38:52 +0000 UTC]

I am just looking forward to seeing what you come up with *smiles at you*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-12 21:11:16 +0000 UTC]

Glad to hear that you'll enjoy my artwork.Just to let you know it's going to be in the future and with furries.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Claudija In reply to acebird1234 [2013-08-15 00:08:15 +0000 UTC]

As if I would have troubles with that hehehe, my gallery is at least 80% furry *chuckles*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

acebird1234 In reply to Claudija [2013-08-15 00:18:08 +0000 UTC]

Well most of my artwork is going to be furries and some random pictures.And anything else I'll think about in time.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

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